Showing posts with label production plan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label production plan. Show all posts

Thursday, June 3, 2021

Recap - Municipal Affordable Housing Trust 06/02/21

Quick Recap:
  • Presentation by Planning Director Bryan Taberner provides an overview of the Housing Production Plan as drafted for review and comment
  • Some clarification questions were asked by the small audience. Who sets the affordable housing rate? The State does and each community uses the same calculation. What is calculated as affordable isn't really affordable for some.
  • Before the meeting closed an overview of process from this point was provided: more meetings/public hearings coming, the public comment period closes 6/25/21, then a redraft is made to incorporate the public comments. Another schedule of hearings by the Planning Board and Town Council before they approve the HPP and it is submitted to the State for approval

As with most meetings in this pandemic period, I took my notes via Twitter during the meeting reporting in real-time via the virtual session.
The Twitter hashtag can be found online  #hpp0602 

Agenda doc for this meeting -> 

Meeting recording to be available soon
  • Live reporting underway for the Municipal Housing Trust public hearing on the housing production plan #hpp0602
  • Copy of the plan can be found #hpp0602
  • Slides from presentation being shared by planning director Bryan Taberner #hpp0602
  • (I obtained a copy of the presentation so that is available - see link below - Several tweets shared 3 photos of the slides as Bryan moved through the updates. He read much of the content. When finished, there was more discussion and that is picked up in my notes)
  • Affordable rent currently in Franklin is about $1600-1800/month which in most cases is not really affordable. #hpp0602
  • How do we increase density? In some zoning districts multi family is via a special permit, or we could change the current zoning bylaws to allow for more than we have #hpp0602
  • Zoning changes take time but the process for housing adjustments starts now. There is a study of our overall zoning regs specifically looking at affordable and housing #hpp0602 the study will help outline some possible changes
  • At one point we were comfortably over the affordable percent. Every time we build a house and add it to the inventory our percent drops if it is not affordable. So if we add a development of x units with none affordable, it makes a bigger change. #hpp0602
  • #hpp0602 if a project comes on with a portion of affordable, the whole total, assuming the portion goes thru the state affordable process, can count in the inventory of affordable.
  • #hpp0602 there have been projects that were good for the Town that didn't work out. We really should go for a friendly 40b where we still get a say and the affordable units.
  • There are developers who are very anxious to work on affordable units, we (the Town) should have an appropriate set of an incentives available #hpp0602
  • Four developments and the senior housing account for 90% of our affordable units #hpp0602 attachment D in the plan as linked before contains the details of our current inventory
  • Some Q&A, overview of process from here, more meetings coming, public comment closes 6/25 and then a redraft is presented for approval by Planning Board and Town Council before submitting to state #hpp0602
  • Motion to adjourn, passes 3-0. Catch you next time. #hpp0602
Membership of the Municipal Affordable Housing Trust
  • Present: Chris Vericker (chair), Maxine Kinheart, Judy Pfeffer
  • Absent: Town Administrator Jamie Hellen, Mary Anne Bertone, Chris Feeley, Robert Keras

Planning Director Bryan Taberner
Planning Director Bryan Taberner

Link to presentation doc

Friday, May 28, 2021

Strategies for Affordable Housing Production ** 2021 Town of Franklin - Housing Production Plan - Public Review Draft **

