Monday, November 7, 2022

The Guardian: "‘It was like an apocalyptic movie’: 20 climate photographs that changed the world"

"For a week in July 2018, a giant 100m-tall iceberg loomed over a tiny village on the west coast of Greenland. Villagers were evacuated, and the world watched in suspense: if a chunk of the 10m-tonne iceberg had broken apart or “calved”, it would have caused a tsunami and obliterated the settlement of Innaarsuit. Eventually, it drifted away from the shore – but as glaciers melt, we can expect to see more masses of ice breaking off and floating dangerously close to land."
Continue reading the article and viewing the impactful photos: (subscription maybe required)  ->

They are the images that made us sit up and take notice
They are the images that made us sit up and take notice


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