Showing posts with label 2012. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 2012. Show all posts

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Annual Report 2012: Veterans' Services

The Veterans’ Services Officer’s job is to council, advise and assist Veterans and their dependents in whatever way he can. Duties encompass, but are not limited to dispensing state-sponsored Veterans Benefits under M.G.L. Chapter 115, and assisting Veterans and their dependents or survivors in obtaining Federal Benefits or entitlements for which they may be eligible.

The current Veteran population in Franklin is 1343. Of this total, 899 are seniors over 60.

Veteran Appointments FY 2012
Under 60 135
Over 60 210
Veteran’s widows over 60 64
Total 409

Senior Center - Veteran's Watch 2
Feb 2011, Statues at Franklin Senior Center

Mass. Veterans Benefits vary according to need and income. They have been described as “Benefit of last resort”, because the Veteran/Widow can have no more than $1,600 in assets (savings, checking amount, etc.). Amount of Benefits varies, but it can add an estimated $5,000 - $10,000 annually to income, since it usually includes payments of health insurance and other medical costs.

In Fiscal Year 2011, there were 33 Franklin residents who received Mass. General Law chapter 115 Veteran’s benefits; 16 of these were veterans’ widows. Monthly payments ranged from $130 – 995, and included reimbursement of all medical costs for health insurance and prescription copays. This is a significant benefit to those eligible in maintaining an adequate lifestyle. The Town of Franklin is reimbursed 75% by the state for the cost of this program.

Applications for VA benefits continued to increase. Benefits requested included; service-connected disability compensation (a significant number of these applications were from Vietnam veterans exposed to Agent Orange, who now suffer from various illnesses related to this exposure), widows pensions, burial benefits, aid and attendance for wartime veterans and their widows, who require assistance with activities or daily living, such as, bathing and dressing. This benefit can provide a VA payment of up to $1,704 monthly to be used for personal care services. All VA claims must be submitted on designated forms. This can be done through my office. Average time for decision on claim is 6 months.

It is significant to note that the Dept. of Defense predicts that 30% of Iraq/Afghanistan veterans will suffer from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), and/or Traumatic Brain Injuries. This office has already filed 6 VA claims related to these conditions for Franklin’s veterans who served in these areas.

Veterans’ Services would like to thank these True Friends of Veterans’.

  • The Franklin Garden Club for the care and maintenance of the Veterans’ Memorial site on the Franklin common.
  • Franklin Lodge of Elks 2135 for their continued sponsorship of the Veterans’ Memorial Day breakfast, the Free Fuel Program for needy veterans and their widows, and all their good work on behalf of our veterans, especially those who are hospitalized.
  • Franklin VFW Post 3402, always ready to assist Franklin Veterans Services with whatever the need, especially placement of the Memorial Day flags on the graves of our deceased veterans, and their annual visit to the Franklin Nursing Home on 12/13/10 to remember residents, who are veterans, at Christmas.
  • The Friends of Franklin Elders for their ongoing sponsorship of the Veteran’s Day breakfast at the Senior Center. 
  • Veterans Services Volunteer Assistant, Dale L. Kurtz, for his extensive efforts on behalf of this office.
  • Outreach volunteer, John Hogan, for his extensive work with Fuel Assistance applications, and other Senior Benefit Programs.

Respectfully Submitted,

Bob Fahey,
Veterans’ Service Officer

Additional information on the Police Dept can be found on the Franklin webpage

Published by the Town Clerk, this comes from the 2012 Annual Report

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Annual Report 2012: Police Department

Franklin Police Department: FY 2012
Report from the Office of The Chief of Police

It has been just over 8 months now since I had the good fortune of being sworn in as Police Chief for the Town of Franklin. I thank Town Administrator Jeff Nutting and the members of the Franklin Town Council for allowing me this opportunity to serve you, our community. I could never have imagined in 1978, the year I began my police service for the Town, that I would one day be seated in this office. I think back to the 1960’s and 70’s growing up in Franklin and graduating from FHS Class of ‘72’. We were the first senior class to graduate from the then “new” Franklin High School. Well, Franklin will now have another “new” High School; a necessity that will surely benefit the youthful and older citizens of Franklin for many years to come. Doesn’t it sometimes seem these times were so very long ago? Don’t you find yourself asking “where has all the time gone?” I know I do. To those of you who can identify with me, stop and think. We have seen this Town grow by leaps and bounds. No longer is Franklin considered a small bedroom community of fewer than 15,000. We are now pushing a population of 33,000. At one time we all knew our neighbors and our neighbors knew us. We willingly and easily kept an eye out for one another. When I started we had 21 police officers, I was number 21.

We now have 44 and I would like to add more. If I remember correctly there were 7 police cars, we now have 23 plus two motorcycle units. All of my predecessors from years past would have a difficult time understanding all of the changes in the Town and the nature of police work as it is now. Police work is much more complex than it was years back and because of that we have continued to strive to better educate our police officers so that they can better serve you, the Town and the public at large. Franklin was once  considered to be “in the country”. People not from around here would ask you “where is Franklin?” Well, all of us who call Franklin home now know that we are definitely on the map.

In my 34 years of police service for the Town of Franklin I have yet to tire of it. Yes, there are still good and bad days, but as a rule I look forward to going to work each and every day. I enjoy the interaction I have with our police officers and civilian employees, people whom I personally consider as friends and you, the community which we serve. In this, my first year as your Chief of Police I want to thank all of you for making Franklin a safe and secure place to live and raise our families. It is my sincere hope that this trend among our citizenry will continue for many years to come.


