Wednesday, July 24, 2019

“They go where the money is”

From the Milford Daily News, articles of interest for Franklin:
"Places such as Baltimore and Atlanta have been hit with massive cyber-attacks in recent years, but it’s not just major cities that are at risk of losing data or having their systems hacked. Smaller municipalities are also targets.

According to a 2019 report from the International City Management Association, approximately one in three local governments do not know how frequently their information system is subject to attacks, incidents and breaches. Of those that do, 60 percent report they are subject to daily cyber-attacks, often hourly or more.

Tiffany Schoenike, chief operating officer for the National Cyber Security Alliance, warns smaller municipalities are just as likely as larger cities to be the target of an attack. This could include anything from sensitive data being lost or stolen to systems being locked with the only recourse paying the hacker to regain access.

“Sometimes funding levels make things worse,” Schoenike said. “This could be from not being able to afford the right kinds of technology, or not being able to hire the best people for the job.”

Continue reading the article online (subscription may be required)

One of the keys to successful online processing is to ensure the site you are dealing with uses https. The Town of Franklin site does use this feature:

One of the keys to successful online processing is to ensure the site you are dealing with uses https
One of the keys to successful online processing is to ensure the site you are dealing with uses https

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