Monday, August 3, 2020

Economic Development Subcommittee Recap - 7/30/20

As with most meetings in this pandemic period, I took my notes via Twitter during the meeting reporting in real-time via the virtual session.

The Twitter hashtag can be found online #edc0730
  • Real time reporting underway for the Economic development subcommittee meeting, #edc0730
  • Town administrator Jamie Hellen provides a recap of opening status mostly repeat of comments at the Town Council meeting; now on the market study and how to begin to work the doc and actions/recommendations #edc0730
  • Way finding signs mentioned as something to be developed; listening sessions to be scheduled for area/retail specific business groups to help gather items for the pandemic recovery period, what can the town do? #edc0730
  • Open, flowing discussion, ideas back and forth. The recording should be available soon to let you hear and get the mind grey matter generating more ideas. #edc0730 next meeting Aug 20, ideas welcome before then to the subcommittee members or Bryan Taberner
  • Prior to next meeting, review the doc (or again) for ideas to discuss Aug 20
  • #edc0730 this closes out the reporting tonight, catch you next time!

Note: while I did not include it in the Twitter stream, I did comment on the plans for re-introducing the community calendar as the re-opening continues to make progress. There had been a community calendar of events but with all public events canceled, it was suspended. (The Cultural District page still shows a calendar with out dated events.)

The working agreement with the Cultural District is to produce three calendars. The Town of Franklin maintains their meeting and events calendar. We won't touch that but provide links to it from the Cultural District page and Franklin Matters. 

The Cultural District page will display the cultural events from FSPA, Circle of Friends, Dean College, etc.  They will also provide a link to both the Town meeting calendar and to Franklin Matters' community events. 

Franklin Matters will display the community events and provide links to both the Town page and to the Cultural District page.

In this way, each view of the calendar (Town meetings, cultural events, community events) will be simplified and relatively uncluttered. If we did try to have one calendar with all three sets of events combined it would be unworkable with current calendar tools.

Stay tuned for further developments on the calendar discussion. For reference, the Town calendar can be found

The Cultural District calendar can be found

The Franklin Matters calendar is currently 'unpublished' and will be shared when this new process has enough events to make it newsworthy.  A pre-coronavirus sample of the weekly outlook can be found

Economic Development Subcommittee Recap - 7/30/20
Economic Development Subcommittee Recap - 7/30/20

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