Stephan H. Semerjian
Chief of Police

Franklin Police Department: Safety Division - FY 2012

The Safety Division is comprised of four Community Service Officers. They are tasked with developing citizen/police partnerships, with the understanding that the Police alone are never the answer to community problems. The Safety Division’s goal is to make the Town of Franklin a safer community for two of our most valued resources; our elderly and our children populations. With programs such as D.A.R.E., Summer Camps, Bowling Nights, Halloween Festival, Child and Infant Safety Seat Installations, Project Lifesaver and Bingo events at the Senior Center, we are constantly striving to strengthen the ties between our citizens and its Police Department.

The Safety Division was also the recipient a grant issued by the Executive Office of Public Safety and Security. The grant was a Pedestrian Safety Crosswalk Enforcement grant in the sum of $7,493.00.

This report is a general summarization of the many tasks the Franklin Police Department Safety Division provides. These figures do not reflect the totality of the functions this Division encounters.
Safety Talks 140
Summer Camps 2
Traffic/Safety Issues 350
Elder Affairs 65
School Assistance Calls 822
Child Safety Seat Installations 220


Christopher Spillane, Sergeant
Donald MacLean
James Mucciarone
Eric Cusson

Franklin Police Department: Detective Division - FY 2012

The Detective Division consists of six detective investigators and one court prosecutor. A detective sergeant and one detective are assigned to the day watch as well as one each to the evening watch. These four detectives are responsible for the day to day investigations required of the Franklin Police Department. Detective cases can be received in a number of different ways by the police department. Examples would be a patrol call for service in which the responding officer forwards a detailed narrative for follow-up investigation; other police sources, phone calls, letters, direct conversation and/or anonymous information from any number of sources which provide information directly to detectives. Our two remaining detective patrolman are assigned to high impact and drug investigations. Their work hours are fluid and are dictated by the nature of the investigation(s) they are involved in. These two detectives work cooperatively on a regular basis with other local, state and federal law enforcement agencies thus allowing for mutual sharing and cooperation, and a broader range of enforcement by breaking down the jurisdictional
barriers which limit effective law enforcement work. The court prosecutor is responsible for the administration of criminal court cases and works hand in hand with the Assistant District Attorneys assigned to the Court on a daily basis ensuring that the resolution of criminal cases are in the best interests of the Town of Franklin and the victims of crime.


James A. Mill, Detective Sergeant
Lee A. Drake, Detective Sergeant
Detectives Michael Kenney, Timothy Nagle,
Christopher Baker, Eric Copeland
Jason Reilly, Court Prosecutor


The CMVE Unit consists of two highly trained uniformed patrol officers who have expertise in the weights and necessary safety components of over-the-road commercial truck vehicles. These officers are charged with random safety checks and inspections of commercial vehicles that travel the roadways in the Town. Their main purpose and function is to ensure trucking industry compliance with all state and federal laws making motor vehicle and pedestrian travel safe for everyone. You may notice them set up in locations from time to time in Unit 620, the department Ford F-250 pick-up truck which has been specially outfitted for this purpose by Franklin Police Department Officers. The CMVE Unit is manned by: Patrolmen Joseph MacLean and Douglas Nix

Franklin Police Department: Uniform Division - FY 2012

The Uniform Patrol Division is the largest and most visible division within the police department. Officers assigned to patrol are responsible for answering calls for service, responding to emergencies, and also enforcing the traffic laws. They also respond to motor vehicle accidents, alarms, disturbances and any other call from a citizen for assistance.

The Uniform Division has specialized units to include a canine unit, the Commercial Vehicle Enforcement Unit, whose mission is to ensure the safe operation of commercial vehicles within the Town of Franklin, while reducing crashes, injuries and fatalities involving large trucks, a Safety/DARE Division and Detective Unit.

This past fiscal year officers issued 2184 traffic citations with 2727 charges, ranging from red light violations to operating a
motor vehicle with a suspended license to crosswalk violations.

Our officers responded to 731 motor vehicle accidents, 92 with injuries and 639 without injuries.

The prosecutor’s office handled 323 arrests and 376 criminal complaints.

This report is a summary of what the Department has encountered during this past year.

Thomas J Lynch

Franklin Police Department: Communications Division

An integral part of the Franklin Police Department, the Communications Division, consisting of five full time and two part time civilian dispatchers, acts as the liaison between the public and various divisions throughout the Police Department. The dispatchers are responsible for answering 911 calls, business calls, officers requiring assistance/information, assisting the public walking into our lobby and maintaining an electronic record of all activity twenty four hours a day, seven days a week, three hundred and sixty five days a year.

This past fiscal year our dispatchers kept busy processing 5142 emergency 911 calls, 80,593 business line calls and 69,239 radio transmissions. They also made 28,535 entries into our computer aided dispatch/records management computer systems.

We have several methods for residents to stay informed and track what your Police Department is doing. You can follow us on Twitter and Facebook. Visit our website to sign up for our reverse 911 service, called Connect-CTY, or sign up for our email list.

If you have an emergency any time, day or night, and call 911, rest assured you will be connected to a professional well trained dispatcher ready to assist you.


Gary M Premo
Communications Director

Additional information on the Police Dept can be found on the Franklin webpage

Published by the Town Clerk, this comes from the 2012 Annual Report

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Annual Report 2012: Purchasing Dept


  • Optimum utilization of the Town’s Purchasing Power
  • Identify smart cost-saving value driven opportunities and strategies for attracting competitive vendors

Back in March 2012, the Town completed the bidding and contract award process to W. T. Holmes Transportation Co. for a possible five (5) year contract for Pupil Transportation. The Holmes Family offered the Town valuable cost savings including no extra fuel adjustments and reduced the late bus rate during the first year of the agreement. The Contract also identifies extra transportation opportunities should the High School needs expand once the new High School construction commences in mid-October

Thanks to the sincere and generous efforts from Whitson’s Food Services the contract renewal option for the Food Service Management is in place for the new Fiscal Year starting on July 1, 2012.

