Wednesday, January 14, 2015

In the News: arrest in stabbing

A Rhode Island man broke into a West Central Street apartment Sunday and stabbed another man several times after the two came to blows, a prosecutor said Tuesday. 
Keinan McKenna, 22, of Woonsocket, now faces charges of attempted murder and assault and battery with a dangerous weapon, as well as other charges stemming from the violent confrontation. 
Arrested at about 11 p.m. Sunday in Woonsocket, McKenna was arraigned in Wrentham District Court Tuesday afternoon. The court entered a not-guilty plea on his behalf.
Continue reading the article in the Milford Daily News:

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Live reporting - closing

5. Information Matters

Superintendent’s Report
FOundation program at Nashoba Regional

walking program started Jan 5th
have been very popular, thanks to Live Long Learning

Jan 27th meeting hosted at the High School

School Committee Sub-Committee Reports
Budget Subcommittee met and discussed FY 2016

discussed the capital budget which you saw this evening

Policy subcommittee
more policy updatres coming

School Committee Liaison Reports

6. New Business

To discuss future business that may be brought before the School Committee.

Trivia Bee, Apr 8th - 6:00 to 9:00 PM
option for pizza there, stay tuned
movie trivia

7. Executive Session

Personnel Update - motion to go to executive session not to return to open session

Live reporting: Action Items

4. Action Items

a. I recommend moving Policy GCBA – Professional Staff Salary Schedules to a second reading for elimination as discussed.
motion to approve, seconded, passed 7-0

b. I recommend approval of the BICO Collaborative Agreement as discussed.

motion to approve, seconded, passed 7-0

c. I recommend acceptance of two checks Davis Thayer Elementary School totaling $550.00:
1. $50.00 from Lueders Environmental, Inc.
2. $500.00 from BOKS, Reebok Foundation
motion to approve, seconded, passed 7-0

d. I recommend acceptance of a check for $2,260.26 from O’Connor Portraiture, Inc. for supplemental curriculum materials at Keller Elementary School.motion to approve, seconded, passed 7-0

e. I recommend acceptance of a check for $250.00 from the RMS PCC for field trips.   motion to approve, seconded, passed 7-0

f. I recommend acceptance of six checks for FHS totaling $3,914.67:

1. $175.29 from PBC
2. $459.38 from All American Publishing
3. $1,800.00 from Franklin Music Boosters
4. $250.00 from Maura Schaeffer Jobin
5. $243.00 from various parents
6. $987.00 from various parents
motion to approve, seconded, passed 7-0

g. I recommend acceptance of two checks totaling $1,481.20 ($1,186.20 & $295.00) from Parmenter PCC for field trips.motion to approve, seconded, passed 7-0

h. I recommend acceptance of the donation of computer monitors from Sy Tech Inc. for the Technology Department. (approximate value $100.00)motion to approve, seconded, passed 7-0

i. I recommend approval of the Capital plan as presented.
motion to approve, seconded, passed 7-0

j. I recommend approval of the request of Brad Sidwell for the Boys Ice Hockey team to travel to Barnstable, MA on 2/18-19/15 for a Hockey Competition.
motion to approve, seconded, passed 7-0

k. I recommend acceptance of a check for $3,300.00 from the Music Boosters for district-wide extra-curricular music.
motion to approve, seconded, passed 7-0

Live reporting: Discussion Only Items (BICO Collaborative, Calendar)

3. Discussion Only Items

Policy – Elimination (First Reading)
o GCBA – Professional Staff Salary Schedules
subcommittee discussion recommends removal of this one 
it hung around and is not really being used or followed

BICO Collaborative Agreement 
Adopted in the fall, there was a member community that had not shown up
the district finally did decide to leave the agreement as they were not using it
the agreement needed to be re-done to exclude them
2015-2016 School Calendar Draft

if we were to start after Labor Day, the last day would be June 24 or so without snow days; which is too late
with other days in Sep there are three four day weeks which makes education choppy
the Friday before Labor Day allows parents to have a long weekend

the high school has an accrediation process to do next year
a compromise with the high school 

request to look at Apr and Feb and do a week in March
the PARC schedule just came out which scheduled predominately in March

time on testing data, PARC vs MCAS (already on website)

The testing schedule for spring

parent teacher conf days are not yet on this version of the calendar
the academic terms need to be set and then put in the conferences

Looking ahead

look at the start to school day, could be done budget neutral
would need to get parents notice as it affects their scheduling
there are alot of kids standing on street corners ar 6:45 (not sitting in cars)
would be a good direction to go for safety as well as other reasons
will come to the School Committee to preview the proposal
and then potentially put it out for SurveyMonkey or some form of survey

an hour buys some time in the morning

Live reporting - Capital discussion

2. Guests/Presentations

c. Capital
Sally Winslow, Tim Raposa, Joyce Edwards, Beth Fitzmaurice

The capital is from 'free cash' and what is available after the winter snow storms have been covered.
overview of the process, not as formal as the operating budget timeline

first priority is STEM Labs

looking to bring parity to the middle schools
3D printers, robot center
assist with 8th grade transition to the high school

also would help to support the coding initiatives that the State is looking to foster
did pilot at Horace Mann this year to see how well it would go
$100,000 per lab x times schools

