Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Live reporting - School Committee - July 15, 2014

Present: Douglas, O'Malley, Rohrbach, Clement, Mullen, Trahan, Jewell
Absent:  none

1. Routine Business
Citizen’s Comments - none
Review of Agenda - no adjustments
Minutes: I recommend approval of the minutes from the June 24, 2014 School Committee Meeting.
motion to approve, seconded, passed 7-0

Payment of Bills Mr. Clement
motion to approve, seconded, passed 7-0

Payroll Mrs. Douglas

FHS Student Representatives - none (school vacation)
Correspondence: BICO Info and Activities

2. Guests/Presentations
a. School Lunch Price Increase – Miriam Goodman
required to recalculate every year, proposing an increase of 10 cents across the board, as well as a premium meal increase of 50 cents (optional) 

b. Student Technology Insurance Revolving Account – Miriam Goodman
Looking to establish a revolving account with the new 1:1 initiative at the high school to cover the new chromebooks.  $25 per year, for coverage of accidental damage or theft. If not, then the cost to replace the device would be $300. Any expenses from the fund would coverage the insurance, repairs, etc. They already have a lost book revolving account which would cover the lost scenarios.

3 year insurance policy purchased with the  initial purchase of the chromebooks
based upon expenses from existing chromebook coverage, the cost over the three years is approx $70-75 so the 25 year cost per year would be recovering that expense.

stolen requires police report vs lost (I don't know where it is)

3. Discussion Only Items 
Policy – First Reading 

JJE – Student Fundraising
second time at a 'first' reading, removed some of the negative connotations that it seemed to contain, also more clear now

the policy effective states that bake sales, etc would be coordinated through the Principal's office.
We may need to re-do this, as there are rumors that the State (MA DESE) will be coming out with some standards in this space, hopefully before the end of the summer, and hopefully we'll be inline and not need to revise

supplanting vs. supporting has long been a discussion

when school budgets are cut, parent associations tend to step in to help coverage. Hesitate to get the state involved in details like pencils, etc.

this revision was done to help declare some guidelines within which to set expectations on fund raising

fund raising is inherently discriminatory, so our path is the middle road

Policy – Second Readings 

AC – Discrimination Harassment
CHCA – Approval of Student Handbooks
IJOAA – Field Trips
JICFB – Bullying
JII – Student Complaints and Grievances
JLCD – Self-Administration Medication

Elimination of Policies

AC-E – Public Discrimination Complaints
AC-R – Harassment Discrimination Investigation Checklist
ACA – Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Gender
ACAB – Sexual Harassment Policy for Students
ACE – Non-Discrimination on the Basis of Disability
ACE-R – Rights of Handicapped Persons

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