Showing posts with label engagement. Show all posts
Showing posts with label engagement. Show all posts

Monday, March 14, 2022

Your time is needed (NOW) to pay attention to the storm water utility fee discussion

One of the recurring themes here is citizen engagement. And yes, while I attend many of the meetings and report on them so you don't need to, this week and this budget season, is THE time for you to be more engaged, period. 


The Town budget determines what services we get from the Town. No matter whether it is a pickleball court, or a ball field with nicely cut grass, books on the shelf at the library or the cafĂ© reopening at the Senior Center. The Town of Franklin is a service organization providing for all our needs and "there ain't no such this as a free lunch" (the TANSAAFL principle). Everything costs something. 

If you paid attention last week, the School Committee got their first view of the school budget. The Finance Committee got a deep dive on the DPW and all it does. The Joint Budget Subcommittee got their first look at the overall town budget. (links to the meeting audio and transcripts are provided below.)

Surprise, the initial revenue projection doesn't meet the initial expense projections. So how do we figure that out? 

This is where YOU come in to the act. If you believe that what happens in Franklin matters to you, then follow along as the discussion takes place to resolve the budget deficit this year. 

1 - Find out how the storm water utility fee takes managing storm water expenses down a more fair approach. Everyone pays a little vs. the taxpayers bearing the full burden. 

2 - Watch, listen, or read what happens at the Town Council meeting Wednesday as the discussion/action item comes up for review.

Storm water information links

 - Storm water utility information flyer

 - EPA MS4 permit quick facts and takeaways

 - Storm water items on the Wednesday Town Council agenda

Stormwater Presentation - Department of Public Works  - 
ii. Stormwater Management Plan:
Year 2 Update, July 3, 2020 - 393-page Federal Stormwater Permit
July 2021 Update 
iii. Department of Public Works:
& Parcel Level Impervious Surface Map


Last week's meeting links (audio and transcript) 

TA Jamie Hellen, Miriam Goodman and Supt Sara Ahern presenting to the Joint Budget Subcommittee
TA Jamie Hellen, Miriam Goodman and Supt Sara Ahern presenting to the Joint Budget Subcommittee

Thursday, July 22, 2021

Washington Post: "Facebook and YouTube’s vaccine misinformation problem is simpler than it seems"

"On Friday, President Biden said Facebook is “killing people” by spreading misinformation about the coronavirus vaccines. On Monday, he changed his tune. “Facebook isn’t killing people,” he amended, instead blaming a handful of disinformation merchants who use the platform.

Whether Facebook is or isn’t killing people depends on your definitions. What’s clear, regardless, is that Facebook, YouTube, and other social media platforms have played a major role in the anti-vaccine movement. And they continue to do so, despite some sincere efforts by the companies to combat the trend.


So now you have two media realms: a traditional media realm in which information must be both true and interesting to reach an audience, and a social media realm in which it must only be interesting. Guess which one is bound to become a magnet for conspiracy theorists, hoaxsters, propagandists, disinformation operatives, grifters and peddlers of false cures?"
Continue reading the article online (subscription maybe required)

Monday, May 17, 2021

Franklin (1) in the news for the UVGA lamps, (2) could we consider Amherst's example to help with engagement?

From the Mass Municipal Association (MMA) we find to share:

1 - "Franklin installs ultraviolet lamps to destroy coronaviruses"

"Using technology both visible and hidden, the town of Franklin has improved the air quality in its municipal and school buildings and reduced the chances of people catching COVID-19."

2 - "Amherst launches online engagement platform"

"The town of Amherst has developed a new prong in its online engagement strategy with the launch of a new interactive platform, Engage Amherst.

The March launch comes a year after the COVID-19 pandemic forced cities and towns across the state to pivot from in-person meetings and hearings to remote, online engagement with residents."