Monday, March 11, 2013

Winter Carnival (photo essay)

Many of the sports teams and student organizations at Franklin High School conducted the annual Winter Carnival on Sunday. The field house was full of families with young kids having a good time.

There was a pile of shoes outside the large inflated bouncing area moderated by the wrestling team

FHS -Winter Carnival - Wrestling

Hurdles and other challenges were set up by the track and field team in this obstacle course

FHS -Winter Carnival - Track and Field

There was a pitching mound and a target net to throw to moderated by the baseball team

FHS -Winter Carnival - Baseball

The standard basketball hoop was shortened to help the little ones reach

FHS -Winter Carnival - shortened hoop

As a fund raiser for the Sandy Hook schools, the sponsors played a good role!

FHS -Winter Carnival - Sponsors

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