Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Live reporting: Town Council - November 28, 2018

Present: Hamblen, Casey, Dellorco, Kelly, Mercer, Jones, Padula, Pellegri, Earls
Absent: none

Note: technical difficulties with Franklin TV results in the persistent beeping being heard, it is not something to be alarmed about. Updated post meeting - there was no recording or broadcast of this meeting. Fortunately, I did record the audio and that will be available later.

Agenda ItemSummary
Town Council Meeting Agenda
Meeting of November 28, 2018 - 7:00 PM
a. This meeting is being recorded by Franklin TV and shown on Comcast Channel 11 and Verizon Channel 29. This meeting may be recorded by others.
a. Citizens are welcome to express their views for up to five minutes on a matter that is not on the agenda.  The Council will not engage in a dialogue or comment on a matter raised during Citizen Comments.  The Town Council will give remarks appropriate consideration and may ask the Town Administrator to review the matter.

a. Swearing in of Firefighters

two new Captains to be sworn in

Captain Charles Allen
Captain Thomas Carlucci

Citizens Comment
Dale Lippert, 8 Beth Road
did meet with Town Admin and lawyer on Monday
put back by treatment he received
town should buy the house and tear it down
their suggestion was to move the house up the hill, and move the septic system
other this would be to raise the house
third option was to tear up concrete and replace with rubble, effectively making the house a sump pump
sell the house, at a loss so someone could do one of the other items
The town will maintain the pump, so still on the hook

acknowledge member of the council who reached out to provide support and encouragement
acknowledge some of the former DPW workers, many of them have reached out to prove support

L-R: Teresa Burr, Captain Thomas Carlucci, Captain Charles Allen
L-R: Teresa Burr, Captain Thomas Carlucci, Captain Charles Allen

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