Strategies for Affordable Housing Production
Section 3 of this Housing Production Plan (HPP) includes a substantial number of Implementation Strategies, which for the most part are ways to incentivize the creation of affordable housing. The Implementation Strategies section provides an explanation of the specific strategies the Town will achieve its housing production goals. In addition, Section 3 provides a description of Regulatory and Funding Incentives that can be used to stimulate affordable housing or other desired development projects.
Strategies include, but are not limited to the following:
  • Amendment of zoning regulations in order to increase the likelihood of creating Subsidized Housing Inventory (SHI) eligible housing developments
  • Use an incentivized Inclusive Zoning bylaw to attract SHI unit developments.
  • Utilize Workforce Housing Special Tax Assessments (WH-STA’s), multi-year property tax exemption, as incentive to create middle-income housing.
  • Perform an extensive assessment of the Town of Franklin Zoning Bylaw, Chapter 185 of Franklin Town Code. Specific attention will be shown to housing density, creating zoning related development incentives, assessing parking requirements, and other Zoning best practices.
  • Advance projects under the Local Initiative Program to create the type and level of affordable housing best for the community.
  • Consider creating a density bonus incentive program that allow more units of housing to be built than would be allowed under current zoning regulations, in exchange for a developer’s provision of affordable housing units or other public good.
  • Actively engage with developers to further incentivize SHI development.
Plan Implementation
The HPP’s implementation will require the commitment of a variety of organizations and individuals, including non-profit organizations, state agencies, resident volunteers, and Town departments, boards, commissions, and committees. Through the combined efforts of all parties mentioned above the Town will implement the goals outlined in Section over a five-year implementation period. Department of Planning and Community Development  (DPCD) will provide an update the HPP implementation on a biennial basis, or as requested by the Town Administrator.


Thursday, May 27, 2021

Affordable Housing Production Goals ** 2021 Town of Franklin - Housing Production Plan - Public Review Draft **

Affordable Housing Production Goals
The goals resulting from this Housing Production Plan (HPP) update process are basic goals intended to increase the number of Subsidized Housing Inventory (SHI) Eligible Housing units, but also to increase the number of affordable housing units available to the community’s families, individuals, persons with special needs, and the elderly.

Goal 1: Maintain Franklin’s Subsidized Housing Inventory above ten percent through 2030 and beyond.
Goal 2: Increase the number of housing units affordable to Franklin’s very low income, low income, and moderate income residents.
Goal 3: Increase the number of affordable housing units available to persons with special needs, and the elderly.
Goal 4: Support affordable housing appropriate for expected future demographics.
Goal 5: Provide housing alternatives that meet the needs of Franklin based employers and employees.
Goal 6: Adopt strategies that incentivize the production of affordable housing. 
Goal 7: Adopt zoning strategies that will advance affordable housing production.
Goal 8: Continue the funding and expansion of the Franklin Municipal Affordable Housing Trust for additional in-perpetuity affordable housing units.
Goal 9: Identify new funding sources and other resources for affordable housing production. 

Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Comprehensive Housing Needs Assessment ** 2021 Town of Franklin - Housing Production Plan - Public Review Draft **

Organization of Plan
This Housing Production Plan (HPP) provides a Comprehensive Housing Needs Assessment, a summary of Affordable Housing Goals, and a description of Implementation Strategies the Town will utilize to meet its goals.

This HPP contains the following major elements:
1.    Comprehensive Housing Needs Assessment
2.    Affordable Housing Goals
3.    Implementation Strategies
A short summary of each Element is below.

Comprehensive Housing Needs Assessment
The Comprehensive Housing Needs Assessment performed includes an analysis of most recent available housing and demographic data, development constraints and limitations, infrastructure capacity, and projection of future population and housing needs. The assessment was utilized to develop the Goals in Section 2, and the Strategies in Section 3. 
Below are a few important findings:
  • Franklin has experienced a 48% increase in population over the past 25 years
  • By 2030, residents over 65 years of age are expected to make up approximately 23.2% of Franklin’s population, compared to 8.2% in 2000.
  • Franklin is home to 11,941 households, up from 10,995 in 2010 (8.6% increase). Franklin’s average household size is 2.69, and its average family size is 3.22.
  • Franklin's median household income has increased 13.24% since 2015, and 37.25% since the 2010 Census.
  • Franklin's 2019 median household income of 122,607 is 50.96% higher than the State-wide average
  • The number of households making over $200,000 has more than tripled (218.5% increase) since compared to 13.2% of all Massachusetts households.
  • Nearly 39.3% of households in Franklin earn $150,000 or more, compared to 23.4% state-wide. The vast majority of Franklin’s housing stock (80.65%) is owner-occupied.
  • Approximately 1,295 housing units were constructed in the last 10-11 years, representing an 11.4% increase.
  • According to Zillow in January 2021 the median price of a single family home in Franklin was $549,000, compared to $531,000 state-wide, and $310,000 country-wide.
  • There were 3,167 single family homes on the market in Massachusetts at the end of February 2021, down 68.4% from the previous year.
  • The low inventory of homes for sale is not only in Massachusetts, but throughout the country. According to, during January 2021 there were 696,312 residential homes for sale in the United States, less than 50% from the previous year.
According to the Massachusetts Association of Realtors, February 2021 housing supply numbers represented the “lowest number of single-family homes and condominiums for sale since MAR began reporting the data in 2004”. Housing supply is very low, and housing prices are very high.
Find the full copy of the Housing Production Plan