Franklin continues it’s membership in several consortiums to achieve the lowest and best price for the supply of unleaded, diesel and road salt. Many of the formal bids completed in the spring netted considerable unit price reductions over last spring. As an example, this office bids propane annually for all of the Water/Sewer lift stations and portable classrooms. The price submitted by the local Eastern Propane for the one-year supply of propane went down to $1.49/gallon from $2.265 per gallon. The Town’s building projects and capital improvements utilized the Purchasing Office for all contract action items, change order, payment
processing, budget monitoring and ordering furnishings and fixtures.

The Massachusetts School Building Assistance (MSBA) offers an online reimbursement payment system utilized by purchasing for expenses paid related to the High School Building Project. To date, the Design Services and Owner Project Manager Contracts are being reimbursed via the electronic payment process through the office.

In late May 2012, this office received proposals from 112 Contractor’s looking to be pre-qualified as a General Contractor or in one of the 15 Filed Sub Trades categories identified for the High School Construction. Once pre-qualified, those Contractors will be invited to bid on the High School construction bid.

As the Affirmative Marketing Officer for the Town, Purchasing monitors the Supplier Diversity percentage for work funded by the Town’s portion of Chapter 90 funds through Spring 2012 are required to participate in this program which is reported quarterly to the State by Purchasing.

Purchasing has become a personal champion as an environmental practitioner. Every bid launched from our PC’s “test drives opportunities to be greener. The expansion of online services reaches out to each one of us in government services. The office also has a drop off container for toner cartridges. Thanks to Facilities the recycling turnover is weekly.

Offer value and appreciate what people bring to the organization that includes social expertness and personal influences.

“Diligence is the mother of good luck”. Quote from Ben Franklin

Respectively submitted:

Norma R. Collins
Chief Procurement Officer
Town of Franklin

Additional information on Purchasing can be found on the Franklin webpage

Published by the Town Clerk, this comes from the 2012 Annual Report

Monday, January 28, 2013

Annual Report 2012; DPW - Solid Waste and Recycling

The Department of Public Works is organized into several divisions. Each of their sections in the Annual Report will be published separately to allow for better reading.

Solid Waste Division

Chris White, Solid Waste Coordinator

The responsibilities of the Solid Waste Division include oversight of the waste and recycling contracts, waste reduction initiatives, and management of the Beaver Street Recycling Center.

The Automated Cart System continues to drive cost effective enhancements such as:

  • Continue to lower annual cost to residents while incurring $50,000 of inflation costs each year
  • Ease of auditing and accounting
  • Increase of business recycling via carts
  • Introduction of recycling at fields, Common, Dog Park and other municipal areas
  • Manage trash more effectively at common areas including fields
  • Increase usage of Recycling Center
  • Optimal efficiency of resources and costs

With a one year success achieved, moving forward will include additional recycling awareness, business recycling programs utilizing the cart system and continued expansion of the school programs and Beaver Street Recycling Facility.

The Beaver Street Recycling facility continues to see increased usage and enhancements including:

  • Mattresses, box springs and carpet recycling
  • Elimination of cash and use of check, credit and debit cards
  • Cardboard compactor
  • Styrofoam recycling
  • Dedicated computer and printer recycling
  • Printer toner and ink cartridges
  • Rigid plastic recycling
  • Standardized policies and procedures

Over 50 tons of rigid plastic is recycled at the center, all of which previously went in the trash stream. The 40 foot Styrofoam container filled is recycled at least once a month. The Recycling Center will continue to be a focus for additional recycling initiatives and improvements.

Fiscal year 2012 Curbside collection of trash, recycling and yard waste was provided by Waste Management.

Chris White
Solid Waste Coordinator


The first section of the DPW Annual Report can be found here (Administration)

The second section (Engineering)

The third section (Water and Sewer)

The fourth section (Highway and Grounds)

Additional information on the DPW activities can be found on their webpage

Published by the Town Clerk, this comes from the 2012 Annual Report

Annual Report 2012: DPW - Highway and Grounds

The Department of Public Works is organized into several divisions. Each of their sections in the Annual Report will be published separately to allow for better reading.

Highway and Grounds Division

The Highway and Grounds Division major functions are:
  • General Highway
  • General Grounds
  • Central Motors
  • Tree Program
  • Snow and Ice program
  • General Highway Work

Major Pavement Maintenance Projects FY 2012
  • Sections of Washington Street from South Street to Bellingham town line overlaid with new asphalt 
  • Greensfield Road was reconstructed and overlaid with new asphalt
  • Riverside Road was reconstructed and overlaid with new asphalt
  • Evergreen Drive was overlaid with new asphalt
  • Bullukian Drive was milled and overlaid with new asphalt
  • Parmenter School parking lot was milled and overlaid with new asphalt
  • Wachusett Street was reconstructed paved and new sidewalks were installed

Chip Sealing and Crack Sealing
Plain Street, Linda Lane, Copperfield Lane, Crestwood Drive, Juniper Road, Venus Circle, Simmons Circle, Skipper Circle, Rosewood Lane, Peter’s Lane, Rizoli Circle, Adams Circle, Heaton Circle, Grant Circle, Jackson Circle, Heritage Way, Ashbury Drive, Oakland Parkway, Downingwood Drive, Old Carriage Lane.

Annual Maintenance Works
Centerlines of roads, crosswalks and stop lines were painted as needed. Highway crews installed and/or repaired street signs as necessary. Traffic signals were repaired and maintained. All streets in the town were swept. Brush cutting was performed in the town right-of-way. Catch basins were cleaned throughout town and reconstructed as needed. Crews repaired and/or rebuilt sidewalks, patched potholes and other road imperfections in addition to grading and repairing gravel roads.

The Highway and Grounds Division responded to calls from residents 24 hours a day concerning drainage, brush, road repair, etc. and assisted other town departments when called upon.

