Friday, August 12, 2022

Annual Report Of The Department Of Public Works - FY 2021

Note: FY 2021 is last year (July 1, 2020 to June 30, 2021). The report was prepared to cover the business for the FY 2021 period. This year’s report FY 2022 (July 1, 2021 to June 30, 2022) is in preparation now and is normally available for distribution at the polls for the November election. Updated - 08/15/22

The Department of Public Works provides a wide range of services to the residents of Franklin. The DPW is organized into seven (7) divisions:
1. Administration
2. Engineering
3. Highway and Grounds (including Highway Maintenance and Construction, Central Motors, Snow & Ice, Parks, Town and School Grounds Maintenance and Forestry/Insect Control)
4. Water (including ground water withdrawals, water treatment and distribution)
5. Sewer
6. Solid Waste and Recycling (including the operation of the Beaver St. Recycling Center)
7. Street Lighting

The major functions of the Administrative Division include developing capital projects, long range planning, intergovernmental relations and compliance, grant writing, processing various private construction permits and drainlayer licenses, purchasing, budgeting, accounting, payroll, and multiple forms of utility billing.

Capital Projects
The Administrative Division, in conjunction with Engineering and the operating divisions, develops major capital projects.

The DPW continues to design and construct long-range projects over three to four years. Progress on specific capital construction projects is outlined in subsequent portions of this report.

It is important to note that many of these projects are performed by existing staff members which saves significant amounts of money by avoiding the need to contract out these services. The process of planning, designing, permitting, and oversite of these projects is an arduous task that requires a great level of coordination and cooperation between DPW divisions and other state, municipal and Federal departments.

Grant Writing
The Town completed the S319 grant from the Environmental Protection Agency and Mass DEP totaling $125,000. Through this grant we were able to develop a stormwater infiltration system with a private developer on Dean Ave. and construct bio retention areas on both Meadowlark Lane and Griffin Road.

The Town once again partnered with the Great American Rain Barrel Company to offer the discounted purchase of rain barrels to Franklin residents. Along with the discount, residents were eligible to receive a $50 rebate.
The Town received approximately $20,000.00 in recycling grants for our innovative programs at the recycling center in the proper removal and recycling of mattresses and Styrofoam, to name a couple.

In addition, The Town was awarded a $38,000 grant from Mass DOT to begin the development of a prioritization plan for the complete streets program as well as a $15,500 grant from the Department of Industrial Accidents for workplace safety training.

Permits and Long Range Planning
Long range planning is critical in the area of Public Works and must be accomplished consistently in order to ensure that the Town water, sewer stormwater and roadway infrastructure can support the needs of our residents. With the success of the 20/20 Plan, the Town Council authorized additional funding for waterline replacement and the improvement of roadways. Details on specific locations can be found in other parts of this report.

The DPW has continued to work with both the DEP and the Massachusetts Department of Recreation and Conservation to facilitate the final closing and capping of the Beaver Street Landfill Site.

The Town of Franklin has continued to work with other area towns and conservation groups towards ensuring that regional water supplies are protected.

Solid Waste and Recycling Collection Program
The single stream automated solid waste and recycling program continues to be a very successful program and has improved recycling rates and provided greater convenience for users. Improvements continue to be made to the Beaver St. Recycling Center to make the facility more attractive and customer friendly.

Hails and Farewells
We had several employees move on from their roles with the DPW and I would like to thank them for their years of dedication and service to the Town of Franklin! Mr. Deacon Perrotta, Director of Operations, retired after many years of leading the DPW Operations Team. Deacon’s contributions were numerous and he is sorely missed. Dave Allard, our Water Foreman, also retired after 34 years of service. In recognition of his unwavering commitment to the Franklin Water Department, the new Grove St Water Treatment Plant was dedicated to Mr. Allard this Spring! Mr. Chris White, Solid Waste Coordinator, also retired. His commitment over the years shaped our Solid Waste Program and Recycling Center into the top notch programs they are today. Finally, Mr. Jason Mello, our Assistant Town Engineer, moved on to pursue a new position, and we wish him well in all his future endeavors.