Info on the public comment period

Plan Development and Public Participation
Plan Development and Public Participation

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Plan Development and Public Participation ** 2021 Town of Franklin - Housing Production Plan - Public Review Draft **

The Town’s residents and elected and appointed officials have firsthand knowledge of Town housing needs, problems and opportunities that need to be addressed; this collective knowledge is necessary to ensure all issues are addressed, and any recommendations related to affordable housing goals or strategies are feasible and will draw sufficient support to warrant a reasonable chance for implementation. Per DHCD’s Guidelines, a HPP should be developed “with opportunities for community residents to become informed of the planning process and the plan, and to provide input”. Therefore, input from Town officials and the general public is an essential feature of the process of preparing this Plan.

This HPP was not developed during a normal 6 to 12 month plan development / public participation process. Originally intending to complete an update to the HPP during 2018, the DPCD began work in March 2017, engaging with the Town Administrator’s office and the Municipal Affordable Housing Trust. At that time the Town was under 10% SHI and development of the Town’s HPP was focused on developing goals and strategies that would result in the community reaching the 10% Statutory Minimum.

In April 2017 the Department of Planning and Community Development held an informational session on developing the housing production plan. Several elected Boards, including the Town Council and Planning Board were present at the workshop. There were several discussions on controlled growth within the Town of Franklin. The workshop provided information on the existing affordable units in town and conversation was had on the housing needs of the Town as it compares to the existing affordable housing. As a result of input received, DPCD began a review of the existing zoning by-laws, and drafting of proposed zoning changes, including development of an inclusionary zoning bylaw.

After several months of work on the HPP update, the Town was informed it was over the 10% Statutory Minimum with the addition of the Glen Meadows apartment complex (288 housing units) to Franklin’s SHI. The Town’s SHI Inventory is included in this document as Attachment D. Given the Town of Franklin’s 40B affordable housing production requirements had changed significantly and was considered to be in compliance with Chapter 40B, DPCD’s priorities also changed and work on the Plan’s development was suspended until 2020. The proposed HPP update was no longer required, but it also would require a different focus if it were to be created.

Over the last few years the Town’s Administration and Department of Planning and Community Development (DPCD) have attended public meetings asking for input on specific housing related issues; this input has been critical in developing draft strategies related to affordable housing production. Public input on Franklin’s housing needs was obtained at several public meetings, including the following:

January 2018 Meeting, Municipal Affordable Housing Trust. DPCD attended meeting to accomplish the following: provide a Housing Production Assessment presentation, to update MAHT on the substantial increase in housing production during recent years; discuss the Town’s SHI and how it related to recent housing production; discuss the HPP update, and present three proposed general HPP goals; and request input on proposed HPP goals. Given that the Town was over 10% SHI, the main Goal of the proposed HPP would be to keep Town over 10%. Additional issues were discussed including the need for workforce housing and potential zoning changes.