General Grounds Work
The Highway and Grounds Department maintains the following fields and Town roperties: Fletcher Field, Theron Metcalf Field, King Street Memorial Park, Nason Street Park, Police Station, Fire Stations 1 and 2, Senior Center, Museum, Recreational Department, Red Brick School House, Municipal Building, Chilson Field, Dacey Field, Meadowlark Field and the playing fields behind the Remington Jefferson School, Town Common, Chilsen Beach and Beaver St. Park.

The Highway and Grounds Department works closely with the School Administration to provide a clean safe environment for students on school grounds. The Highway and Grounds Division perform numerous maintenance practices on school grounds including:
  • Weekly mowing and trimming
  • Pruning trees and shrubbery
  • Weeding and mulching planting beds
  • Playground maintenance
  • Fertilizing athletic fields
  • Insect and weed control
  • Maintenance on the High School synthetic field
  • Trash and recycling
  • Irrigation installation and repairs
  • Field preparation for all High School sports programs
  • Assisted with bleacher set-up for High School Field House Activities
  • Snow removal

Town Parks and Field Improvements
The Highway and Grounds Department renovated three baseball fields, with the financial assistance from Franklin Youth Baseball. These fields were located at Fletcher Field, Dacey Field Complex and King Street Memorial Park. Also with the financial assistance from Franklin Youth Softball both fields at the Pisani Field Complex were renovated. Also a number of Soccer Fields throughout town were renovated with the cooperation and financial assistance from Franklin Youth Soccer.

I want to give a special thanks to Ryan Jette and all the Franklin Youth Leagues for all their cooperation and support

Central Motors/Equipment Maintenance
Central Motors has a permanent staffing level with only three mechanics. They perform tire repair and replacement, scheduled maintenance and specialized maintenance and repair. The 100+ pieces of DPW equipment which they maintain includes heavy duty trucks, pickups, cars, street sweepers, riding lawn mowers, backhoes, loaders, pumps, sewer jet machines, and miscellaneous other pieces of equipment. In additionto the DPW equipment, they maintain 19 vehicles for the Fire Department, 27 Police Department vehicles, 2 Assessors Department vehicles, Building Department vehicles, Board of Health vehicles, Council on Aging bus, 9 school vans and all school equipment such as trucks, blowers, etc., as well as assisting many other departments throughout the town.

Tree Program
The Division trimmed and pruned trees, removed decayed trees or trees deemed to be safety hazards. The Parks and Ground Department also responded to residents calls on all tree safety concerns. Protects all Shade Trees under M.G.L. Chapter 187.

Snow And Ice Removal Operations
FY12 The winter season was below normal for snow accumulation, a total of 12 inches were recorded. Snow and ice operations started on 10/29/11 with a 6” snow event. There were 2 full plowing storms this winter and sanders were called in for 6 sanding events.

The Members of the Highway and Grounds Division, Mechanics, Water/Sewer Divisions and 68 contractors are involved to keep roads clear of snow and ice during major storms.

Election Set-Up: The Highway and Grounds Department works with other DPW departments and the Town Clerk to prepare for elections at the High School Field House for every election in the Town of Franklin.

Flags: Crews raised and lowered flags in the downtown for State and National holidays and funerals of veterans.

4th of July: The Highway and Grounds Department along with other DPW departments works annually with the 4th of July Coalition

Town Beautification and Events: Crews assisted the Beautification Committee in placing the planters, assisted the Holiday Committee by erecting the annual Christian and Jewish decorations at the Town Common and assumed responsibility for the installation and removal of the Bandstand on the Town Common for the Concerts on the Common events and assisted with the annual Strawberry Festival.

Public Out Reach: Hosted the annual “Touch a Truck” at the DPW facilities, assisted with the biannual Town Library book sale, supported numerous volunteer events including the construction of the Town’s first community garden and hosted numerous tours to school children on the importance of public works.

I wanted to give a special thanks to my two foremen, mechanics and crew all their hard work and effort. Additionally, I would like to thank my fellow managers for all their support. Finally, I would like to thank the clerks for their support in handing the never ending calls from residents asking for assistance.

Respectfully submitted,

Carlos Rebelo
Highway and Grounds Superintendent


The first section of the DPW Annual Report can be found here (Administration)

The second section (Engineering)

The third section (Water and Sewer)

Additional information on the DPW activities can be found on their webpage

Published by the Town Clerk, this comes from the 2012 Annual Report

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Annual Report 2012: DPW - Water and Sewer

The Department of Public Works is organized into several divisions. Each of their sections in the Annual Report will be published separately to allow for better reading.


Deacon P. Perrotta, Superintendent

The Water and Sewer Division has had an active fiscal year in “2012”. I would be remiss if I did not start by acknowledging the retirement of Anthony Mucciarone, Director of Operations. Tony a 36 year veteran of the DPW took me under his wing and mentored me for the last two years. His good nature, warm heart and institutional knowledge were essential to the success of the Water and Sewer Department and Public Works in general. Tony’s understated management style always put the water and sewer crews first and established relationships that help solidify the union/management relationship. The majority of the customer requests for service would start by asking for Tony by name, emphasizing his relationship with the community. He will not only be missed as a colleague but as a friend. The staff all wishes you continued good health and a happy retirement.

The Water and Sewer Division is responsible for the supply of water for all purposes to residents, commercial establishments and industries in Franklin, adhering to all State and Federal regulations, and maintains adequate water supply and pressures for fire protection. This Division is also responsible for the collection of wastewater from residential, commercial and industrial sources and transmission of such wastewater to the Charles River Water Pollution Control Facility.

Other responsibilities of the Water and Sewer Division are capital planning, yearly budgeting, ordering and maintaining an adequate inventory of supplies, developing plans and specifications to meet the needs of the Division, including review of plans and specifications prepared by outside consultants.

