Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Live reporting - Legislation


1. Resolution 12-75-R: Town of Franklin Net Metering Power Purchase Agreement Authorization
motion to approve, passed 8-0

2. Resolution 12-85: Appropriation - Technology-Consulting
motion to approve, passed 8-0

Nutting - due to requirements for state level reporting, request to outsource some services and to hire someone to backfill the position to cover what we need. The world is becoming more technical not less. A new technology can bring us to a complete standstill. It is short money for a big bang.

3. Resolution 12-86: Appropriation - Health Insurance Payroll Withholdings Account
motion to approve, passed 8-0

Susan Gagner - in FY 12, some money was charged to the employee account in error. The Town had a surplus closed out to Free Cash. Looking to take the money back to cover the account. If found earlier, it could have been done with an accounting transfer

4. Resolution 12-87: Appropriation – Kensington Estates
motion to approve, passed 8-0

Nutting -a four lot subdivision was proposed off Beach St, one developer sold it to another who didn't finish the road. This amount will cover the work, the DPW will cover the work in the summer of 2013

5. Resolution 12-88: Acceptance of Gift - Recreation
motion to approve, passed 8-0

Nutting - a small donation, we'll send a thank you

6. Zoning Bylaw Amendment 12-695:Changes to § 185-31. Site Plan and Design Review- 1st Reading
motion to table 12-695, 12-696, 12-697 to next meeting , passed 8-0

7. Zoning Bylaw Amendment 12-696:Changes to § 185-20. H. Signs. Sign Approvals- 1st Reading
8. Zoning Bylaw Amendment 12-697:Changes to § 185-45. N. Administration and Enforcement. Design Review Commission- 1st Reading

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