Showing posts with label bus. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bus. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Have you taken a ride on the Franklin Area Bus?

Did you know that you can have it stop for you along the route?

This summer why not take some time to ride the bus. For $1, it can be a real bargain.

One of the buses on the Franklin Area route has been wrapped to help advertise for Dean College. The bus (pictured below) was recently seen on its route along King St.

For more information (and schedule) on the Franklin Area Bus follow this link (PDF).

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

GATRA "free ride" coupons

Yes, it is true, there is a "free ride" coupon coming for the GATRA Franklin bus.

Where do you get a coupon?
This Friday’s (November 7, 2008) edition of The Country Gazette will have a 2” x 2” orange coupon also known as an “Ad Note” affixed to the front page of 10,000 copies of the paper. The “Ad Note” is a “peel off” good for a FREE RIDE. The “coupon” is good immediately up to and including Saturday, December 20, 2008.

If your neighbor doesn't want to use it, ask them for it?

If you can't use it, give it to some one who will use it!

That's helping someone get at least one ride free.

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Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Transportation Update - 10/14/08

Here is the promised slide that was shared during the School Committee meeting on Tuesday, 10/14/08.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Live reporting - transportation update

Asst Supt. Maureen Sabolinski, Miriam Goodman

(chart to be made available later)
The chart is an update from one posted in August

Cafasso - If pay-to-ride were to be fee funded it would be approx $670/student

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Live reporting - bus update, no late bus

Maureen Sabolinski - Central Office had only received one call about cross walks not being painted. They referred the call to the Town Administrator. Most of the calls to the schools were minor and overall this was one of the best openings.

If you hear of problems, please let us know. One crowded bus so far, at Annie Sullivan that will be addressed tomorrow.

Amount of transaction in the last couple of days has been busy with new enrollments.

Will need to provide an FY 09 bus update later. The most recent registrations have not yet been processed into the system to provide some output and look at what the impact would be.

Making bus adjustments, adding some spots for where folks moved into the area over the summer.

One of the most striking numbers is that what we budget for transportation is not what it costs. There is a gap for actual cost of transportation and what we budget.

Miriam Goodman:
Not all late enrollments are going to be pay-to-ride

Explains that some of the pay-to-ride money received in June was booked into FY 08. It is properly accounted for but will help to explain why the top line won't balance to the bottom line.

What extraordinary expenses can we face? How do we forecast that? Loss of power, i.e. Kennedy has experienced that. Those are generally separate charges for additional expenses. Holmes has been good and not charged in all instances.

Fuel escalation?

First year of new contract. Only eight payments against the total seen.

Contract started in 06-07 school year with options to extend. What was the price?

The fuel escalation does both ways, up and down. It is possible that we will see some decrease with the recent decreases. I would be happy if we don't have to pay that and I am sure you would be also. Would need to renew sometime before 2010.

Clarification on which students go into which category? By virtue of who we have to pay for, where would we see them?

This is only pay-to-ride students. Students who are already riding are not included in this.

We can try to include the full ridership numbers in the next update.

Shortfall of revenue to cost increasing each year.

Choice to cut other areas of the budget to subsidize this less or to increase the pay-to-ride to be more self-sufficient. No way to adjust re-routing to reduce buses. Could look at the start time to adjust as most high schools are not bus eligible but are pay-to-ride. Changing the start time has not been a palatable solution.

Thanks for taking care of the Lincoln/Maple bend in the route.

Can we ask the advertising subcommittee to look at the advertising option on the Holmes buses.

We can add that to our agenda.

We had looked at funding the late bus, do we have an update?

The projections made in prior meetings were optimistic. The fuel escalation costs have increased. Due to some other factors, four in total. It would be unwise financially to do so (i.e. continue the late bus).

All the parents I have talked with were glad to have saved to the late bus, to do otherwise now would not be good. I would strongly suggest to the committee to direct the administration to reconsider.

Clubs start in Sep not Oct. I can't see keeping it considering the other reductions we have made.

We looked at that and the fee could be upwards of $300/student.

GATRA can provide some service to the high school and to those middle school students who walk over, at $.50 per student.

Given the amount of adjustments we have made with the budget, moving funds around to balance, I can't see that we can't find something to continue this.

We had a long discussion on the budget subcommittee. We have some additional expenses coming at us, special education ($100,000 just for the transportation, doesn't include the actual special ed expense).

I would love to have it stay. The message was clear that the override failure would lead to this.

It wasn't only parents that voted in the override. They would thank you for saving the late bus. It is not that we can't fund the clubs. It is just for the few tens of thousands that we should be able to fund this.

I hear you. If we don't identify this cut, then we would have to identify another cut to fund the late bus. I appreciate the need for the late bus. It is not something we can afford. Over 40 teachers, class sizes increased, how many over 30 per class.