Total Annual Water Production:
2011                       2012
974,042,000        938,145,000

Water/Sewer Personnel
Personnel in this Department consist of a Superintendent, ten man water section, and a five-man sewer section. Also, four summer employees were on board to supplement our regular crews with maintenance duties.

The Department also relies on automation to provide 24 hour supervisory control over both water and sewer facilities. The Department upgraded its SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) system to provide a more comprehensive and thorough overview of daily operations.

Water/Sewer Statistics
Miles of water mains …………..….160
Number of fire hydrants ………… ±2000
Number of water services ……….. 9608
Miles of gravity sewer ……………. ±110
Miles of force main sewer ……….. ±10
Number of sewer manholes …….. ±2050
Number of sewer connections …… 7300

Water Facilities
Thirteen (13) wells; Six (6) Water Storage Tanks located at (2) Hillside Road, Pleasant Street, Forge Hill, Franklin Industrial Park, and Bald Hill. Eight booster stations located at Bright Hill, Pleasant Street, Franklin Industrial Park, Jefferson Road, Cornwallis, Tanglewood, Washington Street and Susan’s Way. The town also operates a state of the art Micro Filtration treatment plant at Public Works Way.

In addition, the Town of Franklin is in a cooperative program for the operation of monitoring river and pond flow in the Charles River at Medway, Miscoe Brook in Franklin and Kingsbury Pond in Franklin by the U.S. Geological Survey, Water Resources Division.

Sewer Facilities
Sewer pumping stations: Grove Street #1 and #2, Milliken Avenue, Franklin Industrial Park, East Central Street, Anthony Road, Sahlin Circle, Oxford Drive, Washington Street, Dawn Marie Circle, Bridle Path, Squibnocket Road, Ainsley Drive, Monterey Drive, Jackson Circle, Jefferson Road, Kenwood Circle, Miller Street, Charles River Drive, Palomino Drive, Red Gate Lane and Public Works Way.

July 1, 2011 to June 30, 2012 precipitation recorded at the DPW Garage on Public Works Way was averaged for a total of 52.3 inches.

Precipitation July 2011 – June 2012
Month - Inches
July - 2.72
August - 8.23
September - 6.98
October - 7.30
November - 4.57
December - 4.51
January - 3.09
February - 0.60
March - 1.80
April - 4.11
May - 3.93
June - 4.46

Water Pumping Station Operators
Our Pump Station Operators monitor the daily operation of ten (10) water well pumping stations with chemical feed facilities, seven (7) water booster stations and six (6) water storage tanks.

A gauging station, which monitors the flow of the Charles River, is located on Bent Street and at Dix Brook on South Street. Included in the daily operations are the monitoring of chemical feeders and the maintenance of all pumps, electric motors, and standby power supplies. Water pump Station Operators record all daily pumping records and chemicals fed into the water distribution system which are kept on file for submission to the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (D.E.P.). This section also samples Franklins’ water for bacteria once a week, for a total of over 65 samples each month. The samples are tested by a state-approved laboratory for reporting to D.E.P. The pH of the water system is monitored daily. Fluoride, which is continuously added to the Town’s water distribution system, is sampled and tested daily to ensure that the amount of fluoride added to the water is within acceptable limits set by the Department of Public Health as mandated by the Center of Disease Control.

I am extremely proud to announce that the Franklin DPW Water Operators were awarded the “2011 Water Fluoridation Quality Award” by the State Public Health Department and the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, United States Department of Health and Human Services for their consistent and professional adjustment of the water fluoride content to the optimum level for oral health for 12 consistent months.  Consistent, high-quality water fluoridation practice, as demonstrated by the Franklin Water Department, is a safe and effective method to prevent tooth decay, improving the oral health of community residents of all ages. Community water fluoridation has been recognized by the CDC as one of the 10 great public health achievements of our lifetime. Steve Nunnery, Richard Griffin and our newest operator J. P. McNeil were chiefly responsible for this accomplishment.

Water/Sewer Activities:
Project and plan reviews conducted by the Water and Sewer Department included:

  • Grove Street water main project
  • E. Central Street water main, and street reconstruction
  • Wheelock Circle water main
  • Pyne Circle water main
  • Phase 3 Sewer construction

Our crews were also responsible for installing over 500 feet of water main on Wheelock Circle replacing a 2 inch water main. This in-house project improved fire protection through the installation of a new fire hydrant. Also water quality issues and water main dependability were greatly improved.

Water and Sewer Maintenance Crew
Water and Sewer Maintenance crews are responsible for the maintenance and repair of all water and sewer infrastructure. The crew’s responsibilities include the maintenance and repair of water mains, water gate valves, water service shut-offs and hydrants. The staff also maintains and repairs gravity sewers, sewer manholes, and sewer easements. The Water and Sewer Maintenance Crew is responsible for maintaining records of location of all existing water and sewer services for private contractors, utility companies, engineering firms, and the general public.

Our crews continued to perform the annual hydrant flushing program to help ensure high quality water and reliable fire hydrants. Our staff in conjunction with the Highway and Grounds crews flushed 1817 fire hydrants. As a result of this flushing program, the maintenance crews repaired seventy-four (74) fire hydrants and replaced four (4). In addition crews repaired four (4) hydrants truck by vehicles.

Our Water and Sewer Maintenance crews are also responsible for the repair of thirteen (13) sewer manholes and the jetting of numerous sewer and drain lines ensuring operability of the drain and sewer system. Crews repaired twenty-two (22) service leaks in conjunction with our leak detection program: eight (8) fire hydrants, one (1) water main ad thirteen (13) water services. Our leak detection program surveys over 166 miles of water main annually. This feat is accomplished using the latest electronic leak detector using audio frequencies created by underground leakage.

