Showing posts with label fudge. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fudge. Show all posts

Thursday, February 6, 2025

What's happening in Franklin, MA: Thursday, February 6, 2025 ???

Thursday, February 6

2:30pm FHS Theatre Company clothing drive - drop off (Franklin High School) (likely to be rescheduled due to SNOW Day)

5:00pm Board Game Night (Pete's Nerd Emporium)
6:30pm Ethics of Chocolate: a Talk & Tasting (Franklin Public Library) 
7:00pm Karaoke (La Cantina Winery)
7:00pm 350 Mass Greater Franklin Node Meeting (First Universalist Society Franklin)

**   Town Meetings today   **

Conservation Commission Meeting

February 6, 2025, 7:00 PM


Why are there multiple calendars?
What's happening today in Franklin?
What's happening today in Franklin? 
Respectfully, the Library and Senior Center calendars are too full of events to include all their events so we tend to focus on the major events. Town and School meetings are also kept separate. Links for all the calendars are shared here:

Find the full Community event calendar

If you have an event to add to the calendar, you can use the form to submit it for publication:

The Library calendar of events ->    calendar link
The Senior Center calendar of events ->

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

What's happening in Franklin, MA: Tuesday, February 4, 2025 ???

Tuesday, February 4
11:00am Community Closet (Franklin United Methodist Church)
6:00pm Table Top (Franklin Public Library)
6:30pm Franklin Garden Club - monthly meeting (Franklin Senior Center)
7:00pm Musical Bingo (Raillery Public House)
7:00pm Friends of Franklin Public Library Book Club (Franklin Public Library)

**   Town Meetings today   **

Franklin Public Schools Contractual Negotiations (executive session)

Tuesday, February 4, 2025 - 4:00 PM

Franklin School Committee Meeting - Budget Hearing FY 2026 (Council Chambers & broadcast)

February 4, 2025, 7:00 PM


Why are there multiple calendars?
What's happening today in Franklin?
What's happening today in Franklin? 
Respectfully, the Library and Senior Center calendars are too full of events to include all their events so we tend to focus on the major events. Town and School meetings are also kept separate. Links for all the calendars are shared here:

Find the full Community event calendar

If you have an event to add to the calendar, you can use the form to submit it for publication:

The Library calendar of events ->    calendar link
The Senior Center calendar of events ->

Monday, February 3, 2025

What's happening in Franklin, MA: Monday, February 3, 2025 ???

Monday, February 3
1:15pm Movie Matinee: "Glory" (Franklin Senior Center)
4:00pm Petite Picassos (event full) (Franklin Public Library)

**  NO  Town Meetings today   **


Why are there multiple calendars?
What's happening today in Franklin?
What's happening today in Franklin? 
Respectfully, the Library and Senior Center calendars are too full of events to include all their events so we tend to focus on the major events. Town and School meetings are also kept separate. Links for all the calendars are shared here:

Find the full Community event calendar

If you have an event to add to the calendar, you can use the form to submit it for publication:

The Library calendar of events ->    calendar link
The Senior Center calendar of events ->

Friday, January 31, 2025

What's happening in Franklin, MA: Friday, January 31, 2025 ???

Friday, January 31
10:00am Knitting Group (Franklin Public Library)
1:00pm Thrifty Threads (Franklin Federated Church)
9:00pm Two for the Rode (live music) (3 Restaurant)

**  NO  Town Meetings today   **


Why are there multiple calendars?
What's happening today in Franklin?
What's happening today in Franklin? 
Respectfully, the Library and Senior Center calendars are too full of events to include all their events so we tend to focus on the major events. Town and School meetings are also kept separate. Links for all the calendars are shared here:

Find the full Community event calendar

If you have an event to add to the calendar, you can use the form to submit it for publication:

The Library calendar of events ->    calendar link

The Senior Center calendar of events ->

Sunday, January 26, 2025

Reminder: Friends Of Franklin Library Fudge Sale - your order is due by Feb 6, 2025

Friends of the Franklin Library is partnering with The Fudge Lady of Uxbridge for our 3rd Annual Valentine's Day Fudge Fundraiser. You can choose from 17 delicious specialty fudge flavors, including two vegan and one sugar free option. Also, 15 of the 17 fudge flavors are gluten free.

Reminder: Friends Of Franklin Library Fudge Sale - your order is due by Feb 6, 2025
Reminder: Friends Of Franklin Library Fudge Sale - your order is due by Feb 6, 2025

With Valentine's Day coming up, this is the perfect gift for that special someone, your friends, family, or co-workers. And don't forget to treat yourself, too!

All proceeds will help Friends of the Franklin Library continue to support and fund a variety of library-run programs, services, and initiatives at our beloved Franklin Public Library.

