Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Live Reporting: Screening Brief Intervention Referral to Treatment (SBIRT)

2b. SBIRT Screening – Mr. Peter Light; Ms. Nancy Whitehouse, R.N.


Screening Brief Intervention Referral to Treatment (SBIRT)

an unfunded mandate for Districts
tied up due to the Board of Health and DESE discussion around funding which was provided to Dept of Health but not to the Districts

choosing 8 and 10
others have chosen to go with 7 and 10, may be reviewed after implementation

parent opt out option to be made available 

screeners getting trained in the tool and process

8th grade
mid-Sep to mid-Dec period, takes about 5 mins per interview
if students answer on frequency, then brief intervention referred to

anticipated low level of referrals

at FHS, screening to be done over a week in January
conducted by the 6 counselors

statistical threshold set at 2 yes answers to questions

partnering with SAFE Coalition in addition to other organizations already available

student privacy is paramount
name of students for referral required but not in connection to the questions/answers

standard of operation is different than what is being done today; will NOT be able to discuss with parents as that info is simply not available

student responses are recorded but not associated with student names

75 work hours required to implement this unfunded mandate

CRAFFT 2 screening tool



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