Digital leak noise correlators were used when needed to pinpoint leak locations. The survey resulted in finding one leak in approximately every 7.54 miles of main surveyed. Our crews assisted in twenty-nine (29) water service renewals.

Field crews were also instrumental in testing new water mains on East Central St., Old Forge Hill, Pyne Circle, Beech St., Dean College, Winter St. and South St. Testing ensures that water mains were installed properly by pressure testing and water quality is correct by chlorinating and testing mains prior to returning them to normal operation in the distribution system.

Fire flow tests were conducted and supervised in eleven (11) locations throughout town. Fire flow tests are used to determine the available flows in the distribution system under fire fighting conditions. These tests are used by the Office of Insurance Services to determine insurance rates for commercial and residential properties.

Our crews were also responsible for making fifteen (15) trench repairs, thawing out three (3) frozen service pipes. Water and Sewer crews responded to one hundred and fifty (150) service calls and fifteen (15) plugged sewers.

Lastly, and most importantly our crews effectuated six (6) main breaks last year. As expected these events happen at the least opportune times. Late night, early morning; week-ends, during snow storms or below freezing temperatures seem to beckon these emergency situations. In all circumstances our Water and Sewer Maintenance crews answer the bell and perform expletory work under the most severe conditions and complete them in a timely and most importantly safe manner.

Sewer Pump Station Operators
The Sewer Pump Station Operators keep pumping and maintenance records and monitors the daily operations of 23 sewer pump stations, and one (1) storm water lift station. This includes performing maintenance and repair on all sewer pumps, electric motors, air compressors, and standby power supplies to ensure that these facilities are kept in good operating condition.

These pumping stations must also be constantly washed down and sanitized by the Sewer Pumping Station Operators. The Sewer Pumping Station Operators are responsible for maintaining flows in all transmission mains and unclogging these mains with sewer jet machines whenever the need arises. Sewer pump stations include:; Miller Street, Dawn Marie Circle, Milliken Avenue, East Central Street, Washington Street, Jefferson Road, Kenwood Circle, Jackson Circle, Anthony Road, Franklin Industrial Park, Grove Street Stations #1 and #2, Squibnocket Road, Ainsley Drive, Charles River Drive, Red Gate Lane, Bridle Path, Oxford Drive, Monterey Drive, Sahlin Circle, Lewis Street, Populatic Street, Palomino Drive and the storm water lift station on Beth Road; all received regular and preventative maintenance.

The Water and Sewer crews were proud in completing the refurbishing of the Milliken Ave. facility to consolidate sewer appurtenances formally stored at different facilities. This reorganization has made repairs easier and more efficient.

The Water and Sewer Department strongly believes in educating its’ work force. The Department holds memberships in the New England Water Works Association, Plymouth County Water Works Association, Mass Water Works Association and the American Water Works Association. All these resources are used to help train and educate our employees.

The Water and Sewer Division provides general and technical assistance to all town departments as part of its normal duties. This year the Water and Sewer Department erected sheds at the Davis Thayer School, Senior Center, Kennedy School, and the Keller Sullivan School. In addition, the Water and Sewer Department hosts the Annual Book Sale in the Water and Sewer Garage. The Water and Sewer Division also works closely with and provides assistance to the Engineering and Highway Departments, including sanding and snow plowing operations.

As a result of a “team effort” demonstrated by all the Water and Sewer Department employees, we are able to provide excellent customer service. Thanks to the Highway and Grounds crews who were instrumental in making our flushing program a success. A special thank you to all the administrative staff for their assistance and support throughout the year. A happy and healthy retirement to Faith Flaherty our Accounts Payable clerk.

Respectfully submitted,

Deacon Perrotta
Water and Sewer Superintendent


The first section of the DPW Annual Report can be found here

The second section

Additional information on the DPW activities can be found on their webpage

Published by the Town Clerk, this comes from the 2012 Annual Report

Friday, January 25, 2013

Annual Report 2012: DPW - Engineering

The Department of Public Works is organized into several divisions. Each of their sections in the Annual Report will be published separately to allow for better reading.

Engineering Department

During the fiscal year 2012 the Engineering Department managed a very active Capital Improvement Project schedule to the town’s infrastructure. Capital Improvement Projects substantially completed this past year include:

  • Anchorage Road roadway and Storm Drain System.
  • Emmons Street, Dean Avenue, Depot Street and Ray Street Roadway and Storm Drain System.
  • Partridge Street Culvert
  • East Central Street Water Main
  • Wilson Road Culvert
  • Daniels Street Roadway
  • Partridge Street Roadway
  • Mill Street Roadway
  • Summer Street Roadway
  • Lockewood Drive Detention Pond Upgrade
  • High Ridge Circle Detention Pond Upgrade

The Engineering Department completed inhouse design drawings and specifications for the following projects:

  • East Street, West Street, Nason Street, Walnut Avenue and Church Street. Water line and Roadway Reconstruction.
  • Crescent Street, Garfield Street, Martin Avenue and Charlotte Court water line and roadway reconstruction.
  • Miller Street, Green Street and Wyllie Road Storm Drainage System 
  • Wilson Road Culvert
  • High Ridge Circle Detention Pond Rehab

Capital Improvement Projects currently under construction or out for bids include:

  • East Street, West Street, Nason Street, Walnut Avenue and Church Street water line and roadway reconstruction.
  • Crescent Street, Garfield Street, Martin Avenue and Charlotte Court water line and roadway reconstruction.
  • Miller Street, Green Street and Wyllie Road Storm Drain System
  • Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation Phase IV
  • Greensfield Road Roadway
  • Evergreen Drive Roadway
  • Riverside Drive Roadway
  • Overlook Drive Roadway

At the end of the fiscal year, the department included the following staff.

