Friday, January 24, 2014

"There’s the understanding that change is scary"

The Benjamin Franklin Classical Charter Public School, among the oldest charter institutions in Massachusetts, has sought approval from the state to double its enrollment and expand its district to include other towns. 
The school, which opened in 1995 in a Main Street building leased from the Archdiocese of Boston, has applied for two major charter amendments that would allow it to add 450 students over the next 10 years, increasing its enrollment to 900, and extend the district beyond the boarders of Franklin to include 13 other communities. 
If the state Department of Elementary and Secondary Education approves the school’s requests, prospective students from Bellingham, Blackstone, Holliston, Hopedale, Medway, Mendon, Millis, Norfolk, Plainville, Walpole and Wrentham would be on equal footing with those from Franklin in terms of their chances for gaining a seat at BFCCPS.

See more at:

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Standard & Poor's gives Franklin the best grade yet!

As initially reported during the Town Council meeting on Wednesday evening, Standard and Poor's Rating Services has given the Town of Franklin the highest rating yet: AA+

In summary they wrote:
The stable outlook reflects what we view as the town's very strong liquidity position and strong budgetary flexibility. In addition, we believe Franklin's very strong economy and access to the Boston Metrolpoitan Statistical Area (MSA) ledns stability to the town's tax base. Consequently, we do not expect to change the rating with the outlook's two-year time frame. While unlikely, if management is unable to maintain structural balance resulting in what we view as weak budgetary performance and flexibility, we could lower the rating.

Congratulations, Franklin!

Additional details from the live reporting at the Town Council meeting on Wednesday can be found here:

Franklin Municipal Building
Franklin Municipal Building

cows on parade, now ladybugs!

The cows went on parade in Chicago in 1999.  The cow parade came to Boston in 2006.

The MBTA Map Cow
The MBTA Map Cow
The cows have been on parade in many major cities around the world. For other photos, you can visit the website here  and here

And now ladybugs will come to Franklin!

Do you know the story of the ladybug? if not then you should read this

Note: Franklin's ladybugs will be about 2 foot in size, not as large as the cows shown on parade in Boston

Senior Center: Conversations about Dementia - Feb 4

The Senior Center is holding a "Conversations about Dementia" on Tuesday, Feb 4th

conversations on dementia
conversations on dementia

You need to call the Senior Center to register: 508-520-4945

For more information about the Senior Center and the programs they offer, visit they page on the official Franklin website

In the News: bond rating

Standard & Poor's has upgraded the town’s long-term bond rating to AA+ from AA, citing its strong local economy and adept budgeting. 
Town Administrator Jeffrey Nutting announced the new rating — the highest Franklin has ever received — on Wednesday night at a Town Council meeting.
See more at:

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Live reporting - Legislation, Closing


1. Resolution 14-05: Appropriation: Fire Detail Account
tabled until April 1, approved 9-0

2. Zoning Bylaw Amendment 13-726: Amendment to §185, Attachment 9. Schedule of Lot, Area, Frontage, Yard, and Height Requirements – 2nd Reading- Requires 2/3 Vote
Mercer and Bissanti recused themselves

motion to approve, seconded, 7-0 (via roll call)
a correction to the original bylaw

3. Zoning Bylaw Amendment 14-728: Changes to §185-5 Zoning Map- Referral to Planning Board
motion to table until after the workshop, until first week of April
approved 9-0

thanks to DPW for the work on the snow storm, job well done

received notification on bond rating increase, good news, highest level ever

zoning workshop next Wednesday, open to all, 7:00 PM, 3rd Fl Training Room

several stabilization accounts, recap from FinCom meeting totals
these accounts and overall fiscal prudence have helped to get the rating increase

Financially we are good shape, yes because we have made the difficult decisions, you still have reserves

Vallee - I am impressed with the way you are doing things, good job

Kelly - what is snow budget?
Nutting - we were at 485K and we'll now later this week what this one did

training session for all town officials?
Nutting to send draft agenda
Cerel going to Planning Board for how to properly hold a public hearing, Feb 10th

Jones - What about the Remington Jefferson issue?
I'll have an update next week

Bissanti - do we have a bylaw on blight properties
Nutting - we have a vacant property bylaw in the town code

Feldman - local aid numbers?
Nutting - The governors budget was just released, it was within the ballpark expected (about 18K off)
what will the legislature do with the totals? Not sure. We'll go with the governors total for now

Padula - good show of support from the community for the Monroe family
great news on the bond rating, that is why you get the big bucks
great follow up today with the notice and reminder on the trash pickups

Kelly - great work on the bond rating

Jones - echo Councilor Padula's comments on the Lexi and Sean wake/funeral

Bissanti - I reserved the first three foot ladybug, I know where I am going to put it
I see the roads deteriorating, that is something we are going to have to face

Nutting - I want to thank Jennifer for organizing the candle light vigil

Collective Bargaining – Fire Union
motion to go into executive session, passed 9-0 (via roll call)

Live reporting - Housing


• Municipal Affordable Housing Trust, Christopher Vericker
info on new project starting to buy and sell housing for affordable buyers

mini team together, something formal being prepared
alert the realtors of this option
the Town would be a cash buyer to help sellers

Nutting - funding source for affordable housing Trust, from two developers who didn't want to develop affordable housing as part of their plan
payments from one of them still coming
formula set by Government based upon members of the household and income
it should be cheaper than otherwise

Bissanti - revitalization?
Nutting - we would prefer not to get into that aspect because then it becomes a construction project

Padula - deed restrictions forever?
Cerel - yes, as long as you apply with the process when it is set up