Thursday, February 23, 2017

In the News: special ed costs; threat charge dropped

From the Milford Daily News, articles of interest for Franklin:

"A proposed tuition freeze at state-regulated private schools that serve students with high needs will further squeeze tight budgets at those learning centers, special education advocates say. 
"Our schools are already behind the starting line when the gun goes off," said Jim Major, executive director of the Massachusetts Association of 766 Approved Schools. "The state sets our tuition rate below our costs, so as a result 64 percent of our members operate at a deficit, which was $23 million in fiscal 2015." 
When students have special needs that a public school can't meet, they are put in out-of-district placements at private schools that are licensed under Chapter 766. The public school districts are responsible for paying to send the students to the specialized schools, and the costs of fully serving a child with a severe disability are often significant. Tuition at a Chapter 766 school can range from around $38,000 for a day program, to more than $320,000 for a residential program, varying depending on the child's specific needs."

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"A former Tri-County student accused of threatening to "shoot up" the school had a charge against him dropped Wednesday. 
During a short hearing in Wrentham District Court, prosecutors said they would be moving to dismiss a "bomb or hijack threat with serious public alarm" charge against the student, Julius Willis. Judge Emogene Johnson Smith ordered a future hearing for April 10. 
Willis, 18, of 504 Ellis Road in North Attleborough, still faces charges of disturbing a school, resisting arrest, threatening to commit a crime and disorderly conduct."

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