There has been sensitivity to the increase of the $100 fee. This is a difficult descision.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Live reporting - school choice, Pay-to-ride

School choice
previous decision to continue to with school choice
early applicants were notified of not guaranteeing slots
40 overall - 23 in K, the remainder is sprinkled amongst the other grades
76 enrolled in school choice last year, 61 returning, 5 graduated, 10 others left for other reasons, bulk not going to Grade 1 (they came here for K).

have 23 applications for K, would have to do a lottery to chose possibly 10-12
have not publicly held the lottery but could do that to generate some publicity

decision from budget subcommittee to keep any extra funds in the School Choice amount (approx $120K) for a contingency
there are a number of items that it could be used for, instead of a recurring cost (i.e. text books, school supplies, etc.)

anticipating a reduction in revenues for next year as only 61 students are returning which would provide about $300,000 in revenue

Ed Cafasso "one quarter of one percent, a good idea to keep that money unencumbered"

Jeff Roy
"school choice is only offered on a space available basis "

Pay to Ride
616 applications as of Friday, 860 as of this morning
920 applications as of end of day today, last year about 1800 total
on target to where we were last year at this time

seat guaranteed to those with application submitted by June 27th; after that, no guarantee
people moving in do get some slots held for them, others will go to the wait list

Ed Cafasso - would be good to do a survey of the Pay-to-Ride to find out why they use the service
get an idea of routes and schedules in August, before school opens, to try an head off some issues like what occurred last year

Maureen Sabolinski - some parents disagreed with the Franklin Police assessment, that is not a decision the Central Office makes (on bus turn points)

Saturday, June 21, 2008

"it just takes a little planning"

Residents get a free ride

By Joyce Kelly/Daily News staff

Fri Jun 20, 2008, 05:50 PM EDT


For the past few months, Franklin resident Janaina Santos has been "out-and-about" - shopping, taking trips to the library or to Boston - more than she has in a while, thanks to the new public bus, she said.

The Franklin Area Bus, operated by the Greater Attleboro Taunton Regional Transit Authority and funded part by a grant program, has only been in town three months, but Santos is already a regular, she said.

"I think it's awesome. It's good - I'm satisfied with it," said Santos, smiling and taking a seat on the bus beside her daughter after picking up a few groceries at the Stop & Shop on Rte. 140.

Instead of walking or getting a ride with a friend, Santos rides the bus nearly every day now to go to work at the Franklin Senior Center, when she needs to run errands, shop, or get to the train station to head to the city, she said. Her children take the bus to the library, Santos said.

"It's very good. I think it's going to be helpful in the wintertime, for everybody. They should continue to have it," Santos said.

Santos is one of about 25 Franklin residents who now regularly benefits from the town's lengthy battle to bring the public bus to town, and who took advantage of GATRA's one-day, nationwide campaign, "Dump the Pump," and got a free ride yesterday.

Read the full story in the Franklin Gazette here

Have you ridden the bus yet? The schedule is available on the Town website.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Attention Franklin Train Riders

Franklin Line Necessary Track Work ~ Bussing Monday through Friday

Beginning Thursday May 8 and continuing until further notice Monday through Friday, passengers on trains operating between the hours of 9 AM and 4 PM will be bussed between Norwood Central and Walpole and vice-versa.

All passengers at the Windsor Gardens stop will be dropped off and picked up on Route 1A in front of the Windsor Gardens complex, not at the station.

Delays of up to 30 minutes may occur to the following trains as a result of the bussing: Outbound: 707, 709 and 711 Inbound: 714, 716 and 718

We apologize for any inconvenience that may result from this necessary track work. Thank you for riding Commuter Rail.

From the MBTA web site

After the work on this particular section, there will be bussing around the Norfolk and then Franklin/Dean and Franklin/Forge Park stations. This is due to the required track work and that there is only a single track between Franklin and Walpole.

This is part of the notice made back in April.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

In the News - diesel costs for school buses

The skyrocketing price of diesel fuel is putting a squeeze on school budgets and the contractors that districts hire to bus students.

"It's impacting us tremendously," said Joseph Vendetti, owner of Vendetti Bus Co. in Franklin. "Everybody's complaining about paying $3 a gallon for gasoline, and we're paying $4 for diesel."

Most school buses run on diesel, and the cost for that fuel shot past $4 last week - up 59 cents from just five weeks ago, according to AAA of Southern New England. As of Monday, the average price for diesel in Massachusetts was $4.14 a gallon.

Read the full article in the Milford Daily news

Monday, March 17, 2008

Franklin bus schedule

yes, there is a bus that runs through Franklin from the Municipal Building to the Village Plaza. The bus runs six days (Mon-Sat) and the schedule can be found here (PDF).

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

In the news: Franklin bus service

Posted Mar 11, 2008 @ 12:30 AM


Debbie Drew was loading groceries into her car at Stop & Shop when she noticed a big white vehicle advertising itself as the Franklin Area Bus. She rushed over to get the skinny on what appeared to be the first public bus in town.

"Is this like a new service? Do we have a bus now?" she excitedly asked the driver. "Excellent!"

The Franklin Area Bus yesterday drove its first 13 passengers around town. It will run Monday through Saturday year-round with a regular fare of $1, 50 cents for the elderly, students and the disabled, and free for children under 6.

Read the remainder of the article here.