Monday, September 18, 2017

School Committee Recap: Middle Schools and High School Improvement Plans Approved

To recap the School Committee meeting held on Tuesday, Sep 12, I have the following:

Presentations from the middle schools and high school on their individual improvement plans were reviewed and discussed. Recall that the District Improvement plan was previewed, revised and approved during the August School Committee meetings. This takes the district plan down to the individual school level. The elementary schools will likely bring their plans forward at the next school committee meeting.

middle school principals presenting the school improvement  plans to the School Committee (not shown in photo)
middle school principals presenting the school improvement
plans to the School Committee (not shown in photo)

a. 2017-2018 School Improvement Plans 

Horace Mann Middle School – Rebecca Motte 
Franklin High School – Paul Peri, Principal and William Klements, Deputy Principal

In the Discussion Only section, the proposed policy for the Superintendent's evaluation was discussed. A copy can be found here:

The policy governing the order of business for the School Committee meetings was up for second reading and a copy can be found here:

The action items were approved in bulk format like a consent type agenda. They were all read and with no questions, one motion to approve them all. This saves meeting time.

The School Committee went into an Executive Session and returned about 15 minutes later to approve two memorandum of understandings with the Teachers Union. Not a lot of details were shared but they were the result of negotiations around the teacher evaluation process.

For additional information you can review the notes taken live during the meeting:

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