Showing posts with label update. Show all posts
Showing posts with label update. Show all posts

Saturday, July 13, 2024

Friday's Concerts on the Common rescheduled to Sept 6, 2024

The weather on Friday did change the plans for Concerts on the Common. They posted an update to Facebook at 1 PM that apparently didn't get caught by some folks (yup, we didn't see it until later).

Due to this evenings weather we will be canceling the Reminicents concert and Back to the Future Movie. We will hold a makeup day on September 6th
Mike Tarrara will still play tonight from 3-5PM"

So friendly reminder: for day of updates, check for the host organization first. Given the Facebook algorithm, there is no guarantee I'll get it in time. 

Concerts on the Common updates by Franklin Recreation ->

Franklin Farmers Market - >

Friday's Concerts on the Common rescheduled to Sept 6, 2024
Friday's Concerts on the Common rescheduled to Sept 6, 2024

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Franklin (MA) Elections Voter Turnout History: from 2003 - 2023 (updated for 6/11/24)

The chart depicting the voter count and percent for the elections from 2003 through 2023, update for June 11, 2024 results.

Franklin (MA) Elections Voter Turnout History: from 2003 - 2023 (updated for 6/11/24)
Franklin (MA) Elections Voter Turnout History: from 2003 - 2023 (updated for 6/11/24)

Monday, November 27, 2023

The Master Plan Survey is ready for your input

Click here to take the Franklin Master Plan Survey (via Google Form)

What is the Master Plan Update Committee?
"The Town Council has established the Master Plan Update Committee to update the 2013 town-wide Master Plan.

The Committee will:
  • Review the current Master Plan and existing planning documents, data and achievements;
  • Identify the key issues facing the community in the next ten years; 
  • Assist in the identification of existing conditions and conduct trends analysis;
  • Recommend goals and objectives related to Franklin's future;
  • Develop a clear action plan for the Town of Franklin; and
  • Make a final report to the Planning Board within 18 months from the date of ratification of the Committee members."
Shared from the Town of Franklin Master Plan Update Cmte page -> 

Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Congressman Auchincloss: An Update for the prior two weeks (11/21/23)



I'm your representative in Congress and I write to keep you informed.

On the Hill

The War in Israel

The War in Israel: In a recent interview I was asked how Israel should respond to anger on the Arab Street. My response – if Israel had let Arab popular opinion dictate its strategy in 1947; 1967; 1973, it would have been destroyed. Israel should pursue its mission: rescue the hostages, destroy Hamas, and help architect just post-war governance for Gaza. This latter requires that Israel not only buttress a peaceful alternative to Hamas in Gaza, but also that it cease & reverse inflammatory, destabilizing actions in the West Bank.

While in Washington, I joined a bipartisan vigil in support of the 240+ hostages held by Hamas terrorists. Many watched their families tortured and slain before being dragged to captivity. Some of them are children. I am committed to supporting Israel in securing their release.

Funding the Government: When House Republicans took us to the brink in September, I vowed it would be the last time I'd vote to bail out their dysfunction without a clear, credible, and concrete plan for supporting Ukraine. Last week, I kept my word.

Since we last voted on a continuing resolution, the world has only become more dangerous for democracies. Congress must demonstrate through its power of the purse that the United States stands with its allies in Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan.

Despite credible efforts that reflect the bipartisan majorities in both chambers in favor of aid, there is no clear and concrete plan from Republicans to demonstrate global leadership to friends and foes alike. I could not support a short-term spending measure, cobbled together as the GOP careens from crisis to crisis, that fails to defend democracy.

Military Veterans Caucus: To mark Veterans Day, I joined the Military Veterans Caucus to address mental health and our veterans. We discussed strong legislation to accelerate mental health research. This Veterans Day, let's recommit ourselves to ensuring veterans receive high-quality care that honors the uniform.

Military Promotion Blockade: I led the Democrats on the House Select Committee on China in pressuring Leader McConnell to break Tuberville's blockade of military promotions. No Republicans from the Select Committee on China would join us, despite Senate Republicans recently raising the alarm on force readiness in the Indo-Pacific.