With losses there are also gains! We welcomed several new employees to our Management/Administrative Team including: Mr. Doug Martin, Water & Sewer Superintendent; Ms. Brooke Cotta, Assistant Town Engineer; Ms Danica Cucchi, GIS Assistant; and Ms. Marissa Allen, Administrative Assistant. The DPW was also fortunate to hire some new employees to our Operations Team. These included: Justin Mercer, Vito DaSilva and Peter Fricker. We are lucky to have them all.

We also had the good fortune of promoting many employees on our team. These employees include: Mr. Derek Adams, Environmental Affairs Superintendent; Mr. Anthony Brunetta, Assistant Highway and Grounds Superintendent; Mr. Steve Carlucci, Water Foreman; Mr. James Henchy, Crew Leader; Mr. Kevin Parslow, Water Treatment Foreman; Mr. Jacob Standley, Assistant Water/Sewer Superintendent; and Ms. Roseanne Szczepanowski, Assistant Admin & Budget Manager. Ms. Pam Vickery was also promoted but left the DPW Team to work as the Town of Franklin Purchasing Agent. We wish them all the best of luck in their new roles!

As the Director, I owe many thanks to my entire staff as they make this department work and serve all residents in a timely manner. Everyone is committed to providing extraordinary service to the Town in the most cost effective manner possible.

The DPW staff are all dedicated professionals who put in so much extra time and effort to make this department a success. The Town and I are very fortunate to have such talented individuals to work with. I would like to thank, The Town Engineer Mr. Mike Maglio, Assistant Town Engineer Ms. Brooke Cotta, Admin & Budget Manager Ms. Kathy Mooradd, Assistant Admin & Budget Manager Ms. Roseanne Szczepanowski, Highway and Grounds Superintendent Mr. Carlos Rebelo, Assistant Highway & Grounds Superintendent Mr. Anthony Brunetta, Water & Sewer Superintendent Mr. Doug Martin, Assistant Water & Sewer Superintendent Mr. Jacob Standley, GIS Coordinator Ms. Kate Sjoberg, and Environmental Affairs Superintendent, Mr. Derek Adams.

I would also like to thank, Ms. Lynne Marchand, Ms. Paula Juarez, Ms. Cindy Elz and Ms. Marissa Allen, who support the Administration Division as well as Mr. Warren Groth, Mr. Bill Wenners and Ms. Danica Cucchi, from the Engineering Division. These individuals respond quickly and with courtesy to thousands of requests for assistance and information throughout the year.

We would like to welcome Recycling Center Supervisor, Steve Geer and thank the entire Recycling Center staff who continue to do a wonderful job.

I would especially like to thank the “Crew” and the mechanics that work out of the DPW garage. These are the employees who are not always seen, but provide the day to day services that are all too often taken for granted. They pump, treat and deliver safe drinking water; they care for parks and ball fields, maintain the roadways, repair and sustain all Town and school vehicles and handle all our waste. They are always available, day and night, and work long hours to assist in any emergency situation whether it is snow removal, water breaks, sewer backups, wind, lightning storms and flooding, among many others. They are all extremely professional and dedicated to their jobs. I cannot thank them enough.

Respectfully submitted, 

Robert A. Cantoreggi II 
Director of Public Works

Kathy Mooradd
Administration & Budget Manager

“Gettin’ It Done”

There is more to the Public Works section of the annual report. More data and information covering each of the divisions is available in the full report beginning with Page 173

The full Annual Report for 2021 can be found

The collection of Annual Reports can be found online

Annual Town Report Of The Town Clerk’s Office - FY 2021
Annual Report Of The Town of Franklin - FY 2021

Economic Development Subcommittee - video for meeting August 10, 2022 (video)

The Economic Development Subcommittee and Franklin For All Steering Committee met on Wednesday as scheduled.

Video link ->

Agenda & documents ->

1. Discussion: “Franklin For All” MAPC Study Conclusion & Committee Recommendations
a. Staff Memo 
Economic Development Subcommittee Steering Committee - Agenda - Aug 10, 2022
Economic Development Subcommittee Steering Committee - Agenda - Aug 10, 2022

Dan Rather: An Attack On the Rule of Law

Rallying around Trump  ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌
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Dan Rather: An Attack On the Rule of Law

Shame on me. 

I like to think I don't surprise easily, especially when it comes to imagining the depths to which the former president and his cronies and enablers will descend to protect themselves and preserve their power. But the aftermath of the FBI's execution of a search warrant at Mar-a-Lago has surprised me. It has also left me deeply concerned about what the country must now endure and where we may be headed. 

