Saturday, November 18, 2017

Due to the heavy rain predicted for Sunday... holiday decorations delayed to noon

  Eileen Mason posted in All about Franklin Mass .       Eileen Mason November 18 at 7:19pm   Due to the heavy rain predicted for Sunday morning, we are delaying the decorating to start at 12Noon instead of 9AM. Please pass the word around tonight!!   Like Comment    
Eileen Mason posted in All about Franklin Mass.
Eileen Mason
November 18 at 7:19pm
Due to the heavy rain predicted for Sunday morning, we are delaying the decorating to start at 12Noon instead of 9AM. Please pass the word around tonight!!

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holiday decorations delayed to noon on Sunday
holiday decorations delayed to noon on Sunday

Franklin Food Elves Launch Holiday Drive - “12 Days of Donating” Campaign Celebrates 12th Year

This year the Franklin Food Elves “12 Days of Donating” Campaign marks 12 years of helping neighbors in need during the holiday season. The Elves are putting a new twist on this popular giving tradition with a shift in their collections for the Pantry.

The Elves are changing it up to be a fund only drive. With dozens of food and fund drives underway, the Pantry is out of space to store the inventory. Monetary donations that are collected will be used to buy chicken, beef and other meats, dairy products, eggs, fresh vegetables and fruits.

According to Erin Lynch, the Pantry’s Executive Director, “Our community becomes very involved this time of year in collecting food for the Pantry. We are grateful for the incredible amount of food we receive. But, after the holidays, when end-of-year giving subsides and food drives are infrequent, monetary donations will help us through the lean months that follow.”

“In addition, monetary gifts allow us to buy what we need when we need it. They give us the flexibility we need to provide for the more than 1,000 individuals who count on us. We are also able to purchase food through the Greater Boston Food Bank for much less money than people pay in the grocery store.”

Later this month, the Food Elves will notify their neighbors about how they can support the Pantry. As in the past, they will distribute flyers in their neighborhoods about the Food Elves Drive. Neighbors can make donations in two ways: through a check donation that the elves will pick up personally; or through each Elf's own personal campaign page on CrowdRise. 

CrowdRise is the world’s largest and fastest-growing fundraising platform dedicated exclusively to charitable giving. It is used by millions of individuals to raise money for their favorite charities and causes. Each Elf will be able to keep track of how much each personally raises.

There are more than 130 elementary, middle and high school students involved in the Food Elves. Any student interested in becoming a Food Elf should contact

About the Franklin Food Pantry

The Franklin Food Pantry offers supplemental food assistance and household necessities once a month to more than 1,000 individuals, including nearly 300 children. Clients have access to bread and fresh produce daily during Pantry hours. 
As a nonprofit organization, the Pantry depends entirely on donations, and receives no town or state funding. Other programs include a Mobile Pantry, Cooking Matters classes, a Healthy Futures Market, emergency food bags and holiday meal packages. 
The Pantry is located at 43 W. Central St. in Franklin on Route 140 across from the Franklin Fire Station. Visit for more information.

Julia Buccella and Natalie Dextradeur are the Co-Lead Food Elves for the 2017 Campaign (Photo courtesy of Patti Dextradeur.)
Julia Buccella and Natalie Dextradeur are the Co-Lead Food Elves for the
2017 Campaign (Photo courtesy of Patti Dextradeur.)

Library Building Committee looking for the Dennis Foley family

There is a plaque at the library dedicated to a DENNIS FOLEY. The credenza where the plaque is currently placed is no longer to be used. 

The Library Building Committee is trying to reach members of the Foley family - Dennis was married to Paula and they have both passed away.

The Committee would like to place the plaque on another piece of furniture or, if family desires, they will give the plaque to a family member.