National security should be above partisanship. I encourage Republicans on the committee to join us in a bipartisan commitment to a strong military.

Make your voice heard → I want to hear from you.

Do you support additional funding to Ukraine?





Around the Fourth

Greater Boston Chamber of Commerce

Greater Boston Chamber of Commerce: At the Greater Boston Chamber of Commerce, I argued that Democrats should negotiate on border policy with Republicans as part of a compromise that strengthens border security and unlocks further support for Ukraine.

I also emphasized that the most important way that federal and state officials can improve the Bay State business climate is to expand the supply and deepen the affordability of housing.

MIT Visit: Attending MIT was one of the best decisions I made in my career (and my life – I met my wife there!) I was honored to return as part of its alumni series to discuss Congress, to encourage students to help rebuild trust in society, and to reflect on how MIT's emphasis on science, enterprise, and bold ideas have shaped my policy-making.

Boston Passport Office: Many of you know the feeling: you're packing your bags and retrieving your passports from the drawer when, oh #$@! – one of those passports is about to expire. I am here to help, and my staff and I rely on the hardworking civil servants at the Boston Passport Agency to expeditiously and securely issue new passports. I'm grateful for their professionalism, responsiveness, and commitment to serve the traveling public.

And remember: check your passport before you buy the ticket! Some countries require that your passport be valid for up to six months after your date of return. So even if your passport hasn't expired, it might need to be renewed before travel. Check for entry requirements.

Pioneering AI Summit: Earlier this year, I raised awareness of AI in Congress by giving the first AI-drafted speech in history on the House floor. Since then, I've been working with legislators, regulators, and technologists to understand and prepare for this general-purpose technology.

At the Flagship Pioneering AI Summit, I advocated for Congress to fund a public cloud for civil society & researchers as a counterweight to Big Tech, but cautioned against knee-jerk, sweeping legislation before national lawmakers have been able to assess various efforts by the Administration, states, civil society, and industry to see what works and what doesn't.

Congress should ultimately craft legislation that induces competition, not furthers monopoly power; that unlocks innovation in domains like biomedical R&D and education; and that prevents further degradation in trust, particularly through disinformation and defamation on social media.

Happy Thanksgiving: I hope everyone is able to spend the upcoming holiday with friends and loved ones. As the representative of a cranberry-growing district: please make sure to include that delicious dish!




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15 Independence Avenue SE
1524 Longworth HOB

Washington, DC 20515
Phone: (202) 225-5931

29 Crafts Street
Suite 375
Newton, MA 02458
Phone: (617) 332-3333

8 North Main Steet
Suite 200

Attleboro, MA 02703
Phone: (508) 431-1110


Tuesday, October 24, 2023

#LOVEfranklin // Emergency Shelter Humanitarian Aid UPDATE - 10/23/23


Thank you for being patient as we took a brief pause to evaluate our process to make sure that we are asking for donations people actually need. There have been a lot of disparate community asks for donations and many of those asks overlapped which created a glut of some things and a scarcity of others. 

While the outpouring of donations is immensely appreciated, we want to make sure 1) that we receive things that will be used in a timely manner and 2) that we don't put too many asks out at one time and burn people out. 

This is not a "short term project." This is a long-term effort. We need to make sure that the process of assessing and meeting needs is sustainable. So, we needed to take a pause, meet with all the stakeholders, and create a new procedure. 

Here is how we are operating as we move forward:

  1. The SAFE Coalition will do intake interviews for new placements and assess needs upon arrival. They will also be giving out welcome/hospitality bags that will provide basic supplies. Most people arrive with little to nothing.
  2. Needs will be regularly communicated to the Franklin Interfaith Council who will then ask for donations via its email list and through the various communities of faith. Drop-off points will be at St. Mary's and the Franklin United Methodist Church (details of hours will be provided when the ask is issued). Note: moving forward please do not drop-off clothing donations at the Franklin Federated Church. No donations should be dropped off at the hotel.
  3. Items will be sorted and stored at the Franklin United Methodist Church.
  4. Volunteers will gather needed items from the Franklin United Methodist Church and deliver them directly to the individuals/families.
  5. The SAFE Coalition will do regular visits to individuals/families to assess any new or changing needs. They will also remove items that may no longer be of use. Remember: there isn't a lot of room for storing accumulated items in the hotel rooms. At that point, we loop back to step two (2) and the process keeps repeating.