I should not have been surprised. In retrospect, it all makes sickening sense. 

When news broke of these events — first commented on, it should be noted, by Donald Trump himself — it was clear that they would reverberate dangerously across America's fractured political and social landscape. You had to know that Trump himself would lie and play to his well-practiced persona of misplaced victimhood. And you had to know that others would rally around him. But the amount of negative blowback and the number of high-level officials helping gives special pause.

Among things striking about this threat to the Trump bubble is that instead of the charge being led by elected officials or others easily stigmatized as "the enemy," this was the FBI. Law enforcement: the very people lauded by the Republicans when it suits their political interests. "Back the blue," and all. How would they spin this one?

The first round of defense was to fall back on the familiar language of a "partisan witch hunt." It is the usual lie, as they cry foul without any evidence, about how the Biden administration is out of control in persecuting its political enemies. Just because we have become used to this level of projection and hypocrisy from a group of cynical political actors who really did seek to turn the Department of Justice into their own tool for holding on to power, doesn't mean we should become inured to the danger of this rhetoric. 

But they didn't stop there. They have now moved on to attacking the FBI itself and the very mechanisms of justice in the United States. It is tiresome to outline all the different instances and all the different people who have participated in this concerted attempt to protect Trump by baselessly attacking what took place at Mar-a-Lago. But when the likes of South Carolina Senator Lindsay Graham suggests the FBI planted evidence and Florida Senator Marco Rubio attacks the magistrate judge who signed off on the warrant, we are seeing something even more perilous than before.

These are two men who back in 2016 clearly understood and articulated the dangers that Donald Trump posed to American democracy. Now they are not only devout defenders of his presidency, but they are complicit in undermining what appears to be a careful execution of the process of justice. They seek to delegitimize any investigation of Trump, no matter its merits. 

As Trump pleaded the fifth over and over again in a civil case in New York, as he refuses to release what was in the Mar-a-Lago search warrant, and as we can see in a long history of contempt for any legal accountability in his business and political career, the safe assumption of all these investigations is that with so much smoke, there is likely fire. Nevertheless, even if Trump is eventually indicted, he will continue to be entitled to a presumption of innocence and a day in court. That's how American justice is supposed to work. 

Now, as many have pointed out, there are legitimate concerns in America about the overreach of law enforcement. For as long as I have been a reporter, there have certainly been instances where police officers have searched residences illegally. Most often, those who have felt the brunt of these perversions of the law have been the marginalized members of society. And in these cases, these same people who are defending Trump, as well as Trump himself, have shown no concern. They have often applauded rough and unlawful actions from police as long as they were targeting people different from themselves. 

We should be very clear. Those rushing to defend Trump are not carefully refuting what is alleged against him. In the case of what was taken from Mar-a-Lago, we don't even know what that was (but Trump does). Rather, these kneejerk objections set the stage for a blanket assertion that, in effect, Trump is above the law. Under this dangerous reasoning, there can be no legitimate investigation into anything he might have done. And, to continue the tortured "reasoning," anyone who seeks to hold Trump accountable under the laws that govern our nation is a political operative acting as part of a wide-ranging "Deep State" conspiracy. 

This is a kind of lunacy, of course, and deeply destabilizing to American democracy, but it is not a fringe position within the "Party of Trump." A version of this mania is now being publicly stated by Republican elected officials who often are portrayed in the press as the more responsible ones. The rot engulfs almost the entire party.

When we add to this the mounting evidence being uncovered by the January 6 committee, a clear and chilling picture emerges. Large swaths of the Republican Party do not believe the law should apply to its leaders. And they do not believe that there can be a fair election in which their candidate loses. This is, at its very essence, a repudiation of the ideal of America as a democratic republic ruled by law. We all should be careful here. This does not apply to all Republican elected representatives and certainly not to all Republican voters. Nor does it apply to any and everyone who questions the FBI's actions. But as we are seeing with the overall general reaction to the FBI's search, this undermining of confidence in our institutions is far more widespread and far deeper than we might have first feared. 

