Thursday, April 28, 2016

Live reporting: Finance Committee - April 28, 2016

Present: Smith, Conley, Dowd, Dufour, Bertone, Moses
Absent: Dewsnap, Fleming, Huempfner

motion to approve minutes of 2 prior meetings, second, passed 6-0

  • Health Dept 510 Page E-1

David McKearney, Health Director
Public Health Services 525 Page E-7
flat budget
every year a request is made for a stipend but it is not approved
2 full time, 2 part time personnel

  • COA 541 Page E-8  (Senior Center)

Karen Alves, Director
tremendous amount of support helps to provide expense coverage for the Senior Center that is not provided by the budget
50/50 split between town and state grant for health coordinator
attempting to move to self sustaining to support via fees and other grants
approx $50K in grants, Friends provide cook and support the cafe in addition to other support (approx. $20-25K)
15-20% come from out of town
the cafe is a big draw for breakfast and lunch

  • Library 610 Page F-1

Felicia Oti, Director of the Library
status quo budget for this year, increase in staff anticipated but not for this year
should provide for when the library re-opens in the renovated location
a few days from opening in the temporary location
not in the center of town but large enough to accommodate the needs
moved the children, young adults and all the audio-visual materials
as well as all adult items purchased from 2013 to the present
about 55,000 pieces moved to the new location
thanks to Steve Sherlock for taking the pictures and sharing the info on the move (Franklin Matters)
thanks to the Facility Director for getting a company that knows how to move the Library
thanks to Judy Pfeffer, Chair of the Building Committee for her help and guidance
library hours will retain the normal hours
looking to coordinate with Dean College to run some events downtown
all the money for the move to/from for the temporary location is in the building fund budget
approx. 1/3 of the libraries in the state apply for a waiver
if we add staff in 2018, we can close the gap a little more, consider though that the bar is raising every year
number of Sunday's opened increased accounting for the OT budget line increase

  • Fire 210 Page B-220

Gary McCarragher, Chief
Paul Sharpe, Deputy Fire Chief

mission to "Have a positive impact in the lives of citizens and visitors of Franklin in their time of crisis by providing compassionate, contemporary, community driven services. "

3800 calls last year, on pace to meet or exceed that this year
multiple simultaneous calls are the issue to continue to watch
2 or 3 times a day, I am out of resources
160+ mutual aid resource calls are used in those instances
the response time is critical to providing the best service

900 staff hours of training, thus far this year approx. 700 hours
attempting to do on duty, but it becomes increasingly difficult with the volume

avg daily staffing 9.8, ideally would be 10

response reliability 80% down from 88%, chasing to full staff
looking to achieve the 48 positions and then should start turning the numbers around

CPR instruction to be provided to community as well as to the business environment in the near future

completed all the elements to be a 'storm ready' community; have 40+ certifications in their queue and we are one of them but expecting to be certified as some time

more need for resources than resources available; without additional folks won't be able to reduce the mutual aid assistance call

creating a career ladder working with the union, the first time in a long time we have a collective bargaining agreement

everybody is pitching in to make things better
everybody will retire out and we'll lose the corporate memory

60% of the retirees have retired on a disability pension; need to address this. Attempting to do so with a health and wellness program (via grants)

one administrative position is being asked for in this budget
had been using paramedics to do the paperwork on a part time basis but it realistically can't be done that way

enhanced training cost, more training regulations than before, have a good model packaged in a way to make sense

  • Regional Dispatch 225 Page B-51

Things can get better when this comes online

There are two collective bargaining agreement settlements incorporated in this budget to account for most of the increase

we respond to about 100 outbound assistance calls; that could be an issue eventually 

once the four communities are up an running with regional dispatch, we'd like to grow it

the benchmark is 90% at 10 minutes or less, currently we are about 83%

to address the mutual aid calls, we'd need to staff a 3rd ambulance but that is 10 people and a lot of money (which we do not have nor can afford)

if this gets passed, this will be the highest staffing level since 2007 (about 10 years)

3 in the academy currently
we can invite 20-30 people to ensure we get a good choice

would like to see a more diverse work force but haven't be able to do so

  • Historical Commission 691 Page F-11

Mary Olsson, Chair of the Commission
only change is to add a summer intern to help further efforts in cataloging the collection

we are in the process of residing the building, all being with in-house staffing
part of a three year plan, will need to get equipment to do the tower

decrease in collection preservation is a result of stocking up to save in a future year

  • Human Resources 152 Page A-28

we are a staff department that serves all the departments and all employees and retirees
I will be leaving at the end of the next year and it is important to ensure a smooth transition
staffing needs is an important part of what we do, advertise, post, interview, part of the selection process
civil service vs non-civil service are two totally different processes
we have good folks working here, and we want to keep that
over the next several years we are losing a number of retirees and we need to be prepared for that
approx. 1800 insured folks all together

used the central fund to hold the anticipate bargaining settlement accounts, when the agreements are reached, the money is transferred out to the individual departments

  • Employee Benefits 910 Page G-10 
  • Liability Insurance 945 Page G-20
Don't know the health insurance amount at this point, that could change 50-60,000

  • Memorial Day 692 Page F-13

flag coverage, to buy 

  • Cultural Council 695 Page F-14

matching money from state to help fund that

next FinCom meeting May 3

May 25, 26 for Town Council budget hearings
may need a FinCom meeting to weigh in on the changes for the refinanciing

motion to adjourn

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