If you have any questions about this process, please don't hesitate to ask. I'll do my best to answer any/all your questions. The Franklin Interfaith Council, SAFE Coalition, and others are meeting weekly, outside of the town-called stakeholders meeting, to communicate and collaborate with one another. I hope to send out an updated call for donations by the end of this week.

In the meantime, we are continuing to train volunteers for the After-school Program which is anticipated to begin on Wednesday. If you'd like to help with that, please contact Rev. Kathy McAdams (rector@stjohnsfranklinma.og). 

We will need volunteers to help sort and put things in storage at Franklin United Methodist Church. We are finalizing lists of donations for the welcome/hospitality bags. And, we are making plans for a weekly sit-down meal for emergency shelter residents that will include a "carry-out" option for those not able to be seated for the meal (space is limited).

Thank you for your patience during this pause. And, most importantly, thank you for your generosity as seek to meet the needs of those placed in the emergency shelter so that they might come to #LOVEfranklin as much as we do.



#LOVEfranklin // Emergency Shelter Humanitarian Aid UPDATE - 10/23/23
#LOVEfranklin // Emergency Shelter Humanitarian Aid UPDATE - 10/23/23

Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Congressman Auchincloss: An Update for the past 2 weeks in review (10/03/23)

Congressman Auchincloss


I'm your representative in Congress and I write to keep you informed.

On the Hill

Avoiding a Government Shutdown

Avoiding a Government Shutdown: On Saturday, I voted to prevent a government shutdown. This was the responsible thing to do, but it is the last time I will support a GOP compromise that does not provide clear, credible, and concrete terms for supporting Ukraine.

Speaker Kevin McCarthy played political games with American livelihoods and Ukrainian lives. He caved to MAGA extremists and handed Putin a propaganda victory by excising funding for Ukraine from the continuing resolution to fund the government. Kevin McCarthy sided with the Kremlin over Ukraine. Without Democrats stepping up as the adults in the room, his conference would have voted to shut the government down rather than support Ukraine's fight for freedom.

Moving forward, I am committed to supporting an aid package for Ukraine that supports their efforts against Russia's brutal invasion. You can hear more of my thoughts on WBUR and on CNN.

Lowering the Cost of Prescription Drugs: I joined the House Committee on Oversight and Accountability's hearing on Pharmacy Benefit Managers (PBMs), which are the drug-pricing middlemen owned by insurance companies. It is unacceptable that PBMs drive up out-of-pocket costs for Americans through rent-seeking and self-dealing. I am working on legislation to increase transparency and lower prescription drug costs for Americans. No family should have to decide between their life-saving medications and paying for groceries.

Additionally, before we passed the continuing resolution to fund the government, I led 40 of my colleagues in calling for Medicare to continue its drug price negotiation program in the case of a government shutdown. The program will lower drug costs for millions of Medicare beneficiaries, as part of the president's commitment to improving economic security for Americans.

Supporting Israel: On Friday, Republicans put forth a deeply-flawed funding bill that cut security aid to Israel, which I opposed. While the bill did not pass, nearly all House Republicans voted in support of such a measure. Israel is our only reliable, democratic ally in the Middle East. Cutting their security assistance would make the entire region, and the United States, less safe.


ACT Press Conference

ACT Press Conference:
I hosted a press conference with the Association for Commuter Transportation to expand the use of public transit by commuters. I announced that I'll be introducing legislation to restore transit benefits, cut by President Trump, that reduce traffic and put money back in employees' pockets. My bill restores the deductibility of transportation benefits and encourages companies to provide transit subsidies to their employees. With employers struggling to attract and retain talent, our roads becoming more congested, and public transit ridership down, it's time to empower employers to offer better transit benefits.