To my colleagues in the press covering this moment, I respectfully suggest that it is essential that we wrestle with this truth and not seek to minimize the escalating dangers our country faces, especially as much of the recent rhetoric from Trump and his army of defenders is stoking the prospects of violence. There are not two equal sides to this story. The political implications of all of this, what it might mean for the midterms or President Biden's approval rating, pale next to what this means for the future of American democracy. 

Despite all that we are facing, I remain optimistic and hopeful for the future of our nation. I believe that these multiple investigations into Trump will get to truths that America desperately needs to hear. No one pursuing them is going to be frightened by what's being said on Fox News. And while there may always be a percentage of the country that backs Trump and the politicians who have rallied around him, this is not where the majority of this nation is. 

We should not forget that Donald Trump was repudiated by voters in 2020 after only one term in office. A record number of Americans went to the polls to say they did not like who he was or what he represented. We know even more now. So, will the repudiation of Trump and his ideology continue, even increase? We, the people, are now in the process of finding out.

In the meantime, travel on this passage figures to be rough, rocky, and more dangerous than many of us may have thought. That makes it all the more important that those who are pursuing justice remain steady in their mission and true to the most noble values of the nation they serve. 

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© 2022 Dan Rather
548 Market Street PMB 72296, San Francisco, CA 94104

"the 1986 law does spell out the two-year process for returning the money"

"THE BAKER ADMINISTRATION  is preparing to change the rules for returning roughly $3 billion in excess tax collections so the governor can send out checks to Massachusetts taxpayers before he leaves office in January.

But a legal expert, citing a 1987 Supreme Judicial Court decision, says the changes being proposed by Gov. Charlie Baker appear to violate the voter-approved law governing excess tax collections as well as the constitutional prohibition on appropriations in ballot questions.

The governor’s move to change the rules suggests he is eager to return the money to taxpayers as quickly as possible, perhaps to claim credit for returning the money or to return it before the Legislature can take any action to tinker with the law or prevent all of the funds from going out. "
Continue reading the CommonWealth Magazine article online ->
Gov. Charlie Baker at a State House press conference. (Pool file photo by Jessica Rinaldi/Boston Globe)
Gov. Charlie Baker at a State House press conference. (Pool file photo by Jessica Rinaldi/Boston Globe)

Franklin Health Department: August is Sun Safety Month

August is Sun Safety Month. In the US, more than 9,500 people are diagnosed with skin cancer every day 
Learn about prevention:
Franklin Health Department:  August is Sun Safety Month
Franklin Health Department:  August is Sun Safety Month


Franklin TV and schedule for Friday, Aug 12, 2022

  • or 102.9 on the FM dial = Friday

9:00a/12:00p /6:00p Chapters – Jim Derick  Insightful, life-affirming stories and interviews

10:00a/1:00p/7:00p Music to Lift the Spirit - Jim Derick & Frank Falvey

11:00a/2:00p/8:00pm Senior Story Hour – Senior Center Scribblers Group

  • Franklin All Access TV - Our Public Access Channel (Comcast 8, Verizon 26) = FRIDAY

7:30 am Care For Ukraine
9:00 am Frank Presents: Cathleen Liberty
10:00 am Physician Focus: Alzheimer's
11:00 am Senior Connection: Danielle Hopkins
11:30 am Norfolk County Prevention Coalition: Repeat Offenders
12:00 pm Brook'n'Cookin: Meatballs
12:30 pm Sandhya: Eclairs
1:30 pm Pizzapalooza: Healthy Pizza Crusts
2:00 pm New England Candlepins: Fall 2019 Show 7
3:00 pm SAFE Coalition: Task Force
4:00 pm Senior Connection: Danielle Hopkins
4:30 pm Concerts on the Common: Matt Zajac

  • Franklin Pride TV - Our Educational Channel (Comcast 96, Verizon 28) = FRIDAY

7:00 am Public School Concert: Lifelong Music Pt. 2 05-14-19
8:30 am It Takes A Village: Lifelong Learning
9:30 am FHS Oskey 2022
11:30 am FHS Varsity Volleyball: v Shrewsbury 11-09-21
1:30 pm Public School Concert: FHS Spring Jazz '22
3:30 pm Cultural District: Brent Selby
6:00 pm Battleship Cove: 3D Print Lab
7:00 pm FHS Boys Varsity Soccer: v Framingham 11-06-21
9:00 pm FHS Varsity Field Hockey: v Winchester 11-11-21

