1. Bylaw Amendment 10-644: Amendment to the Code, Sewer Map Extension- 2nd ReadingMason, McGann - recuse themselves
amended motion to include the letter and terms as noted
motion to approve, roll call - 7-0
2. Resolution 10-18: Setting Date of Proposition 2 ½ Override BallotJune 8th would be the soonest
motion to approve - 9-0
3. Resolution 10-19: Proposition 2 ½ Override Ballot Questioninitial amount of 2.1 million
would provide 1.8 to the schools; 150,000 would keep the dispatchers, ambulance 70,000 library 50,000
A number that would be palatable to the voters, esp to the voters at this time in a bad economy
Pfeffer - unemployment is over 9%
my suggestion would be no raises for any employees, they better not come through the first year with an increase, we can't afford it.
I will vote against this
McGann - I am all for having the voters decide. It is the biggest thing to hit Franklin in quite awhile.
There is no middle class in Franklin, there are the haves and have-nots.
Zollo - If there are people who think we should do this in one fell swope, if 2.1 is a bandaid, I would favor a bigger number. The facts were presented by the schools, the police, the Fire, the DPW, it effects everybody.
The fact that folks are laid off and suffering doesn't sway me. People are paying more for busing fees than if the prior overrides were passed. It may seem counter-intuitive
Nutting - every million is 90 dollars with this years tax rate
Zollo - $190 to 270, and that is tax deductible, for those that use the long form.
Vallee - I am going to vote to put it on the ballot, it is not an endorsement, it is merely a vote to put it on the ballot.
Jones - I can completely understand adding a couple of dollars to taxes to my back yard, I can't afford to pay an extra 200, I am willing to understand that a little bit goes a long way. How much am I willing to invest? I am willing to pay 200 to maintain level services. It will hurt but I will find a way. It is in my best interest that this an investment into our community. It has the most direct effect on what we do and see everyday.
Powderly - I want to follow on Mr Jones point, the direct benefit that we would all see, is real, it is immediate, there is incredible transparency. You can support an override and still believe in looking for cuts, efficiencies, regionalization. These things take time. As a community we need to think of a whole well rounded approach. You can not only cut, you need to look at increasing our revenue as a part of the solution.
Kelly - I have a very unique perspective in that I spent 2 years on the School Committee. I didn't get a chance to tell them when they were up here, they do a good job. As a realtor, they may not like the house price but they always like the tax price. I think it is unfair to not ask the voters to have a chance.
Mason - Steve Whalen did an analysis, we are #1 in Chap 70 money that we receive but we are 24th in tax burden. This is an opportunity to narrow the gap and put us in a better position.
Whalen - I wasn't going to cite too many statistics. I am going to be brief, simply because it involves degradation of town services. In regards to Judy's comments, we need to share burden, we need to provide every kid an equal opportunity to this great education. Most of our surrounding towns make a greater personal contribution to their town services than we do. The minimum level of state spending on Schools
Callahan - I think it is ironic that families with kids might need the services, the seniors might need the ambulance to reach them in time. Think about this folks, this is real. A couple of hundred will be providing the poor people to get something they really need. This is not the town that I came to, I haven't seen pride go done, we are still proud. What kind of town do we live in?
Lisa-Maxwell Rounds - The teachers are working hard to provide more for the students with less funding, with continued cuts, this won't be possible.
Juan Rivera - FINCOM member, three kids in the school system, what we are facing as a country, a state and a community, it is an economic breakdown. I appreciate the views, I haven't seen this in my life time. In the next 3-5 years things are not going to get easier. The community impact, the things we must do, to keep this town going forward. We need to make a decision on our Town in the next 3-5 years. I do support the override. What happens when a community breaks down, people leave, crime goes up. We need to look beyond.
Ray Veravante - I do want to suggest to you is the difference between cash managers and managing costs. What can contract labor come in to do in other than teachers, police and fire? We don't pay them a lot but their benefits are in addition. Maybe you do, but I don't hear about it.
You don't have a lot of respect for those who disagree with you.
Amy Sorrel - mom of three young kids, a longer 3-5 year approach. Where did that go?
Nutting - The Financial Planning Committee did look at that. It is hard enough to explain an annual override question. Only one town has ever done it. It is probably the right thing to do. It has not risen to a point of a serious debate.
Mason - I don't look at this as a band aid. I look at this as a series of baby steps. Rather than look for a large lump
Christine Kane(?) - educating people on what it means, it was not easily thrown at me. Is there anything we can do to educate people on what they are voting for?
Mason - between now and June 8th, there will be many opportunities to explain the details.
Zollo - I would recommend looking at the report. Don't confuse me with the facts, I have my opinions and I am not going to change them.
Nutting - I take great pride in my department heads and how we manage, we are always doing it cheaper, better faster, we are 80% salary but we are 80% unionized in the State of MA. Unlike the private sector, we can't manage to wave the magic wand. We have done lots of things. Our employees have stepped to the plate to take higher co-pays 5 times in 8 years. That is what we are hired to do. Maybe we don't do a good job selling ourselves.
Whalen - Do you think we have a good school system? We are almost less than the state req'd amount.
Max Morrengello - It is due to the generosity of the people of Franklin, thankfully because of the public school system. I was able to get the help needed. I wouldn't be there except for the Franklin Public School System without or without special needs. Tax dollars make a difference! I urge you to continue your support.
Brendan Morrison - I would look at going for the whole 3 million
Whalen - I did not mention the amount in my remarks. I think we should go with 3. It is about the amount of state aid we lost
Motion to amend the amount to raise it to 3 million!
Passed 9-0
McGann - thank you for stepping up, I am overwhelmed by your comments.
Motion to pass; passed 8-1 (Pfeffer no)
Franklin, MA
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