Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Live reporting: Legislation through to Closing

I. Subcommittee Reports
I. Subcommittee Reports
J. Legislation for Action
J. Legislation for Action
1. Resolution 17-50: Acceptance of Gift - Town of Franklin Police Dept. (Motion to Move Resolution 17-50 - majority vote (5))

motion to approve, seconded, passed 9-0

2. Resolution 17-51: Town Clerk Prior Year Bills (Motion to Move Resolution 17-51 - 2/3 majority vote (6))

motion to approve, seconded, passed 9-0

3. Zoning Bylaw Amendment 17-795: Zoning Map Changes from Business and Commercial II to Single Family Residential IV and Commercial I, in an Area on or Near Union, Cottage and Saxon Streets - Referral to the Planning Board (Motion to Refer Bylaw Amendment 17-795 to the Planning Board - majority vote (5))

Bissanti recuses himself
motion to waive the reading, seconded, then withdraw

was discussed in a planning workshop a few years ago, was also brought up recently at the EDC and then brought here for action to clean up the zoning and plot lines

possible addition of another lot to the proposal, lot 53 on Union St

difference between C1 and C2, more restrictions on C2
C1 more appropriate for smaller neighborhoods
parking requirements and dimensions

motion to amend the parcel requested to C1, seconded
additional language to clarify the amendment
passed 9-0

motion to refer as amended, seconded, passed 9-0

K. Town Administrator's Report
K. Town Administrator's Report

L. Future Agenda Items
L. Future Agenda Items

questions about the Senior bus? borrowing one from Medway rather than spending over $100,000 for a new vehicle for limited use

Cultural Festival and 4th of July possible for combination? Pellegri to reach out

Bissanti - town trying to avoid the opioid problem, identified areas in and around Franklin, get some restaurants NARCAN training (should be brought to SAFE Coalition)

M. Council Comments
M. Council Comments

Brutus recognized for his recent degree 

FHS final audit for MSBA is coming to a close, hopefully to get final approval and payment end of Oct/Nov then we cna close the books for the project that began in 2008

Jones - no private well restrictions as we have been getting so uch rain
condolences to the Gilboys on the loss of Axe

Dellorco - went to the opening on Sat, it was excellent
Bob Donovan retiring from the Fire Dept after long years of service

Bissanti - thanks to the Cultural Festival folks, it was a great event at THE BLACK BOX, plug for up and coming committee, Franklin Pride a group to raise funds for things that they might need

Pfeffer - do have funds as part of the Franklin Elders but there has been no money promised, there has not been that much interest in bus trips; will provide a bus but not buy one

Library will be finished in mid-October to late October, bricks still for sale

Bridge on West Central St, the flags are fantastic, thanks to whomever does it

Kelly - congrats to Bob Donovan on retirement

N. Executive Session - Non-scheduled
N. Executive Session - None scheduled
O. Adjourn
O. Adjourn

motion to approve, seconded, passed 9-0

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