Sunday, April 17, 2022

Voices of Franklin: Colin Cass says "Please sign candidate nomination papers!"

Candidates in Massachusetts who want to be elected to any public office this fall need something right now.

They need large numbers of qualified voters to sign their nomination papers before May 10.  (No need to get tangled in the weeds:  the numbers and qualifications depend on the offices sought.)

People seem confused about this.  Your signature on a nomination paper commits you to nothing.

It shows only that you helped a candidate get into the race.  This is crucial for all candidates (you can sign for as many as you please) and completely harmless to you.

So if candidates who want to run in your district ask you to sign their nomination papers, give them a break.  

Colin Cass
Franklin, MA

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Voices of Franklin: Colin Cass proud of the diverse election results
Voices of Franklin: Colin Cass says "Please sign candidate nomination papers!"

1 comment:

  1. Just because you signed someone's nomination papers doesn't mean you have to vote for them. (But please vote)