  • William Yadisernia, P.E., Town Engineer
  • Michael Maglio P.E. Assistant Town Engineer
  • Warren Groth, Engineering Assistant
  • William Wenners, Construction Inspector

The Engineering Department has completed construction for the three-storm water treatment system upgrades included in a $131,000 grant from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. The projects include construction of an infiltration basin on Panther Way and upgrades to the existing detention ponds on  Lockewood Drive and High Ridge Circle. These storm water retrofits are designed to improve sediment removal, phosphorous nitrogen reduction and will significantly increase groundwater recharge to our drinking water aquifers and will improve base flow to the adjacent streams and rivers.

The Engineering Department completed the design of storm drainage improvements at the intersection of Miller Street and Green Street and at the end of Wyllie Road. These storm drain improvements are part of a DEP and EPA grant. They are designed to improve sediment removal, phosphorous and nitrogen reductions and will significantly increase ground water recharge to our drinking water aquifers.

The Engineering Department has its own experienced Resident Engineer Staff that inspects and monitors Capital Improvement projects resulting in a significant cost savings to the Town of Franklin.

In addition to the listed highlighted public projects, the division was involved in many other projects and provided engineering services to other Town departments, boards, and entities. These services include mapping, surveying, and preparation of conceptual designs, property research, cost estimating, developing charts/graphs, and review of contracts.

The Engineering Department provides technical reviews of all proposed new private commercial projects and residential subdivisions and submits recommendations to the Town Council, Planning Board, Conservation Commission and Board of Appeals.

The Engineering Department conducts preconstruction conferences with commercial and residential developers and provides construction inspections and bond estimates for completion of the work.

Respectfully Submitted,

William Yadisernia, P.E.
Town Engineer


The first section of the DPW Annual Report can be found here

Additional information on the DPW activities can be found on their webpage

Published by the Town Clerk, this comes from the 2012 Annual Report

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Annual Report 2012 - Dept of Public Works (DPW)

The Department of Public Works provides a wide range of services to the residents of Franklin. It is organized into seven (7) Divisions:
1. Administration
2. Engineering
3. Highway and Grounds (including Highway Maintenance and Construction, Central Motors, Snow and Ice Control Parks, Town and School Grounds Maintenance and Forestry/Insect Control)
4. Water (including ground water withdrawals, water treatment and distribution)
5. Sewer
6. Solid Waste and Recycling (including the operation of the Beaver St. Recycling Center)
7. Street Lighting

The major functions of the Administrative Division include developing capital projects, long range planning, intergovernmental relations and compliance, grant writing, processing various private construction permits, drain layer licenses, purchasing, budgeting, accounting and payroll, and multiple forms of utility billing.

Capital Projects
The Administrative Division in conjunction with Engineering and the operating divisions develop major capital projects.

The PWED (Public Works Economic Development) portion of the downtown project (Depot, Emmons and Dean Streets was completed in the Fall of 2011. The project provides a glimpse of the type of work planned of the downtown corridor.

The design of the downtown corridor continued throughout the year. The object of this work is to improve traffic flow through the downtown area and create an area that expands pedestrian access and is business friendly. This project will provide two-way traffic on Route 140 and will include the burying of utilities, period lighting, planters, sidewalks, brickwork, curbing and parking improvements in addition to an improved transition with Dean College. A major design milestone, the 25% public hearing was held in June. It is anticipated that this work will commence Summer 2013.

Although there is limited State and Federal funding, design work continues on Pleasant and Lincoln Streets, and survey work was undertaken on Grove Street. The DPW continues to design and construct long-range projects over the next three to four years. Progress on specific capital construction projects is outlined in subsequent portions of this report.

It is important to note, that many of these projects are performed by existing staff members and save significant amounts of money by avoiding the need to contract out these services. The process of planning, designing, permitting and constructing these projects is an arduous task that requires a great level of coordination and cooperation between DPW divisions and other state, municipal and federal departments.

Grant Writing
The Town received a $20,000.00 grant to offset the cost associated with the purchase compactors to increase the recycling rate at the Beaver Street Recycling Center.

Much of the credit for the Town’s success in obtaining highway funding and other grants goes to the Town’s legislative delegation, including Rep. Jim Vallee, Sen. Scott Brown, Sen. Karen Spilka and Congressmen James McGovern.

Permits and Long Range Planning
The Town of Franklin, along with the towns of Bellingham and Milford, were the only three communities in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts placed under a Residual Designation Authority (RDA) by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to mitigate phosphorus loading in the Charles River Basin. It is estimated the Town of Franklin may need to spend upwards of $135 million to implement all the measures that EPA feels would be required to meet phosphorus reductions.

DPW staff members have been working in conjunction with the Towns of Bellingham and Milford, State and Federal officials in conjunction with private land owners and business representatives to oppose this action based upon the unnecessary economic hardship it would create for the community. The EPA has  acknowledged our concerns and we continue to wait for a final permit. The Town of Franklin also continues to oppose the implementation of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Phase II and pending Phase III Storm Water Permit for Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4) as required by the EPA. Phase II required the Town to highly regulate and monitor storm water throughout the Town at a
significantly increased cost. Phase III is projected to include increased regulatory requirements and cost even more. The Department will continue to refine and improve adopted regulations and practices to improve the Stormwater in Franklin while minimizing the associated costs.

Long range planning is critical in the area of Public Works and must be accomplished consistently in order to ensure that the Town water, sewer and roadway infrastructure can support the needs of our residents. The Town Master Plan, 1993 Water Distribution System Study, Sewer System Evaluation Study and the Sewer System Master Plan studies have provided detailed and valuable information that is used to steer our  construction and capital planning efforts.

In October 2001, the DPW commissioned an update to the 1993 Water System Master Plan. This plan identified approximately $40M in water system needs from which a 20 year, $20 million dollar (20/20) plan was devised for improvements. The 20/20 plan allowed the Town to address the most critical needs identified within the system study. With 20/20 funding executed, the Town Council authorized additional funding for water line replacement and the improvement of roadways on sections of Lincoln, East, West, Daniels, Summer, Lewis, Cresent, Anthony, Carmine Streets and Conlyn Ave. This work will commence next year and is expected to be completed within the next four years.

