Tuesday, November 25, 2008

live reporting - MCAS Q&A

Cafasso - what about the difference in the longitudinal studies?

Kingsland-Smith - remember that longitudinal looks at different populations of students, so as long as we stay within a small range of variance we are okay.

Cafasso - the cohort numbers are increasing

Kingsland-Smith - the population is also a factor here with significant students moving into ot out of the district, the numbers in the aggregate can change reflecting that. To really be sure of cohort progrsss, you need to look at an individual level and see how they have progressed within the district.

Gerlits - The DOE database next year will provide the analysis for a true cohort study, focusing on students who have been in Franklin for all their education

Kingsland-Smith - an 8th grade ISSP will follow the student through to the High school. The transfer of information occurs between the teachers at the transition time.

EPP educational proficiency plan is specific to the 10th grade test results

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