Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Live Reporting: School Safety Update

2. Guests / Presentations

b. School Safety Presentation – Peter Light, Sara Ahern, Sgt. Mark Manocchio

Maslow's hierarchy
Maslow's hierarchy

slide references the ongoing cycle of school safety

school safety cycle
school safety cycle
evacuations, lockdown, and administrative lockdown

description of evacuation, lockdown and administrative lockdown
description of evacuation, lockdown and administrative lockdown

emergency drills are a routine part of school management
emergency drills are a routine part of school management
the full presentation can be seen on an individual basis but not in a very public forum due to the nature of the information that is covered; some things really should not be shared.

security is an ongoing process
security is an ongoing process

the more secure our schools get, the slower the entry process will be

emergency management training part of each year
emergency management training part of each year
it is a partnership to keep every one safe

communication is key, appropriate details need to be shared with all stakeholders

need to be careful with information shared; some students (particularly at the high school) can get the word out via Facebook and Twitter) before official communications go out; this needs to be part of the digital learning process (and should be covered in the safety and security section of the standards just shown),

see something, say something
see something, say something
social emotional learning, ties back to the Maslow points earlier
social emotional learning, ties back to the Maslow points earlier
next steps including future budget requirements
next steps including future budget requirements
The theory of action

The theory of action
The theory of action
Q - student badges at the high school what do they do?
A - they allow access to the building during normal hour, they are also programmable for a variety of uses

A - haven't used the badges for attendance, can do level checking but used mostly for after the fact; doors may or may not have alarms systems for the doors, that is a major expense that due to the buildings coming online over time

in the moment, you can not know everything, you have to have some trust in the training and in the recovery at the rally point

This was previously posted to Franklin Matters on April 30, 2016

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