Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Live Reporting - Facilities

Michael D’Angelo, Director of Facilities
Richard Gaskin, Manager of public facilties

presentation copy hopefully to be added later

overview of the facilities covered
org chart included
hire students during the summer to supplement the help

will be requesting an additional custodian for the new high school

over 10,700 work orders for maintenance

interesting charts, the high school has been declining in work orders yet all the other schools have shown an increase in work orders
(staff more diligent in doing work with tickets and only with tickets)

preventive maintenance schedule, long list of items from roofs to floors, etc.

the solar farm will be providing 70% of the power required, not many can say that

replacing LED lights, did 3 school complex, have plans for remaining buildings to replace exterior lights with LEDs

capital repair projects of 8.6M over the last 12 years

in the middle of buying the fixtures, furniture and equipment for the new high school

Pfeffer - there are 22 buildings; how often are they toured? 
D'Angelo - likely at least once a month, some buildings more than others, high school taking 15 hours or so now
I had provided the 5 year outlook with our capital

Pfeffer - I am fishing to see if any other building hasn't been maintained
D'Angelo - the old museum would need work not sure what you'll do with that

Pfeffer - how is the leaking roof problem?
D'Angelo - there are active leaks on the old high school due to the snow and ice build up, we haven't been able to get to

Pfeffer - we spend lots of money on HVAC, how come we don't have that inside?
D'Angelo - there are more advantages to having the outside contractors, they also serve as equipment reps

Kelly - prior to the School Building Committee turning over the high school, will you be providing us with a maintenance plan
D'Angelo - after the training, let us get into the building and see what is going on

Kelly - or are we going to see you coming with requests?
Mercer - why don't you share the schedule of what is being done with the summer schedule? 

Kelly - so you'll bring us a schedule?
D'Angelo - yes

Kelly - why do you have so many work orders here? so this shouldn't concern me?
D'Angelo - no
Gaskin - a lot of this is very minor, should have the major work taken out so you can see a break down by category

Kelly - "school dude" - has the library issue been taken care of?
D'Angelo - it has not been yet, it is not work that we do
we want to see what the outcome of the whole thing

Kelly - isn't that our problem? that we are just waiting and seeing?
D'Angelo - we presented a very comprehensive plan to work on the library

Kelly - So you're not going to do anything until you get a decision?
D'Angelo - I am going to do the right thing

Kelly - so how does one get the summer position?
D'Angelo - this is a free ad, they should fill out an application with HR

Bissanti - have you thought of doing some hiring to compliment the HVAC?
D'Angelo - it is a weird specialty, a little bit of electrical, some plumbing, a good HVAC guys get good money, I tried to get someone from a company but they are so expensive

Jones -  a lot of the HVAC is service contracts?
D'Angelo - yes, a lot of those things are specialties, these people have licenses and special insurance, they do it well to work for us or they don't work for us

Jones- we wouldn't want to have our folks work on these to put them out of warranty
D'Angelo - yes, you are absolutely correct

Jones - as part of the subcontractors, would it be wide to have some one come in to do an annual sweep?
D'Angelo - our current contract with the custodians requires them to do the work

Nutting - our custodians go above and beyond what they do to maintain what we have

Mercer - what yu staff is dealing with is over 1 million sq foot of space, they do a wonderful job 

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