Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Live reporting - Councilor Comments

Doak - I want to thanks the Charter Commission for the work they did, there is a lot of good info here that we'll need to get into.

Pfeffer - I thought Gov Patrick did very well with handling the comments, especially with asking for if you don't want this cut, where do we cut?

Nutting - I can't tell you how proud I was of the Senior Center, it was wonderful to have the Governor there

Whalen - Downtown Partnership, general meeting at Dean 8:30 AM
Third Thursday 5/21/09
Strawberry Festival, June 19th
Networking Luncheon, May 27th Golder Room

I'd like to know more about it?

Nutting - The Quinn provides a financial incentive for a degree, town pays half and state pays half; bachelors degree gets a 10% bump, the town puts in 5 and the state puts in 5. If it gets cut, the town side would still be there, the state side wouldn't. Effects folks differently depending upon their rank and their education level, it can be part of their base pay would would affect their detail rate.

Bartlett - Dow e pay any reimbursement for them on the courses themselves?

Nutting - there are 8 collective bargaining agreements, I'd like to get back to you specifically on that. I don't won't to mis-speak

Bartlett - I found it interesting that Gov Patrick has the same issue with explaining the capital vs operating budget problem that we do.

Feeley - It think it should be noted that despite what reported in the Milford Daily News, the town did provide space and was willing to do the retro-fitting necessary for the Franklin Food Pantry.

The Council went into Executive Session for purposes of collective bargaining not to return to open meeting.

(my editorial note: per Joyce Kelly, it was part of the article and the editor cut it out.)

Live reporting - Old/New Business

Vallee - with the Police department taking the wage freeze, the Quinn Bill, and the potential loss of details, what are you planning to do for them?

Nutting - The Quinn bill hasn't been finally decided yet

Nutting - if it is cut, we can have an executive session to review compensation

Live reporting - Administrator update

Nutting - thanks to all for participation, open house at the DPW in conjunction with the Library Book sale.

Third Thursday tomorrow night. Music at Cafe Dolce, other businesses will be participating with arts/crafts, etc.

Marini working with Planning Board to remove fence downtown, put some greenery and benches there

Live reporting - Action items


  1. Resolution 09-30: Appropriations Amended motion to accept - passed 7-0
  2. Bylaw Amendment 09-633: Amendment to Sewer Rates motion to move to second reading - passed 7-0

Notes: 1 - a house keeping approval to clean up for old bonds, there is no cash involved.

Notes: 2 - this wasn't expected a year ago when you voted to reduce the rates. Water usage down 14%, which reduces sewer rates. Charles River rate increased. Vacancies consume less water. This would be the first rate increase since 2003. We cut the rate 10%, this would actually add that back plus 5%. If consumption doesn't increase, we may still need to adjust again for 2011.

Live reporting - FY 2010 update

What happened today reduced $1.7 million from the Franklin budget for FY 2010.

The local revenue options were passed but the timing of obtaining that would prevent us from benefiting it for next year.

No indication that the budget will be adopted until late June

We'll need to use the Governor's number which is probably high to begin with.

Bartlett - Hw would we estimate the meals tax?
Nutting - The DOR estimated sometime ago for us. We haven't done anything yet as it isn't real. You couldn't use 100% in the first year to be fiscally prudent. There are all kinds of estimates. The Senate and the House have two different telecom versions which all leads to no definitive answer.

Picture won;t be clear on the Senate side until the end of this week, or next week.

Nutting - the telecom is pretty straight forward as it is a property tax, we have the data.

Live reporting - Charter Commission

Paul Cheli - Chair
Larry Benedetto - Vice-Chair
Michael Walker-Jones

Review of prior Charter Commission from 1995

Discussion on how to handle the presentation and questions, resolved to present tonight, allow for review by the Council, the Council can accumulate questions and the committee will return to discuss in more detail at a future time.

Live reporting - Town Council Mtg 5/20/09

Attending: Whalen, Mason, Vallee, Bartlett, Feeley, Pfeffer, Doak,
Missing: McGann, Zollo

A. APPROVAL OF MINUTES – April 15 & May 6, 2009
Motion to approve - Approved 7-0

B. ANNOUNCEMENTS - Dedication of new monument, directly after the parade (approx 11:00 AM). Rain date, 5/31/09