Edwards - maynnot have much start up time involved, more in curriculum development, the teachers professional development can be covered with in the existing development budget line

Raposa - we can add some money with the purchase to include some professional development time, either with the rep or as part of the deal

Edwards - other schools will be able to participate with Horace Mann when they get their training this year

2nd and 3rd priority

Chromebooks and carts, middle school level for 8th and for elementary school s district wide
this prepares for PARC testing
Chromebooks are 1:1 at the high school, these would be shared devices and used for only in-school use

O'Malley - I would hate to have the discussion and approval of these to be derailed by the politics of PARC

replace the PA system at JFK

had been transplanted from Oak St (about 2004) had been a replacement of the original JFK system; is not working in all places, is not a safety concern but an inconvenience; can work with the vendor to get the dark spots corrected but should go forward with the upgrade to be more compatible with the other buildings

replace carpeting at Davis Thayer

looking to spruce up the school, modulars coming down this summer
working with Facilities to spruce up the school
no summer programs at the school this summer
will also allow some work to be done during the summer

Trahan - any thought of replacing carpet with other flooring?
Sabolinski - it is softer for the kids to be on

Special Education van request

12 vans - from 2003, a wheel chair van not in good condition
used purely as a spare van but really should be replaced
this would be replaced by a non-wheel chair van, equiped like the most recent two purchases; 

Live reporting - Presentations (Excellence Awards, Special Education)

2. Guests/Presentations
a. MASS Academic Excellence Awards
1. Madison Wendell
2. Haley Frank
recognized by Superintedent as in the Top 1% of their class

b. Trends in Special Education – Elizabeth Fitzmaurice

Stephanie Gedis,  Dillon Scarnicki, and Sara Mulcahey 

right around state average of 16% of students identified as 'special education'

767 - serviced in main stream classrooms
81 - sub-separate serviced within district but not mainstreamed in the classrooms
68 - out of district serviced

extremely fortunate to be resourced as they are

par for the course, most of the students and families are happy with the service
some due go to litigate but that is a private peice that is not fair to the students and families involved

student achievement is on the rise, it is very exciting
if you have to do it, you might as well get something out of it

Sarah Mulchaey, Vide President, Special Education Parent Advisory Council (SEPAC)

mission to support the parent of special education students
Transition Fair - a big success coordinated recently
there is a feeling of isolation, in that there is no one to help, when there is a community to provide support
the town has been amazing supporting us

Best Buddies in the high school and middle schools, now expanding to elementary schools


how do it on their own beginning at 14

Dillon Scarnicki
provided a video of the goal he recently scored for the FHS hockey team
as well as other likes and dislikes, and shared his dream

Parent view
Brendan, a student at Oak St
now takes the bus rather than the white van

you can't make it in this world if you can't speak up for yourself

The first tweet by the @FPS4Students account (was also retweeted by @FranklinMatters)

O'Malley - this is the best sporting performance where a team (or most of it) shows up to support you Dillon

Rohrbach - thank you, this was a great presentation tonight. It shows how important the parent parnters are. The out of district expenses are very much asn issue, but you do a great job in managing those out of district tuitions.

Fitzmaurice - about $5 of the total school budget is for out of district tuition; are able to manage some of the students to return to service within the district. We are careful before sending a student outside. They go because that is the best place for them to get those specific services and the decision is not taken lightly. We try to make things work here.

Rohrbach - we have been very innovative to provide the students the opportunity to stay here

Jewell - tonight is one of the most emotional nights I have had sitting in this role. The next man up is a good philosophy. This team can go to the state becuase it is a team effort, a lot of average players are playing above because they are playing encouraged by the others. I can tell you how well I feel tonight.

Trahan - this is an amazing night, thank you. We are a community in this town!

Mullen - I have heard several presentations over the years, this was the best. 

Live reporting: School Committee - Jan 13, 2015

Present: Douglas, O'Malley, Rohrbach, Clement, Mullen, Trahan, Jewell
Absent:  none

1. Routine Business
Citizen’s Comments - none

Review of Agenda - none

Minutes: I recommend approval of the minutes from the December 9, 2014 School Committee Meeting.   motion to approve, seconded,  passed 7-0

Payment of Bills Mr. Clement
motion to approve, seconded, passed 7-0

Payroll Mrs. Douglas

FHS Student Representatives
re: the robe discussion
five options

  • each choose
  • alternate rows
  • chhose color per grad/year
  • alternate by person
  • (one other to be added)

Correspondence: Budget to Actual – Miriam Goodman