Quick Recap:
- Presentation and overview of the Recreation program, how it does, what it does, what are some of the future projects that could be funded from CPA funds when available
- Committee will need to determine the overall requirements and set up an application process for formal consideration before recommending choices to Town Council for approval. Still have housing and historical areas to complete the round of subject areas
- Funds will not be available until 4Q 2022.
As with most meetings in this pandemic period, I took my notes via Twitter during the meeting reporting in real-time via the virtual session.
The Twitter hashtag can be found online #cpc0518
Photos captured during the meeting and shared via Twitter can be found in one album https://photos.app.goo.gl/vwT19i7LgxUavXFH8
- Community Preservation Committee Meeting coming up at 7; agenda has connection info https://franklinma.gov/sites/g/files/vyhlif6896/f/agendas/cpc_agenda_for_may_18_2021.pdf #cpc0518
- Town Administrator Jamie Hellen opens with a quick update on the Maple Hill status. Town council has a special meeting Weds 5/19. After their executive session, an announcement and timeline for the right of first refusal will be shared #cpc0519
- Rec Director Ryan Jette provides an overview of the recreation programs. First youth field hockey program in MA started here. #cpc0518
- Community garden, disc golf; concerts on the common, movie nights, food trucks on tap for this summer #cpc0518 training for sports officials, CPR, etc... Playground monitoring done regularly, typical lifespan of 20 years.
- New playground at Beaver Pond getting wood chips on Weds should be open for the weekend, targeted for 5-12 year old kids Wish list for consideration #cpc0518
- Programs are used by young and old, it is a huge draw for the Town and well utilized by many of the residents. #cpc0518 participation of sign up usually around 6,000 and that doesn't count those where sign up is not required (pickel ball courts, hiking/walking trails)
- There will be competing demands for the CPA funds which really won't be available until 4Q 2022. #cpc0518 What will we spend on? What will we save for to have when a 'big' one comes along? All worthy discussion points for the CPC to understand and work towards a plan
- Demographics okay a role, yes. What will the post pandemic look like? Some speculation on which way it goes, should be positioned to handle what comes. Recall too that some of these changes won't be as dramatic (overnight) #cpc0518
- Committee will need to develop the balance of demands and funding. Consider diversity in fields too, i.e. a cricket field. Actually, plans underway at JFK for a cricket field this summer. #cpc0518 Application process will need to be developed ->
- Still need to hear from housing and historical to complete the round of info gathering, then you can start to look at what might be. Open applications, see what comes in and then prioritize for an eventual Town Council decision #cpc0518
- Motion to adjourn, second, meeting ends. That's all for tonight, catch you next time! #cpc0518
Rec Director Ryan Jette presenting to the CPC |
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