October 22, 2019, Economic Development Visioning Event held by MAPC and DPCD. Input received from event and three additional workshops was used to develop a Market Analysis and Market Position Summary for Downtown Franklin and two of Franklin’s other older commercial districts. During the event Franklin residents provided a substantial amount of input on Franklin’s economic development issues, including the need for workforce housing. In addition to the community engagement portion of the economic development project, MAPC performed a residential analysis of the study area.

January 13, 2020 Meeting, Municipal Affordable Housing Trust. DPCD presented a summary of recent work on the HPP update, and requested the MAHT hold a public meeting and invite the public to discuss affordable housing needs, and to provide input on draft goals and strategies.

April 27, 2020 Meeting, Franklin Town Council Economic Development Committee. DPCD provided a presentation that included a proposed Inclusionary Zoning Bylaw, and a summary on the HPP update. Input was provided by EDC members and others in attendance on both issues.

June 10, 2020 Meeting, Franklin Town Council Economic Development Committee. Meeting focused on a follow-up on the Inclusionary Zoning Bylaw proposal and similar issues, including use of incentives to increase number of units on Franklin’s SHI; possible housing TIF (tax increment financing) agreements to create middle (moderate) income type developments; consider 40R smart growth zoning districts; change Zoning Bylaw’s housing density allowed in certain districts and allow some multifamily housing by right; and use a mix of mandatory and incentive based Inclusionary zoning approaches. Input on these and other issues was requested.

December 14, 2020 Meeting, Municipal Affordable Housing Trust. DPCD attended meeting to discuss the following: provide update on HPP development; request input on draft goals and strategies; and ask for MAHT participation in upcoming EDC meeting.

January 13, 2021 Meeting, Franklin Town Council Economic Development Committee. DPCD provided a presentation on the following: Housing Development Update (Town added 1,283 over 10 years); and draft HPP goals and potential strategies that would result in increase of SHI housing units. The DPCD Housing Development Update is included in this document as Attachment E. DPCD requested EDC members and others in attendance provide DPCD with input on housing development and affordable housing issues to be included in HPP update.

March 15, 2021 Meeting (remote), Town Administration and DPCD, and Old Colony Habitat for Humanity. Meeting with Old Colony Habitat for Humanity’s new CEO about working together to create affordable housing units within Franklin.

The input from the above sources has been used to produce this “public draft“ HPP, which has been distributed to Franklin’s Town Council, Planning Board, Franklin Public Library, Housing Authority, Municipal Affordable Housing Trust, Community Preservation Committee, Franklin Commission on Persons with Disabilities, and Council on Aging. Notification of the Draft HPP has also been sent to a variety of organizations including MAPC, Metacomet Land Trust, Franklin Downtown Partnership, and Old Colony Habitat for Humanity.

Hard copies of the public draft HPP are available at the Department of Planning and Community Development’s (DPCD) office during normal business hours. Given the current pandemic individuals wishing to review the Draft HPP should contact the DPCD at or 508-520- 4907 to arrange an appointment.

The Town will accept input on the Draft HPP, and housing issues in general, from anyone interested in providing comments during a formal Public Comment Period which begins on May 12, 2021 and ends on June 4, 2021. Input will be received over the Town website, by email or letter. In addition, the Town will hold a Public Hearing to present the highlights of the Draft HPP, and provide time for residents to ask questions and provide input.

Feedback from the general public and Town officials is a critical component of this planning process. The Town will develop a complete list of all comments received during the Public Comment Period. Once the public comment period is over, all input received will be considered and a Final HPP will be developed.

Once the HPP is updated to its final form, the document will be presented to the Planning Board and Town Council for review, consideration and formal adoption. Once formally adopted by both elected bodies, the HPP will be submitted to the DHCD for approval.


Find the full copy of the Housing Production Plan

Info on the public comment period

Plan Development and Public Participation
Plan Development and Public Participation

Monday, May 24, 2021

Executive Summary: ** 2021 Town of Franklin Housing Production Plan (HPP) ***

The Town of Franklin Housing Production Plan (HPP) is a proactive strategy for meeting the housing needs of the community, and in particular, for planning and enhancing its affordable housing inventory. This document, an update to Franklin’s first HPP that was approved by Town Council in 2011, has been designed to expand upon the concepts outlined in the previous 2011 HPP, serve as an update with more recent data, and explore incentives and other options to increase Franklin’s affordable housing supply.

