Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Live reporting - legislation for action

  1. Resolution 09-15: Acceptance of Deed of Parcel 29A, Palomino Drive motion passed 8-0
  2. Resolution 09-16: Acceptance of Deed of Parcel 29 B, Paddock Lane motion passed 8-0
  3. Resolution 09-17: Declaration of Town-Owned Land as Surplus and Available for Disposition motion passed 8-0
  4. Resolution 09-18: Appropriation Town Common Band Stand motion passed 8-0
  5. Bylaw Amendment 09-631: Chapter 82 Fees, Appendix A, List of Service Fee Rates - 1st Reading motion passed 8-0
4 - We have known for a while that the band stand roof needed to be repaired. Since we first started talking about this, we did receive bids on the work (high of $88K, low of $48K).

Dave Roche, Building Commissioner
The base of the building was expanded at some point but the roof did not cover it creating a water problem.
The edges of the roof are rotted. It won't do anything really to change the appearance. Simply extend the roof by about a foot to provide the protection needed.
Later we can use the Town electrician to change the lighting.

We don't have the expertise to do the tile ourselves. The Historical Commission and everybody else requested to keep the tile.

Motion to amend to include the interest accrued.

McGann question to keep the work within the Town's contractors.
Nutting - the bids already came in, don't know where they are from but we need to take the lowest bid.

Gary McGarraher, Fire Chief
Explains the billing process involving Medicare rates, not using assignments any longer to ensure full recover of the funds,

It really is not an increase in rates, it is bundling it differently in order to capture the full Medicare amount.

McGann - in comparison to surrounding Towns, where are we?
Roche - we last changed the rates eight years ago. We are in some cases, incredibly low for comparable services. With the services we are offering, we were not covering our costs. Even though it is not the best time to do so, it is something that allows us to recover more of our costs.
The state will ask the communities to review the fees to ensure that they cover the budget.

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