If you have information or are a member of the family please leave a comment here or contact Judith Pfeffer at

Library Building Committee looking for members of the Dennis Foley family
Library Building Committee looking for members of the Dennis Foley family

Live reporting: Library Building Committee - Nov 14, 2017

Live reporting by Alan Earls for Franklin Matters: Library Building Committee Meeting – Nov. 14, 2017

Committee Members Present: Chair Judith Pfeffer, Sandra Brandfonbrener, Christopher Feeley,Matthew Kelly, Felicia Oti, Nancy Rappa, Jim Roche, Joseph Mullen.

Also in attendance: Michael D’Angelo, Director of Franklin Public Facilities; Shane Nolan, Daedalus Projects Incorporated; Mike Flaherty, Daedalus Projects Incorporated; Brian Valentine, LLB Architects; Judith Lizardi, Recording Secretary, Eamon McCarthy Earls, councilor-elect

Committee Members Absent: Monique Doyle, Thomas Mercer

OVERVIEW: The committee has been meeting monthly before and during the library renovation project and is now focusing on ensuring that final contractual obligations are met and that all necessary elements in the library are functioning properly.

The meeting was called to order by the chair at 5:07 pm. After approving the minutes, the chair asked for an update from Brian Valentine of LLB Architects. He indicated that effort was still being put into finishing items on the ‘punch’ list and trying to finalize a certification of substantial completion. Open items include a desk needing rework and weatherstripping as well as portions of the HVAC system.

Pfeffer noted that the external lawn sprinkler system was completed recently and will be important for maintaining new plantings.

Joe Mullen from Friends of the Library provided a progress report on the sale of memorial or commemorative bricks. To date, 590 have been sold; most have been installed and more will be installed in the spring. At present, according to Mullen, the group is working to prepare Christmas season order forms, which will be promoted around town. Bricks are sold for $50 each.

Mullen also mentioned that the Friends group is teaming up with local veterans who plan to create a commemorative walkway on the common in 2018. By working together, they were able to purchase a pallet of 500 bricks at a more affordable price.

After the completion of Mullen’s presentation, Pfeffer then discussed the status of the credenza currently in the main hall of the library. This large, custom-made piece of furniture served as the library’s reference desk after the 1989 updates and addition. Pfeffer noted that it is marked with a plaque dedicated to Dennis Foley. She indicated that there is really no place for it in the current library and facilities director Michael D’Angelo stated that the credenza is made primarily of particle board and probably needs to be discarded. 

Pfeffer agreed and said she had been unable to reach any members of the Foley family to explain the situation. Councilor Matt Kelly stressed the importance of trying to reach them to express the town’s appreciation for their generosity. Pfeffer said the plaque would be retained and placed elsewhere and expressed the hope that a mention in Franklin Matters might lead to a reconnection with the Foley family.

The “key” presentation of the afternoon came from Shane Nolan, from Daedalus. He provided a “walk through” of a monthly review report. Among the key points:

  • Work on roof and eaves should be complete in about two weeks
  • Conference room millwork was just completed
  • Some door lock and hardware issues remain
  • Carpeting was completed in time for opening and final balancing of the HVAC is underway.[D’Angelo mentioned that chillers have just been winterized]
  • In the near future training for library staff and town facilities people on various new systems will be conducted.
  • End caps have been selected for children’s room shelving [Pfeffer said they are expected in about two weeks]
  • Wood trim on archive room should be in place in a few weeks
  • Reference desk and children’s staff desk to be refabricated soon

Nolan mentioned that the committee had made a decision earlier in the year to “not rush” the contractors so actual completion was 123 days behind the contracted date. At present nine change orders with a value of more than $32,000 are under review with two other potential changes being tracked.

The original contract value was $6,372,213 and 17 change orders to date added $1,310,305 to that for a current contract value of $7,682,517. This figure is below the $10.5 million approved by the Town Council in 2015.

Nolan indicated “close out” of the project would take 60-90 days. Pfeffer and others on the committee sought assurances that any remaining issues would be handled within that time or addressed subsequently.

The Committee also voted unanimously to approve an additional $30,000 for LLB architects to partially cover their additional costs for working during the additional time period required by the project.

The committee also voted unanimously to approve payment number 19, for DW Construction in the amount of $265,081.07.

