Monday, June 22, 2020

School Committee scheduled to approve budget cuts for FY 2021

In the meeting packet for the June 23, 2020 Franklin (MA) School Committee meeting, they are scheduled to approve $3.4M worth of cuts covering 19.5 personnel (full time equivalent = FTE).

"The School Committee adopted a budget of ​$68,767,873​ on April 28, 2020, which represents a6.03% increase over FY 20. The Town Council approved an appropriation of ​$65,658,500.$300,000​ of this appropriation is from Community Host Agreement revenue and is to be earmarked towards substance abuse prevention. The increase to the operational budget is$500,000; ​this leaves a shortfall of ​$3,409,373​ that we have been working to reduce over the past several weeks.

Your packet contains an updated spreadsheet of reluctantly submitted recommendations of areas to reduce in order to meet the Town appropriation, which are based on the Governor’s Budget of January. We have used input from the School Committee and feedback from the community in developing this iteration.

I recommend that the School Committee vote to adopt a budget of ​$65,658,500


Uncertainty continues in the budget development process and we expect to have to further reduce the budget when state aid figures are better known. An estimate many districts are using is a 10% cut to state aid.

We do anticipate further cuts to state aid and a need to examine additional items for reduction.We have listed areas for discussion and exploration at the bottom of the spreadsheet. Specific areas are highlighted due to anticipated DESE guidance about opening school in the fall and health risks/impacts. This guidance will be helpful in shaping our review of these areas.

These are not all inclusive and we will work to be as creative as possible should additional reductions be required."

Document links
  • Additional docs for this meeting can be found
  • Town of Franklin page:
  • Franklin Matter's copy:

screen capture of School Budget Subcommittee meeting 6/17/20
screen capture of School Budget Subcommittee meeting 6/17/20

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