 This year there are two ordering options:

  • Option 1:  Mail your completed order form + check to:
                      Friends of the Franklin Library, 
    PO Box 147, Franklin, MA 02038

  • Option 2:  Email your completed order form to and  VENMO your payment to @FriendsofFranklinLibrary

Orders are due by Thursday, February 6th and will be available for pick up at the library during designated times Tuesday, 2/11– Thursday, 2/13.  

CLICK HERE to start your order!

The Friends thank you for your continued support!

Friends of the Franklin Library

Order form ->

Sunday, January 12, 2025

Sweet News from Friends of the Franklin Library

Friends of the Franklin Library

Sweet News from Friends of the Franklin Library
Sweet News from Friends of the Franklin Library

As a previous supporter of Friends of the Franklin Library, we wanted to let you know about our fundraising initiative going on now - and it's a sweet one!  

Friends of the Franklin Library is partnering with The Fudge Lady of Uxbridge for our 3rd Annual Valentine's Day Fudge Fundraiser. You can choose from 17 delicious specialty fudge flavors, including two vegan and one sugar free option. Also, 15 of the 17 fudge flavors are gluten free.

With Valentine's Day coming up, this is the perfect gift for that special someone, your friends, family, or co-workers. And don't forget to treat yourself, too!

All proceeds will help Friends of the Franklin Library continue to support and fund a variety of library-run programs, services, and initiatives at our beloved Franklin Public Library.

 This year there are two ordering options:

  • Option 1:  Mail your completed order form + check to:
                      Friends of the Franklin Library, 
    PO Box 147, Franklin, MA 02038

  • Option 2:  Email your completed order form to and  VENMO your payment to @FriendsofFranklinLibrary

Orders are due by Thursday, February 6th and will be available for pick up at the library during designated times Tuesday, 2/11– Thursday, 2/13.  

CLICK HERE to start your order!

The Friends thank you for your continued support!

Friends of the Franklin Library

Thursday, January 25, 2024

Reminder: Order some delicious Fudge by Feb 3 with sugar free, dairy-free, vegan, and/or gluten-free fudge flavors

Do you love your library ...
and love fudge? 

We hope so.

Order some quality, locally made fudge and support Friends of the Franklin Library. That's a combination to love. And love for our library is what the fund raiser is all about. (And don't forget, Valentine's Day is coming up!)

Many asked about a lower or no sugar fudge option and now we have it: SUGAR FREE CHOCOLATE! (Just handwrite this in on your order form.)

Interested in dairy-free, vegan, and/or gluten-free fudge flavors?
  • Vegan Chocolate and Vegan Peanut Butter are both dairy free and vegan.
  • 16 of our 17 fudge flavors are also gluten free. (Cookies & Cream fudge contains gluten.)
Fudge orders are due by Saturday, February 3rd and fudge will be available for pick up in time for Valentine's Day!

All proceeds from this sale help to fund Friends of the Franklin Library, a nonprofit, volunteer-led organization devoted to supporting America's first public library.

Download the flyer and order form ->

Order some delicious Fudge to help the Friends of Franklin Library
Order some delicious Fudge to help the Friends of Franklin Library

Thursday, January 11, 2024

Order some delicious Fudge to help the Friends of Franklin Library

Do you love your library ...
and love fudge? 

We hope so.

Order some quality, locally made fudge and support Friends of the Franklin Library. That's a combination to love. And love for our library is what the fund raiser is all about. (And don't forget, Valentine's Day is coming up!)

All proceeds from this sale help to fund Friends of the Franklin Library, a nonprofit, volunteer-led organization devoted to supporting America's first public library.

Download the flyer and order form ->

Order some delicious Fudge to help the Friends of Franklin Library
Order some delicious Fudge to help the Friends of Franklin Library

Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Get some fudge for Valentine's Day and help the Friends of the Franklin Library; orders due Feb 3, 2023

The Friends of the Franklin Library has partnered with The Fudge Lady of Uxbridge for a fudge sale. You will be able to choose from 14 delicious specialty fudge flavors. With Valentine's Day coming up, this is the perfect gift for that special someone, your friends, family, co-workers or yourself. (Treat yourself!) 
All proceeds will help the Friends of the Franklin Library continue to support and fund a variety of library-run programs, services, and initiatives at our beloved Franklin Public Library. 
OK - are you ready to order your tasty treats? Great, here's how: 

2.     Print the form and choose which types of fudge you'd like (hard choices!) 

3.     Mail your form and check to the below address: 
Friends of the Franklin Library 
PO Box 147 
Franklin, MA 02038
4.     Pick up your delectable fudge during one of the pick-up times

5.     Share (or don't - we won't tell!) 

All orders are due by Friday, February 3 and will be ready for pick up ahead of Valentine's Day. 
We thank you for your continued support! 
Friends of the Franklin Library 

Get some fudge for Valentine's Day and help the Friends of the Franklin Library
Get some fudge for Valentine's Day and help the Friends of the Franklin Library