The DPW has continued to work with both DEP and the Massachusetts Department of Recreation and Conservation to facilitate the final closing and capping of the Beaver Street Landfill Site. The Town of Franklin has continued to work with other area Towns and conservation groups towards insuring that regional water supplies are protected.

Solid Waste and Recycling Collection Program
The single stream automated solid waste and recycling program was successfully implemented. This program has been extremely successful in reducing costs, improving recycling rates and providing greater convenience for users. Additional improvements have been made to the Beaver St. Recycling Center by allowing the acceptance of additional recyclable materials.

Hails and Farewells
With all the losses of the previous year, the DPW was able to hire three new employees to work on the “Crew”. They include Mr. Tony Brunetta (Highway), Mr. Jacob Standley (Grounds) and Mr. Derek Adams (Grounds). All three gentlemen were raised in Franklin and have been an excellent addition to the Department. Additionally, Mr. Michael Maglio was hired as the Assistant Town Engineer.

With gains, there are always losses. This year was once again a difficult year for the DPW; many outstanding employees retired or pursued other job opportunities. All these employees were a pleasure to work with and will be sorely missed.

Mr. Antony Mucciarone worked for the Department for over 36 years! Starting as summer help, Tony finished his career as the Deputy Director of Operations. He spend the majority of his time in DPW as the Water and Sewer Superintendent where he was considered a leader in field. I personally cannot thank Tony
enough for all support and mentoring.

“Hollywood!” Ms. Faith Falarity worked for the Town of Franklin for 20 years. She held a myriad of positions in Town working in the Treasurer’s Office, Human Resources and Recreations and finally Public Works and her kindness and wit will be missed by all.

Mr. James Esterbrook, the GIS manager who worked for the Town for almost four years is pursuing career enhancement opportunities in the private sector. His youth and willingness to assist will be greatly missed. I want to thank all of them for their years of service and wish them success in their retirement and/or all future endeavors.

As the Director, I as always owe many thanks to my staff that make this whole department work and serve all residents in a timely manner. Everyone is committed to providing extraordinary service to the Town in the most cost-effective manner possible.

The Town Engineer Mr. William Yadisernia, Office Manager Mrs. Linda Feeley, Deputy Director of Operations Mr. Deacon Perrotta, Highway and Grounds Superintendent Mr. Carlos Rebelo, and Engineering Aide Mr. Warren Groth are all dedicated professionals that put in so much extra time and effort to make this Department a success. The Town and I are very fortunate to have such talented individuals
to work with.

I would also like to thank, Paula Juarez, Sandy Wedge, and Lynn Marchand who support the Administration Division. These individuals respond quickly and with courtesy to thousands of requests for assistance and information throughout the year.

Continued thanks go to Mr. Christopher White, the Town’s Solid Waste Coordinator. Even though his position is a part time one, he gives his heart and soul and spends much of his personal time to insure that the solid waste and recycling program is a success.

I would especially like to thank the “Crew” and the mechanics that work out of the DPW garage. These are the ladies and gentlemen that are not always seen but provide the day-to-day services that are all too often taken for granted. They pump, treat and deliver safe drinking water, they care for parks and ball fields, and they maintain the roadways, repair and sustain all Town and School vehicles and handle all our wastes. They are always available, day and night, working long hours to assist in any emergency situation whether it is snow removal, water breaks, sewer backups, wind/lightning storms, flooding and many others. They are all
extremely professional and dedicated to their jobs. I cannot thank them enough.

Respectfully submitted,

Robert A. Cantoreggi II
Director of Public Works

Linda Feeley
Office Manager

Additional information on the DPW activities can be found on their webpage

Published by the Town Clerk, this comes from the 2012 Annual Report

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Annual Report 2012: Franklin Library

FY2012 was a transformative and productive year for the Franklin Public Library.

The Franklin Library Board of Directors combined the two circulation desks in order to address persistent budgetary constraints, functional space issues, and the efficient delivery of services. We deeply regret the loss of our hardworking staff; the loss of certification for two months and the inconvenience it caused.

Funding level reductions have not impacted services: Service levels, library hours, library visits, special programs have increased through the effective utilization of resources

Important Notes:

  • Annual book budget increased by 53% from 2011, providing more new materials for patrons than  previous year.
  • Checkouts for downloadable ebooks increased by 52%. ($5,000 funding provided by the Friends of the Library) 
  • Investment in and the use of automated services has enabled the library to provide higher level of services with less staff. Use of automated self-check-out has increased by 35% from last year; and now accounts for 43% of our total circulation.
  • Total circulation in FY2012 was 309,807, down 9% from FY2011. (Large sections of the collection were unavailable during renovation).
  • Total attendance at children’s programs increased by 28% from 4,134 in FY2011 to 5,328 in FY2012.
  • Library visits increased by 7%, from 165,403 in FY2011 to 177,324 in FY2012. 

New Initiatives in FY2012

  • Opened Fridays for the first time in 3 years. The Library is now open 60 hrs a week, 6 days a week – a 15% increase from FY2011. 
  • Opened a Student’s Assistance Center in October 2011 to provide free homework assistance to students in grades 2-8. 
  • Incorporated Kindles and Nooks in the circulating collection 
  • Added a Blu-ray collection
  • Added a Speed view Collection (3day loan of DVDs & Blu-rays)
  • Initiated a local author’s shelf

Expanded Services in FY2012

  • Home delivery for patrons with disabling conditions
  • Speed view collection (7 day new popular fiction and non fiction)
  • Downloadable e-books
  • Downloadable audio-books
  • