Showing posts with label official results. Show all posts
Showing posts with label official results. Show all posts

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Official Certified Results - Franklin, MA: Special Election Prop 2 1/2 Override results - June 11, 2024 "No by 236 votes"

The Official certified results were released on Wednesday, June 12 by Town Clerk Nancy Danello.

Town of Franklin Special Election Results - June 11, 2024

UnofficialOfficial Certified





Registered voters


Votes cast

Percent Voters

Vote margin


Official results by precinct ->

Official Certified Results - Franklin, MA: Special Election Prop 2 1/2 Override
Official Certified Results - Franklin, MA: Special Election Prop 2 1/2 Override

Thursday, November 9, 2023

Official Results for the Town of Franklin Biennial Election - Nov 7, 2023

The Town of Franklin Biennial Election Results for Tuesday, Nov 7, 2023 were certified by Town Clerk Nancy Danello and are now official.

A total of 3,126 voters cast ballots in this election, only 12% of the 24,474 registered Franklin voters.

Town of Franklin: OFFICIAL Biennial Election Results - Nov 7, 2023
Town of Franklin: OFFICIAL Biennial Election Results - Nov 7, 2023

Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Tri-County Election Results - School approved by 5364 to 3229 vote

The Tri-County election results are in via the local Franklin totals from our Town Clerk Nancy Danello, and for the overall results from Peter Wiernicki, one of the Franklin members of the Tri-County School Committee.

3 of the 11 communities voted against the new school but not by enough that the other 8 weren't able to cover.

Only 6.4% of the total registered voters across the 11 communities turned out. Franklin had the largest vote total but not the largest percent turnout.

Tri-County Election Results - School approved by 5364 to 3229 vote
Tri-County Election Results - School approved by 5364 to 3229 vote (updated)

The PDF version of this table is available for download

From the Franklin Town Clerk page via Tri-County

Tri-County Election Results - School approved by 5364 to 3229 vote
Tri-County Election Results - School approved by 5364 to 3229 vote

Thursday, November 17, 2022

State Election - Nov 8, 2022 - Franklin's "official" vote results

The final and official results for Franklin for the State Election held on and before Nov 8, 2022 can be found in the PDF file attached here. They were released by Town Clerk Nancy Danello.

The final total is 14,657 and increase of 196 votes over the "unofficial" tally released on Nov 8. 

The turnout percentage is 59% which is comparable to the general rule Franklin Matters has developed reviewing the election results since 2003. The general rule is
  • about 20% for local elections (odd numbered years for Town Council, etc.)
  • about 40% for money elections (school building and/or an override vote)
  • about 60% for State elections (like this one, the 'off cycle' to some)
  • about 80% for the Presidential elections (every 4 years)
Review the official results on the Town Clerk page ->

State Election - Nov 8, 2022 - Franklin's "official" vote results
State Election - Nov 8, 2022 - Franklin's "official" vote results

Monday, October 3, 2022

"We know our kids can"

"STUDENT ACHIEVEMENT REMAINS well below where it was in 2019, indicating a steep loss in learning during the pandemic that has yet to be made up, according to statewide MCAS results released Thursday. 

“Compared to pre-pandemic we still have a way to go across all subject levels to fully recover learning losses,” said state Education Commissioner Jeff Riley. 

The 2022 MCAS results reflect the standardized tests that were taken in the spring of 2022 in grades three through eight and grade 10. In every subject – math, English, and science – the percentage of students who scored as meeting or exceeding expectations fell between 2019, the last year of full, in-person education, and 2022.  

There were some hopeful signs, with both math and science scores rebounding slightly compared to 2021, indicating that some learning recovery has begun. However, there were also areas where scores have continued to drop, including in writing and elementary school English.  "
Continue reading the article online 

Or wait until November ? when Franklin School District has had time to get it's set of numbers and do some work with them to tell us the real story.

MCAS scores show major drop since 2019
MCAS scores show major drop since 2019

Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Town of Franklin: Official Results - MA State Primary - 09/06/22

Official results for the MA state primary held Tuesday, Sep 6, 2022 for the Town of Franklin have been certified by Town Clerk Nancy Danello.

The PDF of the Official results can be found online ->

Town of Franklin: Official Results - MA State Primary - 09/06/22
Town of Franklin: Official Results - MA State Primary - 09/06/22