Later in the meeting the use of library facilities was discussed and questions about current town policies strictly limiting sales on town properties were mentioned as a potential impediment to attracting library speakers or working with art and garden groups in town. 

Councilor Kelly said he hoped to address that policy and work toward an update, perhaps as soon as the first meeting of the Town Council on Wednesday, Nov. 15.

The meeting was adjourned at 5:42 pm. The next meeting is scheduled for December 5, 2017, at 5:00 PM at the library. Weekly construction meetings are also held Fridays at 9:00 AM at t Library

view of the main room from an overlook on the 4th floor
view of the main room from an overlook on the 4th floor

"It’s a wonderful local night out.”

From the Milford Daily News, articles of interest for Franklin:

"This year’s Franklin Holiday Stroll is set to be the biggest yet, with dozens of businesses to visit and spread that holiday cheer that’s been pent up all year. 
The ninth annual Holiday Stroll starts on Dec. 7 at 4 p.m. with carolers and hot chocolate on the Dean College campus, before the tree lighting at 4:30, as the sun sets. 
Until 7 p.m., more than 30 participating businesses will have their doors open for tempting treats, special offers and holiday-themed entertainment. A complete list of each business’s activity or offering will be available at the tree lighting ceremony and at participating locations. 
“We’re hearty New Englanders so we’ll put on our hats and coats and stroll through town, visiting our downtown stores and shopping at the outdoor booths,” said Holiday Stroll co-chairman, Roberta Trahan."

Continue reading the article online (subscription may be required)

Franklin Holiday Stroll to be Thursday, Dec. 7
Franklin Holiday Stroll to be Thursday, Dec. 7

"The question is where would the money come from?"

From the Milford Daily News, articles of interest for Franklin:

"When it comes to funding for school building projects in Massachusetts, supply can’t keep up with demand. 
“My saddest day of the year is when I say these are the 15-20 projects we can do, and the funding isn’t there for the others,” said Jack McCarthy, executive director of the Massachusetts School Building Authority. 
Created by the Legislature in 2004, the MSBA oversees state funding for capital improvement projects and construction at public schools across the Commonwealth. It provides partial reimbursements to the school districts based on the project type and a series of economic indicators. Each year, it gets more than 80 applications from school districts, but has to turn away more than three-quarters of them due to a cap on funds. 
While the majority of school buildings in Massachusetts are in good shape, a recent MSBA survey found that 270 – nearly one in five of the 1,419 schools analyzed – need moderate-to-extensive renovation or replacement, or will in the near future. The analysis didn’t include schools built or renovated since 2007, or those that have already been approved for renovation or construction."

Continue reading the article online (subscription may be required)

You can find the full MSBA 2016 School Survey report on the MSBA page School Facilities & Findings

Or the Franklin Matters copy

Franklin's survey results are found on Page 65 of the official PDF report
Franklin's survey results are found on Page 65 of the official PDF report

* Note - Schools that have an asterisk were not surveyed. Information regarding square footage may require future update.

Reminder: Starting Monday: Commuter Rail schedule change (but not for the Franklin Line)

Fall/Winter Commuter Rail schedules go into effect on Monday, November 20th. Schedules are now available on Find Franklin at

Please note that Haverhill, Lowell, Framingham/Worcester, and Providence/Stoughton are the only lines with changes made to train times. Additionally, all lines have been updated to incorporate severe weather service information and can be viewed on on each line's schedule page.

For those who utilize the MBTA Commuter Rail application, please make sure to update the schedule in your application prior to travel on November 20th. When opening the application, a prompt will appear stating that a new Commuter Rail schedule is available. Please check the update button to ensure that the new schedules have been updated in your application.

For more information, please visit:

Last updated: Nov 17 2017 01:12 PM

Click here for more information:

Reminder: Starting Monday: Commuter Rail schedule change (but not for the Franklin Line)
Reminder: Starting Monday: Commuter Rail schedule change (but not for the Franklin Line)