  • Franklin Town Hall TV - Our Government Channel (Comcast 11, Verizon 29) =  FRIDAY

8:00 am Zoning Board of Appeals: 07-28-22
2:00 pm Zoning Board of Appeals: 07-28-22

Get this week's program guide for Franklin.TV and Franklin Public Radio ( online   

Franklin.TV and Franklin Public Radio (
Franklin.TV and Franklin Public Radio (

Thursday, August 11, 2022

Candlelight Vigil for Overdose Awareness Day - Aug 31 at 6:30 PM

Last year, an estimated 2290 Massachusetts community members lost their life to an #overdose. These community members were mothers, fathers, daughters, sons, neighbors, friends, and individuals who struggled deeply with the disease of addiction.

Join us for a candlelight vigil: Wednesday, August 31st for an evening of remembrance as we honor #InternationalOverdoseAwarenessDay

Wednesday August 31, 2022
6:30 - 8:00 PM
Franklin Town Common - 200 Main St, Franklin MA, 02038 

Candlelight Vigil for Overdose Awareness Day - Aug 31 at 6:30 PM
Candlelight Vigil for Overdose Awareness Day - Aug 31 at 6:30 PM

Annual Report of the Franklin Public Library - FY 2021

Note: FY 2021 is last year (July 1, 2020 to June 30, 2021). The report was prepared to cover the business for the FY 2021 period. This year’s report FY 2022 (July 1, 2021 to June 30, 2022) is in preparation now and is normally available for distribution at the polls for the November election. Updated - 08/15/22

The mission of the Franklin Public Library is to foster knowledge and engagement through education, enrichment, and technology.

FY 2021 Accomplishments:
The Franklin Public Library demonstrated an unwavering commitment to serving the community safely during the pandemic. The library staff deserves enormous respect for responding to the unrelenting challenges of the Covid-19 pandemic with transformative services, resilience, competence, and creativity.
When the COVID-19 pandemic began the library pivoted beyond books to meet the challenges and needs of our community, offering curbside services and outdoor live in person programs, live virtual programs and recorded options.

The range of services offered at curbside included:
Curbside pickup of non-traditional library materials - musical instruments, games, digital film scanner, to name a few.
Over 120,000 library materials were checked out through the curbside process.
Curbside printing
Curbside WIFI
Curbside “Take and Make” monthly craft kits for kids, teens and adults. These crafts have included STEAM, educational enriching crafts, and stress relief kits to help with mental & emotional health. The staff has secured additional funding for this program through grants and the generous support from The Friends of the Franklin Library as demand for more crafts continues to grow.

The library introduced new services:
Binge boxes - a curated collection of movies for fun themed family
Book & movie bundles to give patrons an opportunity to browse at home.
Together Time Totes containing board, card, memory, word, and counting games for a variety of ages, skills, and interest.
Grab bags full with resources for homeschoolers.

Library staff continued popular education programs online, offering musical performances, engaging story times, parent workshops; and science and arts-focused programs.
The Dungeons and Dragons (D&D) club made up of middle school kids thrived virtually, and grew from one weekly session to three.
Girls Who Code program, originally one club for grades 6-12 was expanded to include grades 3-5.
The Library strengthened and expanded partnerships with Municipal Departments, Franklin Public Schools and community organizations:

❏ Working in collaboration with the Human Resources Director, part time library staff provided valuable assistance to the Town Clerk with elections and census.
❏ The Youth Services Department worked in partnership with Franklin’s Virtual Learning Academy - students who opted for fully remote schooling - to provide weekly virtual classroom visits. During these visits library staff conducted storytimes, provided virtual tours of the children’s and teen rooms, issued library cards and promoted library resources, online collections, and services.
❏ Franklin Middle School Book Club The Youth Department also collaborated with the Reading Specialist at Horace Mann Middle School to help facilitate the Franklin Middle School Book Club and provide reading recommendations.
❏ Build Your Own Zoo: Scavenger Hunt
Through community partnerships with the Franklin Cultural District, the Franklin Art Association, and the Franklin Downtown Partnership, the Youth Services Department launched its summer reading program on June 11 alongside a town-wide scavenger hunt and the Franklin ArtWalk celebration.