Do you support employers offering transit benefits to support public transportation?





Around the Fourth

Supporting Local Farmers

Supporting Local Farmers: Over the summer, I heard from local farmers about their priorities in the upcoming Farm Bill Reauthorization at a roundtable I hosted. Now, I am advocating to improve crop insurance and SNAP benefits in the Farm Bill. Specifically, I support making SNAP benefits applicable to fresh local produce and including dairy and cheese.

Migrant Crisis: I've heard from many of my constituents about the influx of migrants to Massachusetts. I believe we must provide a safe haven for those seeking refuge, but I also understand the challenges that cities and towns are facing in trying to accommodate newcomers. Further, the crisis is made worse by federal work authorization delays.

That's why I cosponsored the Asylum Seeker Work Authorization Act to speed up and streamline how migrants get approved to work. We have employers struggling to find workers and migrants looking for work. Now, we just have to cut through the red tape, which will empower migrants to provide for themselves and their families and bolster the Massachusetts economy. The Asylum Seeker Work Authorization Act is just one part of the comprehensive immigration solution that Congress must deliver.




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15 Independence Avenue SE
1524 Longworth HOB

Washington, DC 20515
Phone: (202) 225-5931

29 Crafts Street
Suite 375
Newton, MA 02458
Phone: (617) 332-3333

8 North Main Steet
Suite 200

Attleboro, MA 02703
Phone: (508) 431-1110



Monday, September 18, 2023

Master Plan Update Committee & Subcommittee meetings 9/18 to 9/27

Master Plan Subcommittee meetings scheduled for this week include

  • Sustainability Subcommittee - Sep 18

  • Land Use Subcommittee- Sep 19

The full Mast Plan Update Committee is scheduled to to meet on Wednesday, Sep 27
Agenda -> Not yet posted for this session as scheduled ->

Master Plan Update Committee & Subcommittee meetings 9/18 to 9/27
Master Plan Update Committee & Subcommittee meetings 9/18 to 9/27

Monday, August 28, 2023

Master Plan Update Committee discusses timeline, outreach, survey and more in 2 hour session (audio)

FM #1048 = This is the Franklin Matters radio show, number 1048 in the series. 

This session of the radio show shares the Master Plan Update Committee meeting held on Wednesday, August 23, 2023.

  • The Master Plan Update Committee met in the 3rd floor Training Room/ RM 326

  • Discussion on branding efforts complicated by heavy web presence of Franklin Tennessee and wanting to avoid confusion with them

  • Will have booth at Harvest Festival, discussion on logo, branding desire to have something ready to handout or engagement with community at booth

  • Proceeding with "Form Franklin's Future"

  • Recommendations from multiple members to obtain input in map based form, for multiple good reasons to help visualize and work with qualitatively, if not quantitatively

  • extended discussion on survey and use of an incentive to increase participation, action to run this by the Town Attny for 2 answers, one if the committee could do so (per meeting likely not); alternatively, might another non-town org (i.e. Dean College) run the survey (and include incentive) to enable the data to be used by the committee. Amy to get answers

  • Amy to create spreadsheet for committee members to use to add orgs and other contact points for outreach effort

  • The 2020 update to the Master Plan is the one to use for status of which of the prior plans objectives and actions items were completed or not. Ginelle has marked up the spreadsheet with color coding on completion status and will share to the drive from other members to work with

  • Meeting adjourns

Listen to the recording of the Master Plan Update Cmte meeting held on August 23, 2023. The meeting runs about 2 hours.

Audio file ->


The agenda doc is rich with links to the prior master plan and associated materials  

The Master Plan update Committee page -> 

My notes captured during the meeting can be found in one PDF file -> 

The meeting video is available for replay -> 


We are now producing this in collaboration with Franklin.TV and Franklin Public Radio ( or 102.9 on the Franklin area radio dial.  

This podcast is my public service effort for Franklin but we can't do it alone. We can always use your help.


How can you help?

  • If you can use the information that you find here, please tell your friends and neighbors

  • If you don't like something here, please let me know

Through this feedback loop we can continue to make improvements. I thank you for listening.

