Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Live reporting: FinCom (continued) - Capital Budget

Jeff Nutting providing an overview of the stabilization accounts

turf field is subject to a bounce test every year, wears out due to the sun rays
about $500,000 needed to replace the 'carpet' at the turf fields

Chief Semerjian
discussion the police capital request
car replacement, try to keep cars in a rotation and replace the vehicles that are high mileage and maintenance issues

looking for 3-4 cruisers each year, try to keep it even year to year
3 marked units, requested as SUV vehicle types
1 unmarked units as a sedan
fully loaded for the police technology
computer, lights, electrical components, locking brackets for firearms
piggy back up on the State bid

body armor to be replaced 13 units, this year and another 13 next year
attempting to get some grants to help offset the costs
units are targeted to last 5 years
policy in place to wear the body armor at all times

tasers, rotated among the shifts
some assigned to tactical units; would like to have enough for everyone to have one per shift
affords another level of protection, less lethal
the business can recycle units but under the program where we own it
after 5 years, it is time to go

computer technology, pretty basic - $17,000
all cleared through T Raposa, the Technical Director

study done previously on the maintenance of old vehicles didn't actually save any money
tend to buy good used vehicles as a better (cost effective) option

the police cars do take a beating, they are running 24 hours

Robert (Brutus) Cantoreggi,  DPW Director

need a street sweeper, both units need to be on the streets now especially after the winter
both units are actually broken at the moment, the main one (to be replaced) needs a new hydraulic units

1 ton dump truck, haven't replaced one in some time
buying gas engine rather than diesel as the diesel don't get the mileage to make it worth while

hot box, approved by Town Council last week

9 foot mower, part of the replacement program


attempted override last year, it did not pass

Oak St in front of high school, needs to be done soon
was waiting for high school work to be done and now is the time
put some islands in, like on Lincoln St
worked very well on Lincoln this winter, won't be as many as Lincoln
just at the beginning and end of the 'longest' school zone in Franklin

Miller and Pleasant St
drainage issue as well as frequent accident site
getting multiple things done at one
drainage, safety and storm water treatment


St Mary's down Pleasant St to Miller ($900,000)
Griffin ($15K) and Chestnut ($15K)

do some design work this year, put out to bid next year
could use the hotel money or short term borrowing to provide the funds for the work
called for in the Master Plan

would normally be covered during road rebuild but these streets are not part of the road plan immediately

granite curbing and bituminous surface

asking for $200K to do desing and the two smaller sections
once the design is complete, the total cost will be know and could be bid

the reason Beaver St is not on the list is due to the railroad and the bridge


developer put the water line in, now the street piece needs to be replaced
Crocker and Hill Road, Lewis St

water treatment membrane

Dale St water main to be done 'in-house', needs to provide the pipe to be used

study on water facilities being done, numbers should be ready for next year


from Cook's Farm to Shaw's the sewer pipe is almost blocked
need to burst the pipe and replace with a new layer
sewer is normally gravity fed, this section is pumped as it is a low spot

26 sewer lift stations around Franklin

Council has authorized $7.5M to bond
15 year rolling, every 5 years, 5 million bond authorizations

Northgate neighborhood being done this year

water master plan being updated

no water rate increase foreseen in the next 2-3 years
maybe 3-5 years a small increase to fix a maganese issue that the DEP has raised

65% of the Charles River is 'owned' by Franklin hence we owe that amount of the expenses
took 1 million gallons out of the sewer treatment, to save money via leakage

positive planning with DEP has paid off, with awards and recognition

Medway found their $1M leak

Fire Dept, Schools, Facilities, Technology for next time

one item is to replace wireless connections in the municipal buildings
if this is going to be changed every 5 years, maybe start another stabilzation fund to cover those recurring expenses
schools are expanding their chromebooks, cost of hardware and installation

overall budget

quick update on overall budget
health insurance meeting this Thursday, $8M line item
out to bid and should have decision this week

charter school number was wrong and through the cherry sheet number off, overdue in reply
fire fighters arbitation award for 4 years, awaiting deal
4 years of retroactive pay for 48 people is going to be a chunk
possible gap coming but hopeful to get it soon

otherwise will need to make some educated guesses and get started
if we get started and need to make some adjustments, we will

everything later this year due to new Governor and his first budget which came out in March instead of January

regional transportation, circuit breaker issues
what will it be? don't know

early May to start budgeting, first two weeks
possibly five meetings

all the department heads have their budgets ready, what they have submitted may not be what I (Nutting) recommend to go forward so they can at least talk about it

Dispatch Center

have design, architect, Norfolk is also looking to put their police station in same building, we'd be on first floor; still a year and half away
all the equipment and coordination together
did put money in budget to start in 4thQ, will know more in a month or so

during day, secretary and kiosk at night for fire dept
doing analysis for the police station to monitor the lock up
does it make sense to have a central lock up? where? how many cells would be needed?
all in the talk stage at this point

Streetscape meeting today

plan to do the whole project this year with the exception of Main st
do the drainage work that is left
put up the bases for the new lights
Emmons, West Central, East Central and do Main St in 2016
they want to start in 2 weeks
it is going to be painful, some trees at Dean will be taken down
High St to be done as part of the project (it needs it)

ripping up the road down by Brick School, the pavement failed

Old business, new business - nothing

motion to adjoin
next meeting Apr 22

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