Monday, August 2, 2010

Franklin, MA: Town Council - procedures manual

Continuing to find some interesting summer reading, let's get into the Town Council procedures manual. It is posted on the Town website here (PDF):

and can be viewed here:


Sunday, August 1, 2010

Native Plants of Franklin

Hello Franklin! It’s time to reveal what last week’s mystery plant was. Were you able to figure it out? Loretta was close, and Susan correctly identified it. Here is the picture again:

If you said it was pinesap, you are correct!

I photographed this pinesap, at the Franklin State Forest last September, which means you have some time to get out and look for this elusive plant yourself. This patch is visible from the trail that leads straight into the woods from the YMCA.

The trick to seeing pinesap, Monotropa hypopitys, is that it only grows above ground like this for a very brief window of time. You may notice that the plant isn’t green. It actually contains no chlorophyll, which means it isn’t getting its food from the sun. Instead, it is a parasite that feeds on a fungus, which in turn is in a symbiotic relationship with tree roots. Don’t ever try to transplant this type of plant, because its growing conditions are so complex that removing the plant from its environment would kill it.

A more common relative of pinesap is Indian pipe, Monotropa uniflora, which also grows in undisturbed, shady woodlands, and is in bloom right now.

Indian pipe is frequently mistaken for a fungus, but like pinesap, it is a parasitic flowering plant.

And here is our next mystery plant:

Happy plant-sleuthing!

Franklin, MA

Franklin, MA: Customer Service commitment

Jeff Nutting, the Franklin Town Administrator, has posted the following customer service commitment on the Administrator's page on the Town website (PDF):

Franklin MA Customer Service

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Franklin, MA: summer reading

Looking for some summer reading?
Something more than a paperback novel or a magazine from the grocery store check out line?

Try the Financial Audit Reports for 2008 and 2009. You can obtain both reports from the town website here:

If you find a term you are not familiar with, look it up with your favorite search engine. The results should include one or two dictionary references, an entry for wikipedia and perhaps some professional references including higher education institutions.

By the time you finish reading and studying, the summer will be over!


By the way - if you are interested in the Town budget documents, you can find the prior years here:

You can find the current Fiscal Year 2011 budget here:

Franklin, MA

Friday, July 30, 2010


6. Amend the zoning by-laws to allow:
“Assisted living” and other elderly housing facilities in residential and certain commercial zones,
Greater densities for housing reserved for the elderly residents.

7. Maintain an inventory of existing housing facilities.
The Town will maintain an inventory of existing housing facilities that details the location of existing affordable housing facilities, 55+ senior developments and 40B housing developments within Franklin (Map 4: Existing Affordable Housing).

8. Identify areas where there is potential for development of affordable housing.

  • The focus area for potential housing development is centered around the Downtown area with a focus on providing multi-bedroom housing units.
  • Provide housing opportunities in the Downtown area where mixed-use and infill development opportunities are available. This area provides the most services and has a housing stock that is generally affordable and can more easily be converted to affordable housing.
  • Allow housing conversions in the Downtown area to allow multi-bedroom housing-units.
  • Consider a multi-family zoning around the central business district by-right rather than requiring a special permit.
  • School land that is owned by the Town of Franklin should be evaluated for residential uses. Housing at schools could be used for teachers and other municipal workers. Renting or leasing to these people may require specific eligibility conditions such as income limits and residency terms.
  • Retain, support, and expand existing affordable housing sites that are scattered throughout Franklin.


The Town of Franklin has postured itself as a key player and stakeholder in the creation of housing consistent with the above stated policy, goals and objectives. The Town reaffirms it commitment to ensure that a variety of housing opportunities exist to meet the diverse needs of its existing and future citizens. The Town looks forward to working with a broad coalition of public and private entities to achieve its affordable housing goals.

The full Affordable Housing Strategy and Development Plan can be found on the Franklin, MA website

Franklin, MA: Farmers Market

A friendly reminder that the Farmers Market is open each Friday from now until October. It operates on the Town Common on the corner away from the veterans memorials.

There is a big sign for those on RT 140 at the Davis Thayer School to point you in the proper direction:

There are also quite a few strategically placed signs like this to help spread the word:

Now that you are there, what will you find?
Susan Morrison posted a summary from her recent visit on ActiveRain here:

Tangerini's Farm was recently featured in an article in the Milford Daily News here:

Franklin, MA