Showing posts with label questions. Show all posts
Showing posts with label questions. Show all posts

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Poll question results


Yes - 33
No - 22
Total - 55

Franklin, MA

Friday, June 25, 2010


Farmers Market - today - noon to 6:00 PM on the Town Common

Office Hours - come sit and talk Franklin matters with me on the Town Common - 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM

Poll question - What does the survey say? (see the center column) - stays open until midnight tonight!

Franklin, MA

Friday, June 18, 2010

What if? - poll fixed

Update: Google was having a problem with the poll question. It was resolved on 6/17/10. The question is now available and open until midnight on June 25th.

Based upon the discussion around the article in the Milford Daily News on Tuesday 6/15/10, a new poll question has been added to the center column.

The question asks if the override question had been phrased differently would the results have been different. In particular the question is:

If the override was split into 2 separate questions, would you have approved the school override? Q1 - $2.1 million for schools   Q2 - $900K for roads/the town

The article and full comment stream can be found here:

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Frequently asked questions: the full listing

Frequently Asked Questions: (each line is a link to the question and answer)

If there is another question you would like answered, please ask.

Franklin, MA

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Survey says

This entry will keep track of the final results on the Franklin Matters poll questions.

Question: Should the Treasurer/Collector position be changed from elected to appointed?
Yes - 9
No - 6
The question opened on August 4 and closed on August 18. The question will be on the November 2013 ballot for Franklin voters to really decide.

Question: "Would you be in favor of further amending the Franklin Home Rule Charter to provide for the election of a mayor to govern the city known as the town of Franklin?"
Yes - 17
No - 27
The question opened on Jun 20 and closed on June 30th. It will be a non-binding question on the November 2013 ballot.

Question: "Should the Wadsworth Diary continue to be shared daily for February?"
Yes - 13
No - 10
The question was introduced and then closed on Jan 31, 2012

Question: "Do you think the school committee earns an 'almost very high' level of engagement with the Franklin community on school issues?"
Yes - 12
No - 13
The question was introduced and then closed on Nov 29, 2010.

Question: "Would you pay approx. $70 to put the utilities underground?
Yes - 22
No - 44
The survey was introduced in this link and closed on Aug 28, 2010.

Overall - is the curbside trash/recycle process better than before?
Yes - 69
No - 17
The poll question closed at midnight August 14, 2010.

If the override was split into 2 separate questions, would you have approved the school override? Q1 - $2.1 million for schools Q2 - $900K for roads/the town
Yes - 33
No -  22
This question comes out of the post-override discussion referenced here. The poll closed at midnight on June 25, 2010.

Do you think the new trash/recycle process will be a good thing for Franklin?
Yes - 8
No - 11
This question comes out of the decision to lower the annual curbside fee and implement the new process in July 2010. The summary of the changes can be found in here: FM #58 - Week ending 2/21/10

Should the Town consider saving money by plowing the streets less well than they currently do?
Yes - 5
No - 14
This question grew out of the discussion at the Town Council meeting on 1/6/10 concerning the sidewalk snow removal plans. The poll will close 1/15/10 at midnight.

Do you find that the Franklin School District (across the School Committee, Administration, and individual school web pages) provides the information you need in a way that is easy to find?
Yes - 3
No - 12

Will you get the H1N1 vaccine when it is available?
Yes - 2
No - 10

Should Franklin remain with a single tax rate?
Yes -11
No -5
The article that explains the background for this question can be found here

Who is in the best position to control bullying?
Parents - 7
Schools - 3
The article that drove this question can be found here

Should your school measure Body Mass Index (BMI) to report to you and your physician?
Yes - 5
No - 12
The article that drove the question can be found here
The issue came out of the School Committee meeting on 10/27/09

If you have a suggestion for a simple question poll, feel free to send it to me.