Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Live reporting: Action items

• Student Activity Accounts
this is the second time around due to new requirements by the DESE for the School Committee
the funds actually below to the students, the School Committee/SChool District acts as an 'agent' overseeing the funds

4. Action Items

a. I recommend approval of the Annie Sullivan School Improvement Plan as presented.
motion to approve, second, passed 7-0

b. I recommend approval of the Remington School Improvement Plan as presented.
motion to approve, second, passed 7-0

c. I recommend acceptance of two checks totaling $1,619.00 from the Oak Street PCC for In-house enrichment and Field Trips.  motion to approve, second, passed 7-0

d. I recommend acceptance of two checks totaling $5,327.53 from the Keller PCC for field trips and supplemental supplies.  motion to approve, second, passed 7-0

e. I recommend acceptance of a check for $400.00 from Shaw’s Supermarket for in-house enrichment at the FHS.  motion to approve, second, passed 7-0

f. I recommend acceptance of a check for $4,500.00 from the Jefferson PCC for Field Trips.
motion to approve, second, passed 7-0

g. I recommend acceptance of $2,976.87 from various parents from the Davis Thayer book fair for 
Supplemental Curriculum Materials.  motion to approve, second, passed 7-0

h. I recommend approval of the Evaluation of the Superintendent.
motion to approve, second, passed 7-0

i. I recommend moving the following Policies to a second reading:

  1. GDCC – Staff, Family & Medical Leave
  2. GDCC-E – Family & Medical Leave of Absence
  3. Eliminate: JFABB – Admission of Exchange and Foreign Students.
motion to approve, second, passed 7-0

j. I recommend approval of student activity account clubs and activities as detailed.
motion to approve, second, passed 7-0

k. I recommend approval of the Field Trip request for RMS students to travel to Mt. Monadnock on October 24, 2015 (rain date: 10/31/15) as detailed.  motion to approve, second, passed 7-0

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