For additional information, please visit or

If you have questions or comments you can reach me directly at shersteve @ gmail dot com

The music for the intro and exit was provided by Michael Clark and the group "East of Shirley". The piece is titled "Ernesto, manana"  c. Michael Clark & Tintype Tunes, 2008 and used with their permission.

I hope you enjoy!


You can also subscribe and listen to Franklin Matters audio on iTunes or your favorite podcast app; search in "podcasts" for "Franklin Matters"

Master Plan Update Committee discusses timeline, outreach, survey and more in 2 hour session (audio)
Master Plan Update Committee discusses timeline, outreach, survey and more in 2 hour session (audio)

Friday, August 25, 2023

Master Plan Update Committee discusses timeline, outreach, survey and more in 2 hour session (video)

The Master Plan Update Committee met as scheduled on Wednesday, Aug 23, 2023 beginning at 6:30 PM. I joined the meeting in progress at about 7ish (after the Police Station committee completed in the Council Chambers.)

The Franklin TV meeting video replay link ->

Brief recap 
  • Discussion on branding efforts complicated by heavy web presence of Franklin Tennessee and wanting to avoid confusion with them
  • Will have booth at Harvest Festival, discussion on logo, branding desire to have something ready to handout or engagement with community at booth
  • Proceeding with "Form Franklin's Future"
  • Recommendations from multiple members to obtain input in map based form, for multiple good reasons to help visualize and work with qualitatively, if not quantitatively
  • extended discussion on survey and use of an incentive to increase participation, action to run this by the Town Attny for 2 answers, one if the committee could do so (per meeting likely not); alternatively, might another non-town org (i.e. Dean College) run the survey (and include incentive) to enable the data to be used by the committee. Amy to get answers
  • Amy to create spreadsheet for committee members to use to add orgs and other contact points for outreach effort
  • The 2020 update to the Master Plan is the one to use for status of which of the prior plans objectives and actions items were completed or not. Ginelle has marked up the spreadsheet with color coding on completion status and will share to the drive from other members to work with
  • Meeting adjourns
My full set of notes captured via Twitter can be found in one PDF

Master Plan Update Committee discusses timeline, outreach, survey and more in 2 hour session (video)
Master Plan Update Committee discusses timeline, outreach, survey and more in 2 hour session (video)

Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Franklin, MA: Master Plan Update Committee - Agenda for July 26, 2023 at 6:30 PM

Town of Franklin 
Master Plan Update Committee 
Agenda - July 26, 2023

3rd Floor Training Room

1. Community Outreach Plan
● Review draft
2. Establish Mission and Goals
3. Subcommittee Meeting Schedules

Agenda doc also contains remote participation info -> 


Franklin, MA:  Master Plan Update Committee - Agenda for July 26, 2023 at 6:30 PM
Franklin, MA:  Master Plan Update Committee - Agenda for July 26, 2023 at 6:30 PM

Thursday, June 29, 2023

Master Plan Update Committee gets update on Open Mtg law compliance (video)

The master Plan Update Committee met in the 3rd floor training room on Wednesday, June 28, 2023. The room was newly outfitted to broadcast via Zoom, live stream to YouTube and to both cable channels (Comcast & Verizon).

Brief recap:
  • Attorney Mark Cerel provides some background and insights in how to operate safely within the Open Meeting law. Nuances around quorum of the committee as a whole (7) and of the subcommittees (2 or 4), and what could happen if members of the main committee attend a subcommittee meeting they are not part of (watch & listen = ok; vs. actively participate = problematic).
  • Subcommittees announced (not yet posted to Committee page nor part of agenda doc)
  • discussion around the mission statement, potential for revision, send comments to Chair by July 19 for compilation and review at next meeting July 26
  • discussion around draft timeline to be reviewed next time along with a draft outline for public engagement

My notes captured via Twitter during the meeting can be found in one PDF -> 

Master Plan Update Committee met June 28, 2023 beginning at 6:42 PM
Master Plan Update Committee met June 28, 2023 beginning at 6:42 PM