Sunday, July 31, 2011

PanMass Challenge: Franklin riders

To help with the fund raising efforts of the Franklin riders for the PanMass Challenge, here are the links to their individual fund raising pages (in alphabet order by last name):

Tim Brightman

Peter Lounsbury -

Paul Metcalf

Martin Middelmann

Jeff Nutting

Ethan Pearl

Michele Pearl 

Jeff Roy

If there are other Franklin riders, please let me know and I'll add them here.

PanMass Challenge rides through Franklin Saturday

The Remington Jefferson School complex will be busy Saturday morning. The site is a rest stop on the course for the PanMass Challenge. Hundreds of bike riders will roll through, take a quick break, some refreshments, pose for pictures with friends and family and ride on!

Slide show of photos from 2009:

The site lays out the purpose of the PMC in plain words - "When cyclists register for the PMC, they are signing up for a fundraising mission first and a bike ride second. ... Raising money for cancer research and treatment at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute is the core of the PMC mission." 
"We're remaining true to the mission," said Starr. 
Riders settle into their own methods of raising money. Most send out letters each year, via email and the Postal Service, but their recipients vary from 50 people who give much, to 200 people who give what they can. Some letters are personalized, some are identical form letters. Some have heart-wrenching stories, while others simply remind loyal followers that it's the time of year to give again. 
To donate to any of the riders or teams in the PMC, check and plug a name or team into the search bar.

Read more:

To help search for Franklin riders, I have a page set up with the links to their individual fund raising pages.

If there are other Franklin riders, please let me know

"The drug containers work like a mailbox"

Medway and 12 other Norfolk County towns are using the drug containers after Morrissey wrote the county police chiefs in May and asked them to participate in the program. 
Franklin and Wrentham also have the boxes, and about 300,000 people will have access to the containers across the county, Morrissey said. 
Franklin Police Chief Stephen Williams said a container has been at the station for about a month. 
"I think prescription drug abuse is endemic almost everywhere," Williams said. "We're seeing many of our young people become involved in it, and where are they getting the drugs from? From their mom and dad's prescriptions and friends."

Read more:

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Stepping up to fill in the gap

Look closely. Franklin ball field, A sign clearly stating that the backstop was donated by the fence company to the Franklin Girls Softball Assoc. The property is owned and maintained by Franklin but as the budget shrinks from year to year, organizations and companies are stepping up to fill in the gaps. This is happening all over town. It is the little things like this that make Franklin a good place to live.

Thank you Mr Fence and Franklin Girls Softball Assoc

Other recent examples:

1 - Eagle Scout project

2 - Downtown Partnership

Are there other examples, you can share?

Friday, July 29, 2011

Franklin/Dean Station looks better now!

Local Eagle Scouts from Franklin organized a beautification project with the help of the Massachusetts Bay Commuter Railroad Company for the Franklin/Dean College commuter rail station. Scouts and MBCR staff planted shrubs and flowers as part of the project. 
MBCR operates the commuter rail system under a contract with the MBTA.

Thanks to the Eagle Scouts!

Photo 1 (L-R): Molly Dickenson, Samantha Conway, Patrick Cunniff, Cathy Tomaso, Grant Conway, Cameron Cawley, Mike Miga and Chris Gerber – all of Franklin.

Photo 2 (L-R): Molly Dickenson, Grant Conway, Cathy Tomaso, and Samantha Conway

Farmers Market Open Today !

Franklin Farmers Market,  Friday,  12:00pm to 6:00pm

Located on the Town Common

Franklin: Farmers Market

Reminder that the Farmers' Market now accepts SNAP dollars and can double your purchasing power.

Visit the Food Pantry tent at the Farmers' Market for details.

In the News - Milford Trail, tornado cleanup

For those who like to ride their bikes

Milford trail work almost done

Volunteers needed for tornado cleanup this weekend