Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Voices of Franklin: Gretchen Donohue - "supporting the necessary override for public school funding"

To whom it may concern:

As members of this vibrant and caring community, we are faced with a significant decision- asking the taxpayers for an override– that will shape the future of our town and, most importantly, the education of the present and future children of Franklin. Today, I write to you not just as a concerned citizen, or as a public school educator (in a neighboring district), but also as a voice advocating for investing in the vitality and prosperity of our public schools, and recognizing the integral role the schools play in the lives of all of the residents of Franklin.

Our schools are the heart of our community; they educate, inspire, and empower our children, preparing them to become the thought leaders, creative innovators, and engaged citizens of tomorrow. At its core, a school budget is more than just a financial plan; it is a moral document that reflects our values and priorities as a community. The budget is a statement of what we choose to support and what we commit to investing in. By adequately funding our public schools, we demonstrate our commitment to our children. As a result of the current budget, our schools are forced to make difficult decisions (cutting programs, increasing class sizes, reducing resources-, especially in the areas of supporting students’ emotional health).

Some critics misunderstand that any additional cuts will fundamentally change the ability of the Franklin schools to educate all of its students; other critics have praised the Franklin teachers for “doing so much with so little,” but why are they continually given “so little” to work with? Recently critics have noted that there is a “need for a measured approach that affords every taxpayer the opportunity to understand the full financial landscape,”1 but I contend there have been numerous opportunities with information and presentations all readily available to the public.

Now is the time for us to come together as a community and reaffirm our commitment to education. By supporting an override, we can ensure that our schools have the needed resources that they need to not only survive, but thrive. We would do well to remember that our actions in the present will shape the future of our community for generations to come, and I hope we can stand together and invest in our children, knowing that our children’s success is the foundation of our shared prosperity.

When we invest in education, we invest in the potential of every child, regardless of their background, circumstances, race or creed. I reiterate that a budget is a moral document that reflects our values; I urge you to join me in putting our values into action by supporting the necessary override for public school funding.
Together, we can ensure that our schools remain beacons of excellence and opportunity for all.

Thank you for your consideration and your commitment to the future of our community; I appreciate your dedication to the citizens of Franklin.


Gretchen M. Coyle Donohue, 
7 Padden Road, Franklin, MA 02038

If you have something to say, you can find the guidelines here

Voices of Franklin: Gretchen Donohue -  "supporting the necessary override for public school funding"
Voices of Franklin: Gretchen Donohue -  "supporting the necessary override for public school funding"

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