Friday, July 24, 2009

NE Real Estate Journal features Franklin

As mentioned during the Town Council meeting of 7/15/09, the Planning and Community Development Dept worked to get a nice spread on Franklin in an issue of the New England Real Estate Journal. You can find the information about Franklin online at NEREJ or here in the PDF extract:

Discover Simple, Private Sharing at

Great work Brian, Beth and team!

Farmers Market - Noon to 6:00 PM

The Farmers Market will be open today from noon to 6:00 PM on the Town Common.

This is your weekly opportunity to help the local economy and to get quality food items.

"dropped in rank, from 22nd lowest, to 28th lowest"

In 2008, Franklin's rank jumped to seventh highest, with the average Franklin teacher's salary at $66,361, compared with the total average of $63,520.

The group generally agreed that Franklin teacher salaries only appeared to outpace those of their peers because the district has laid off or lost a great percentage of its younger, lower-paid teachers.

Read the full article on the work of the Financial Planning Committee in the Milford Daily News here

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Trail meeting in Blackstone

Someday, wouldn't it be nice be able to bike from Franklin to Providence, or Worcester or to Western Mass without having to deal with the traffic on a road?

"It would be great if every community had a trails committee and would give it some support," said Lisa Mosczynski, president of the Metacomet Land Trust, a nonprofit conservation group dedicated to protecting open space and natural resources in south central Massachusetts.

The trust and the Grand Trunk Trail Blazers trail group are inviting the public to the gathering at Blackstone Public Library, at 86 Main St., at 7 p.m., to collaborate on establishing a non-motorized, 80-mile, east-to-west trail linking Franklin and Blackstone with the Pioneer Valley in western Massachusetts.

Help make this dream a reality!

Read the full article in the Milford Daily News here

Cafe Dolce's coffee source spotlighted

The idea behind stimulating one small business is that the company will then buy more things wholesale and help other companies and their employees, said Ted Welte, president and chief executive officer of the MetroWest Chamber of Commerce, based in Framingham.

“It’s all about the multiplier,’’ he said. “If people are spending money on a new roaster, say, that starts flowing through the economy of whoever produced that, and then more people can be serviced out of the coffee shop, and that means more money coming in.’’
The multiplier in this case is a federal stimulus loan recently provided to Red Barn Coffee Rosters of Upton. Red Barn is the coffee supplier for Cafe Dolce in Franklin.

I have tried several of the blends during my visits to Cafe Dolce and found them to be good and tasteful.

Have you visited Cafe Dolce recently? Try their Red Barn coffee and keep the multiplier effect going!

Read the full article from the Boston Globe West edition on the Red Barn stimulus loan here

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Downtown Partnership and Chamber of Commerce on LinkedIn

I have mentioned previously that I have joined the Franklin Downtown Partnership and the United Regional Chamber of Commerce in an effort to expand my knowledge about businesses here in Franklin.

Both of these organizations have groups on LinkedIn.

You can request to join the Franklin Downtown Partnership on LinkedIn here

You can request to join the United Regional Chamber of Commerce on LinkedIn here

If the links don't work for you, you can
  1. Sign in to LinkedIn with your account
  2. Go to Groups
  3. Search for each by name
  4. Request to join the group

The group owner will approve your membership. You can adjust your group profile settings (how many emails, etc.) at any time after your membership is approved.

Once a member of a group, connecting directly to others within the group becomes easier.

My LinkedIn profile can be found here

School Committee Mtg 07/21/09

The collection of live reporting from the School Committee meeting held on July 21, 2009 are found here: