Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Live reporting: Finance Committee - Oct 16, 2018

Present: Smith, Fleming, Conley, Dowd, Dufour, Dewsnap, Moss, Weich 
Absent: none (one open slot)

1. Call to Order

2. Vote for Officers
motion for M Dufour for chair, seconded, passed 8-0
motion for B Dowd for Vice Chair, seconded, passed 8-0 
motion for G Conley for Secretary, seconded, passed 8-0

3. Approval of Minutes
motion to approve, seconded, passed 8-0

4. Citizen’s Comments

5. Memo: New format for Finance Committee Recommendations
trying to synchronize the processes so the Finance Committee will see what the Town Council sees

6. FY19 Budget Adjustments and Transfers; Town Administrator, Community Development,
Police, Fire, MECC and Roads

revenue came in higher than forecast
consolidation among departments operationally
move Maxine downstairs to make it easier for passport processing, some funding moving to accommodate the move

Norfolk construction delays for regional center
affects us for 3 additional months
need 28K additional for Police, 70K for Fire

Tri-County approached with offer for half time resource officer
to hire someone in January for the spot, 46K will be clothing, training, etc.
half an officer for half the pay

lots of retirements within Fire Dept
soon to be five vacancies
OT costs ups, due to some overlap on training and backfills for vacancies
may not be back to staff until March or so
also two folks on long term disability

would like to put 600K for streets, drainage, etc. 
we're going to ask for 39M but decided to start with 600k
referenced the DPW road report just released

looking to put more in General Stabilization account to get close to the percent target

still leaves about 400K in the debt stabilization account

siding and paint for the museum, except for the cupola on the top it will look good
trying to get some professional guidance to outline what needs to be done

decreasing the use of reserves

Council would need to approve a home rule change to move the Fire Dept out of Civil Service
it is a flexibility issue, existing folks would get grandfathered and new folks coming in would be; opens up who can be brought in; no difference in benefits, all under the collective agreement

word of mouth got 16 candidates to line up for Franklin to choose from
Franklin will hire five additional officers with no increase in budget
pay schedule is the same for all, some may be on different steps

we had some one retire and we found out when the retirement board called us

road work integrated with water program
more proactive with the sealing, chip sealing, overlay
the street report will be published soon

surprising to find 2600 parking spaces on the lots we own, not street spots

town unaccepted vs. accepted roads
some old subdivisions that never completed going through the process to turn over from the developer to the Town
title work required

if it is unaccepted, we can't rebuild the road, the town doesn't own the street. they can fix the water, sewer and some potholes
trying to get the ownership resolved 30-40 years later is a problem, legal issues
trying to knock of 5, 6 or ten a year

we can fix water as we own that, we can do potholes as it is de minimis

motion to approve 18-59, seconded, passed 8-0
motion to approve 18-60, seconded, passed 8-0
motion to approve 16-61, seconded, passed 8-0

7. Stabilization Fund Appropriation and Transfer
8. Capital Appropriation of Roads: Earmarking of Hotel Excise Tax

9. Risk Management Study Update
anticipate report coming back in November
few issues, most of documentation missing, work being done
will present to you and to Council

10. School Van Update
buy a new van instead of spending 225/day, bill coming due in November, should use 'free cash' to allocate for this once certified
possible to be north of 3M for 'free cash' number this time around, right in the range where we have been

11. FY19 Capital Update
Nov 9 capital plans due from Depts, aiming to have done by Thanksgiving
trying to get ahead of it so it doesn't get in the way of the operating budget and then it is a negotiation year with all the union contracts

12. FY20 Budget Update
budget due at end of calendar year from Dept, spend Jan/Feb crunching numbers
pension number from County with assessment number already in hand
health plan hardest to get a solid number, should be middle of March to be ready

13. Water Infrastructure Update
will need some money to close out this 5 year plan, also working on the next 5 year plan; looking for the Council to adopt a plan so we'll have a plan across the board for water and roads with capital requirements

14. Adjournment 

motion to adjourn, seconded, passed 8-0


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