Since 2011 the Town has made good progress implementing its affordable housing goals and increasing the number of SHI Eligible Housing units. In 2019, the Town surpassed the State-mandated target of 10% affordable housing of its total year-round housing units under M.G.L. Chapter 40B. This Housing Production Plan (HPP) is intended to direct housing development and preservation in such a way that the Town will remain above 10%, and therefore be in control of its 40B destiny. In addition the strategies included in the updated HPP provide the Town’s residents with options not previously not pursued.

Previous Affordable Housing Planning. The Town has made affordable housing planning a priority for much of the last twenty-five years. The Town of Franklin’s 1997 Master Plan prioritized creating affordable housing for the community’s senior population, which is summarized in Goal 1 of the Housing Element: “Ensure that housing opportunities for the elderly are sufficient in number and type to meet the projected growth in their population”.
In 2004, the Housing Element of Franklin’s Community Development Plan, “Affordable Housing, Strategy and Development Action Plan” identified several goals the Town still needs to address, including: Increase housing opportunities for low, moderate, and middle income households; Ensure the Town meets the 40B goal for subsidized housing; Increase housing opportunities for seniors; and Encourage development of multifamily housing.

In 2011 the Affordable Housing Strategy and Development Action Plan, Franklin’s first Housing Production Plan was approved by DHCD. The Plan had several similar goals to those mentioned above including Encourage development of multifamily housing; Increase housing opportunities for seniors and the elderly, but focused much effort on utilizing zoning to create greater housing density, use Zoning “By Right” as a tool, and Amend the zoning by-laws to allow Assisted living and other elderly housing facilities. The biggest priority of the 2011 HPP was creation of a Municipal Affordable Housing Trust. A summary of the Plan’s Housing Implementation Strategy is included in this document as Attachment B.

The most recent housing related planning was during creation of Franklin’s 2013 Master Plan. Substantial public input was gathered and Master Plan Committee developed housing goals that reflected the needs of the community. Housing related Goals, Objectives and proposed actions from the Master Plan’s Implementation Element are included in Attachment C of this document. 

The most relevant housing goals for the purposes of this HPP are as follows:
  • Goal 1: Provide the appropriate mix of housing alternatives that meet the needs of Franklin based employment
  • Goal 2: Support development of affordable housing opportunities for low, moderate and middle- income households.
  • Goal 4: Encourage, rezone as required, and support housing appropriate for expected future demographics.
The above goals have influenced the development of the HPP’s goals detailed in Section 2.

Find the full copy of the Housing Production Plan

Info on the public comment period

Executive Summary: **2021 Town of Franklin - Housing Production Plan - Public Review Draft**
Executive Summary: **2021 Town of Franklin - Housing Production Plan - Public Review Draft**

Sunday, May 23, 2021

The Introduction to the **2021 Town of Franklin - Housing Production Plan - Public Review Draft**

"A Housing Production Plan (HPP) is a community's proactive strategy for planning and developing affordable housing. The Plan includes strategies that a community uses to enable it to meet its affordable housing needs in a manner consistent with MGL Chapter 40B and related Massachusetts Department of Housing & Community Development (DHCD) regulations.

HPP regulations became effective in 2008 when the DHCD promulgated 760 CMR 56.00, Comprehensive Permit; Low or Moderate Income Housing. Regulation that pertain specifically to the development of a Housing Production Plan is contained in 760 CMR 56.03(4). DHCD has developed Guidelines (updated October 2020) to assist Massachusetts communities with HPP development; the Guidelines are included as Attachment A. Additional HPP related information, including links to Chapter 40B and 760 CMR 56, are available at

M.G.L. Chapter 40B requires that each Massachusetts town and city have a minimum of 10% of its total year-round housing units as affordable housing. The HPP’s most important purpose is to develop goals and strategies that will result in the community reaching the 10% Statutory Minimum set forth in 760 CMR 56.03(3)(a).

