Saturday, December 1, 2007

Historical Commission Statement

Bob Percy, representing the Historical Commission read the prepared statement advocating to use the old Town Hall as the new lcation of the museum.

Time: 6 minutes, 30 seconds

MP3 File

Note: I did not hear the representative identify himself, nor did I catch anyone refer to him by name. If anyone can identify the individual, I will update this with his name.

Updated 12/3/07: As noted in the comment from Susan Spears, she had correctly identified Bob Percy as the representative. I did get an email from Bob to confirm as well.


  1. Steve - I was at the meeting and I believe it was Bob Percy who spoke for the HC. I haven't checked your video, but I will forward a note to Bob so he can reply directly.

  2. Thanks for the info. Bob did write to me and I'll update this posting with his name.