Pandemic outreach
Lent all of the Library’s Wifi hotspots to Franklin Public School students in grade school through high school, without an internet connection at home to make it possible for them to attend school remotely during the pandemic.
Facilitated monthly book club requests from multiple assisted living facilities.
Maintained an active website and social media presence with daily program posts, reading recommendations, library news, and activities.
Preserved and digitized Franklin List of Residents from 1884-2017, and began restoration of the historic painting frames. The library remains incredibly grateful to the FLA for funding both projects and for their commitment to fund future preservation, conservation and digitization projects.
Provided a virtual extension of the library with the mobile self-check app making it easy for patrons to check out library materials at the stacks. With the Minuteman mobile app patrons can:
Search and find materials, events and resources.
Place requests
Check out materials on their phones or tablets instead of touching library devices.
Renew their items.
Manage their accounts.
Get notifications and receive event reminders and library news

Installed colorful, intuitive wayfinding signage for seamless navigation of the building.
The Library’s innovative response to adapting library services and programs and to introducing new services ensured that Franklin residents had access to library materials and virtual and live programs kept kids and families engaged and entertained. The community’s response to the library’s many services and virtual programs has been overwhelming and heartening. We have heard many stories, a few featured below, of how access to the physical collections, online resources and virtual & live programs provided a lifeline for learning and the essential fuel needed to power through the pandemic.

There is more table data, photos, and information for this section of the Library report. Please visit the full Annual Report linked below and continue reading on Page 166

The full Annual Report for 2021 can be found

The collection of Annual Reports can be found online

Annual Town Report Of The Town Clerk’s Office - FY 2021
Annual Report Of The Town of Franklin - FY 2021

Annual Report Of The Board Of Assessors - FY 2021

Note: FY 2021 is last year (July 1, 2020 to June 30, 2021). The report was prepared to cover the business for the FY 2021 period. This year’s report FY 2022 (July 1, 2021 to June 30, 2022) is in preparation now and is normally available for distribution at the polls for the November election. Updated - 08/15/22

Interim Revaluation
The interim revaluation of all real and personal property in the Town of Franklin was completed Fall 2020 in preparation for Actual Fiscal Year 2021 3rd quarter tax bills. Following is a brief review of that achievement.

Data Collection
Nineteen years have now passed since we installed the real estate valuation and assessment administration software developed by Patriot Properties, Inc. Because our start-up data was from a different form of valuation system and most of our data had not been refreshed in nearly ten years, it was necessary to complete a town- wide data recollection program prior to finalizing the FY 2005 valuations. Patriot Properties was hired for this task. Over the past 16 years, our appraisal staff has performed the on-going property exterior measuring and interior inspecting for all real estate classes. Such reviews are done for the Department of Revenue (DOR) required cyclical program, as well as for building permitted changes, pre-appraisal, abatement and sales verifications.

Field Review
In addition to individual property on-site review, field reviews are required periodically to check for obvious data accuracy and consistency. This drive-by review provides another level of assurance that when valuation schedules are applied, the results will be “Fair and Equitable”.

Commercial/Industrial/Apartment Valuations Annually there are analyses of sales data as well as income & expense market data. The Board contracted Patriot to work with our Director to establish an income approach to value for each property. All requirements of the Massachusetts Department of Revenue were met through final approval of the FY 2021 valuations.

Sales Analysis
The majority of the sales analysis was completed by September 2020, and the interpretation of sales continued through the next two stages of valuation. The town-wide program resulted in a valuation system that was applied uniformly throughout the town, while reflecting all the adjustments warranted individually and by neighborhood, to result in “Full and Fair Cash Values” as per Massachusetts General Law.

Value Generation
A system of valuation was established based on valid property sales and where applicable the income approach to value. These schedules concluded from the market were then uniformly applied to all taxable and exempt real property.

Final Value Review
Final reviews were completed in preparation for the DOR review. These include studies of various computer-generated reports to check for value consistency, final field checks required, and for DOR documentation and its analyses.

DOR Review & Final Approval
Any on-site and statistical reviews by the DOR took place from April to October 2020. The appraisal staff provided files, generated property records, answered questions and addressed any concerns. At the conclusion of the DOR review, we were granted approval authorizing public disclosure.

Public Disclosure
The DOR approved valuations were available for disclosure to the property owners. While the administrative staff provided property record cards and general data reviews, the appraisers conducted informal hearings on valuations.