DHCD uses the Subsidized Housing Inventory (SHI) to measure a community's stock of low-or moderate- income housing for the purposes of M.G.L. Chapter 40B. A community’s HPP must contain a numerical goal for annual housing production that will increase the “number of SHI Eligible Housing units by at least 0.50% of its total units (as determined in accordance with 760 CMR 56.03(3)(a)) during every calendar year included in the HPP, until the overall percentage exceeds the Statutory Minimum”.

If a community has a DHCD approved HPP and is granted certification of compliance with the plan by DHCD, a decision by the Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA) relative to a comprehensive permit application will be deemed "consistent with local needs" under MGL Chapter 40B. "Consistent with local needs" means the ZBA's decision will be upheld by the State’s Housing Appeals Committee.

According to the DHCD web page, as of December 21, 2020, 11.96% of the Town of Franklin’s total year- round housing units are on the Chapter 40B Subsidized Housing Inventory. Therefore, the Town of Franklin is in compliance with Chapter 40 B, and is not immediately under pressure to increase the number of affordable units on its SHI.

However, the Town of Franklin’s total year-round housing units are based on the 2010 U.S. Census, and hundreds of housing units have been permitted and constructed over the last 11 years. According to Town estimates, the Town of Franklin will likely still have over 10% affordable units on its SHI, but the percent will likely be much lower than the 12% mentioned above. Once the Town receives its 2020 Census data this HPP will be updated and if necessary the updated plan will be resubmitted to DHCD for review and re-approval.

Implementing the goals and strategies outlined in this HPP will assure the Town of Franklin maintains at least 10% affordable units on its SHI, but it will also help to make progress in facilitating the development of a diverse housing supply for Franklin’s low and moderate income residents. In addition, the research, documentation and strategies developed during the HPP process will be utilized in the near future during the Town of Franklin’s Master Plan update process."

Find the full copy of the Housing Production Plan

Info on the public comment period

The Introduction to the **2021 Town of Franklin - Housing Production Plan - Public Review Draft**
The Introduction to the **2021 Town of Franklin - Housing Production Plan - Public Review Draft**

Saturday, May 22, 2021

Public Hearing - 2021 Draft Housing Production Plan - June 2

Public Hearing - 2021 Draft Housing Production Plan

The Franklin Municipal Affordable Housing Trust will hold a Public Hearing on Wednesday, June 2 at 6:30 PM via the ” Zoom” platform to present the highlights of the Town’s 2021 Draft Housing Production Plan. Residents can visit the Town Website ( and click on the Town Calendar for up to
date information on how to access the meeting. Residents can access the document at the Department of Planning and Community Development’s web site:
Feedback from the general public is a critical component of the planning process. Written comments should be forwarded to the Department of Planning & Community Development, Housing Development Plan Comments, 355 East Central Street, Franklin, MA 02038-1352, or send by email to
The Public Comment period runs until 6/25/2021. If you have any questions,
please call 508-520-4907.
Submitted by,
Maxine Kinhart
Department of Housing & Community Development

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Public Hearing - 2021 Draft Housing Production Plan - June 2
Public Hearing - 2021 Draft Housing Production Plan - June 2

Thursday, May 20, 2021

2021 Draft Housing Production Plan open for Public Comment through June 25, 2021

Town of Franklin, MA (@TOFranklinMA) tweeted on Wed, May 19, 2021:
The 2021 Draft Housing Production Plan is available on our website. The Town will accept input on the Draft Housing Production Plan during the Public Comment Period that runs from May 12 through June 25, 2021. 
Find information posted on our website

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2021 Draft Housing Production Plan open for Public Comment through June 25, 2021
2021 Draft Housing Production Plan open for Public Comment through June 25, 2021