Saturday, January 15, 2022

Community Preservation Committee: Public Hearing - January 18, 2022

Community Preservation Committee Public Hearing 
January 18, 2022

The Community Preservation Committee will be holding a public hearing on January 18, 2022 at 7:10 PM regarding the use of Community Preservation Act funds as it pertains to our community needs. 


1. Approval of Minutes 

2. Public Hearing #2: a. Citizens hearing for ideas, questions or proposals on how to use the Community Preservation Act (CPA) funds to incorporate into the CPA Plan.

Please find the agenda and links for the meeting here:

Community Preservation Committee: Public Hearing -  January 18, 2022
Community Preservation Committee: Public Hearing -  January 18, 2022

1 comment:

  1. I've read this so far,"The Community Preservation Committee will be holding a public hearing on January 18, 2022 at 7:10 PM regarding the use of Community Preservation Act funds as it pertains to our community needs." Now. as a member of the Franklin Art Association, I am interested in finding out if local artists can become involved in this Preservation Act? And what would be deemed possible for artists to do?
    I imagine we could contribute (usually donate and hope to sell the actual painting after sale of it's printed image?)to a Town Calendar type effort? The images appearing on the month's pages would perhaps be images of local Franklin Historic or Well-known places needing Preservation? or maybe there would be other ways an actual Art Show or Live Art Auction could be held to raise money? The artists should be offered payment back for art materials if they are asked to outright donate their paintings in an auction, for example, I'd suggest. Vacant Buildings can have large walls on which paper Murals could be made be the public with the FAA artists perhaps jumping in as coaches and also painting some areas. ( Again, art materials would have to be purchased to begin with ...) The idea of an art component added to the raising of visual interest would help advertise the Preservation's Committee's purpose and help it project it's aims for the future.