Personal Property Business assets and those of utilities are reviewed for valuation as taxable Personal Property. For twenty fiscal years we have engaged the specialized services of Real Estate Research Consultants (RRC) in the discovery and valuation of these accounts. These services have served us well, resulting in DOR approval and consistently defendable valuations. Also, considerable new growth has been certified annually. Additionally, the RRC Personal Property Software installed in our office has benefited us. The personal property valuation formulas are very straightforward, and the administrative capabilities have met our needs.

Classification Hearing & Tax Commitment Following some discussion and a few presentations relative to single versus split tax rates, the Council approved a single tax rate at
$14.65 per $1,000 of taxable value as calculated by the Board for all property classes. The tax commitment and mailing were timely for an actual 3rd quarter tax bill.

Abatement Reviews
Upon mailing of the tax bills and on or before the due date of the first actual bill, property owners have an opportunity to file an Abatement Application on the basis of overvaluation or misclassification. 40 abatements applications were filed of 11,671 taxable accounts, or just  
over 1/3 of 1%. Generally those with merit were resolved through our conducting a complete on- site exterior measuring and interior inspection. Usually a valuation discrepancy is the result of a data error or as a result of an inspection appointment not being arranged and thus the property data having been “estimated”.

Technology Improvements
In addition to our state-of-the-art software for the valuation and administration of both real and personal property, Cartographic Associates, now CAI Technologies of Littleton, NH has continued to maintain the digital/GIS-mapping program it first completed for us for FY 2005.
Following aerial photography and planimetric (physical features) mapping, CAI constructed cadastral tax maps (depicting parcels) through the use of over 5,000 plans and over 15,000 deeds. This new mapping program is annually updated and reconciled with our property records for consistency in both parcel inventory and land area. With the support of the Town Administrator, the Finance Director and the Town Council, we have capacity in our Patriot software to link and utilize the maps with our assessment data file and any other available location-based data. In addition, for the past sixteen years we have provided our tax maps on the web known as AxisGIS for the benefit of both the Town staff and the general public.

Appraisal & Administrative Staffing
The use of automation has minimized the former heavy burden of traditional data processing. Due to this and numerous other office improvements, the Town approved our Staff Restructuring Plan. We have adjusted our administrative support to be shared among the Appraisers who are responsible for continuing to improve our service to the public at the counter and by phone. They have focused these efforts on providing and reviewing public records, Motor Vehicle Excise Tax Commitments and Abatements, Exemption Applications, posting Building Permits and Sales and any other assignments as required. They have continued to train in rotation in various administrative duties and computer applications. The Appraisers have made special efforts in the development and implementation of usable written instructions for the assessing office procedures and for MUNIS financial software applications. These instructions were developed consistent with all Mass. General Law and DOR requirements, but are subject to frequent change due to various software enhancements.
We thank Kevin W. Doyle, Director of Assessing for his diligence especially as Director beginning following his first two years here. He has overseen the completion of all our work these past twenty fiscal years, six full revaluations and fourteen interim years of market adjustments. We also acknowledge the support work of Appraiser David Ruberti since July 2005, Appraiser Peter Mooney since August 2004, and Appraiser Susan Reagan since September 2019. Our Director received his Massachusetts Accredited Assessor (MAA) in 1990 and the MAAO Wilson Award in June 2013. Within the past fourteen years all three Appraisers completed their designation required education and experience, being granted their MAA designations and maintaining their periodic recertifications.

Town Revenue Enhancements
In addition to meeting all state requirements as well as daily office oversight, the Director and Appraisers have achieved many additional improvements to benefit the Town taxpayers. One such is the efficiencies built into the Motor Vehicle Excise Tax Commitment and Abatement processes in conjunction with the new MUNIS tax software installation. These excise taxes represent about 5 million dollars in locally raised annual revenue, or about 5 % of locally raised tax revenue. We assure the citizens that like real and personal property, taxes on these are assessed and abated appropriately and uniformly for the maximum benefit of all. Registry of Motor Vehicles’ automation aided the Director and Appraisers to further enhance revenue in assessing dealer and repair plate registrations.

As well, with the ongoing automation improvements of the Environmental Police, this professional staff successfully developed a new potential annual revenue stream in the identification and assessment of excise taxes on boats principally situated in Franklin.

