Friday, June 19, 2020

School Committee - Budget SubCommittee meeting recap - June 17, 2020

As with most meetings in this pandemic period, I took my notes via Twitter during the meeting reporting in real-time via the virtual session.

The Twitter hashtag can be found online #sbsc0617

  • Ready to report on school budget Subcommittee meeting when it starts #sbsc0617
  • Still waiting #sbsc0617
  • Finally starting at 10:09 #sbsc0617
  • Still working on closing $3.4M gap in budget, no additional proposed reductions shared with subcommittee. More discussion remains within the team to work towards the FY21 budget. SchComm meeting 6/23 likely to have items to review #sbsc0617
  • DESE guidance expected soon, would like to incorporate that before sharing. #sbsc0617 very aware of 100+ notifications made, having discussion to reappoint as needed to maintain certain certifications.
  • Guidance expected on social distance, etc. Hybrid or in person, not in regards to budget info from State. Q on cost impact for guidance is considered per conf calls with DESE's Riley and other superintendents. All guidance goes through the Governors office #sbsc0617
  • Est $490/per pupil for PPE costs could be added for September. #sbsc0617 what is comm strategy in the short term costs vs. the long term costs that would need to be addressed even without COVID-19? Community needs to understand the difference.
  • Yes, we need to be creative to solve the short term item. Dr Bergen attempts to clarify her comments re: not having Davis Thayer discussion without DT parents involved. #sbsc0617 do we have an efficiency study to refer to? No. More quantitative than qualitative
  • Did some program specific studies (Spec Ed, counciling, etc.) But not overall. #sbsc0617 How much time do we spend optimizing? How do you expect to have a top district if you are spending below 75%, how would we be if were average. Per pupil costs is a state calc on total
  • Could some of the lower per pupil costs be part of our efficiency? Yes, for sure. #sbsc0617 technology might be an area more easily understood as an efficiency, might be small (i.e. noise rather than impact)
  • Student opportunity act revised the funding formula and Franklin was 'held' at their level, we can benefit from circuit breaker relief and transportation relief but otherwise get an increase of approx $30/pupil per year. #sbsc0617 such a complicated topic, this point is missed
  • Heather endorses signing up for alerts and news from the town and schools. #sbsc0617 need vote via roll call to adjourn, approved 2-0, other had to drop at 10.
  • So that concludes reporting on this session, nice discussion, nothing new or major to add to overall budget discussion. Will resume reporting at budget hearing tonight. Catch you then. #sbsc0617
Ready to report on school budget Subcommittee meeting when it starts #sbsc0617
Ready to report on school budget Subcommittee meeting when it starts #sbsc0617

Finally starting at 10:09 #sbsc0617
Finally starting at 10:09 #sbsc0617

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