Wednesday, January 16, 2019

21 Franklin High School Musicians Perform in Central Districts

Twenty one members of the Franklin High School music program auditioned and were accepted into the 2019 Massachusetts Central District Honor Ensembles. The performance will take place on January 19 at Mechanics Hall in Worcester, MA.

Participating in the Central District Band will be William Cerier -trumpet, Ari Delosreyes-White -french horn, Lauren Dennett -tenor sax, Nipun Goel -trumpet, Sean Hanly -tuba, Kathleen Houlihan -alto sax, Emma Kucich -flute, Augustine Marzoratti -clarinet, Prem Pendkar -alto sax.

Franklin High School students performing with the Central District Jazz Band will be Robert Castro - Drum Set and Ian Richardson -Bass.

Selected to perform with the Central District Orchestra is Elizabeth Ball-violin, Christopher Broyles -viola, Ryan Darcey -violin, Chai Harsha -viola, Warren Loukota -cello, Brinda Venkataraman -violin and Sarayu Vijayanagaram -violin.

Accepted into the Central District Chorus are Claire Bauer, Jenna VanHyning and John Pokorny.

Twenty one members of the Franklin High School music program
Twenty one members of the Franklin High School music program

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