On-site Periodic Property Reviews Because we have initiated the cyclical property re-measurement and re-inspection program acceptable to the Massachusetts DOR, we continue to make various public information efforts to assure property owners have advance information about this ongoing program.

Briefly, please note that the purpose of these property visits is to verify that the correct data is being used in the determination of valuations to achieve “full and fair cash value” in accordance with Mass. General Law Chapter 59. The Board appreciates the general public’s cooperation in its efforts to serve all property owners of all property types to assure fair and uniform values.

Your Elected Board of Assessors Before entering the performance of his/her duties, each Assessor upon election has taken the oath of office specific to assessors and assistant assessors. Massachusetts General Law has provided that because the DOR Commissioner of Revenue has regulatory oversight over assessing in every city and town, the Commissioner likewise determines the training requirements for the assessors and any assistants. At this time, the Commissioner has determined Course 101, including the Classification Training Workshop, meets the minimum requirements. The majority of the assessors and all four staff have completed these and have been certified as such by the MA Commissioner of Revenue.

The Board looks forward to continuing education opportunities offered by the MA DOR and the professional associations, the Massachusetts Association of Assessing Officers (MAAO), the International Association of Assessing Officers (IAAO), the Mass. Chapter of the IAAO, the Northeast Regional Association of Assessing Officers and the Norfolk-Suffolk Counties Assessors Association. The assessors have attended seminars and workshops to broaden and reinforce their understanding of property tax law.

In particular, the Board has focused on current and possible future tax relief and deferral options for Franklin’s elder citizens. To that goal following meetings of the Town Senior Outreach Committee, last fall the Board, its Staff and the Office of the Council on Aging continued a broad-based effort to reach seniors. This resulted in successfully providing tax relief (exemption) information to additional seniors who owned and occupied their homes.
Also, with the valued assistance of Veterans’ Agent Dale Kurtz, special efforts are continuously made to identify veterans and their surviving spouses entitled to state exemptions, much of it reimbursable to the Town by the State. We look forward to continuing to work with the Town Veterans’ Agent.

All these efforts are consistent with the Board of Assessors commitment to meet its challenges as key Town Financial Team members to the benefit of all the citizens of the Town of Franklin. The Assessing Department is officially a part of the Franklin Finance Division headed by Finance Director Christopher Sandini who also serves as Comptroller. We and especially our staff have been successfully coordinating efforts with Treasurer-Collector Kerri Bertone and look forward to continuing this cooperative and productive work with Chris and Kerri into the Town of Franklin’s future.

The close of Fiscal Year 2021 coincided with the announcement of retirement of long-time Veterans’ Agent Dale Kurtz who along with new Council on Aging Director Erin Rogers have been very helpful in this Board’s efforts to reach out to Franklin’s Veterans & Seniors assisting in preparing Property Tax Exemption Applications. The Board and the Staff express appreciation for Dale’s contributions and efforts over these past several years.

Considering the unexpected pandemic, an important and valuable addition to our Staff was made in September 2019 by appointing Sue Reagan as a new Appraiser. Sue came to us with a dozen years of experience in assessing, the past decade plus in Northborough following experience in neighboring Medway. Her experience and contribution to our Staff has complemented that of Dave and Peter. The three Appraisers are meeting the challenges of our industry and the needs of the Town of Franklin’s citizens, property owners, their agents, Town Officials and Employees, and the Public at large.

As we write, the Board of Assessors and its Staff are preparing to finalize the Real and Personal Property Appraisal files for the Fiscal Year 2022 Revaluation Year subject to DOR review and Final Approval. This Revaluation is Franklin’s first since the State modified the cycle from three to five years, thus it follows four Interim Year Updates. After completion of this program, the next four years will be Interim Year Adjustments and FY 2027 will be the next Revaluation.

Meanwhile, with the cooperation of property owners, our property descriptive information on file will be continuously maintained and market- based valuation adjustments made annually.

Respectfully submitted,

W. Ken Norman, Chairman of the Board 
Christopher K. Feeley, Assessor, Clerk 
Daniel Ballinger, Assessor, Member Franklin Board of Assessors

The full Annual Report for 2021 can be found

The collection of Annual Reports can be found online

Annual Report Of The Board of Assessors - FY 2021
Annual Report Of The Town of Franklin - FY 2021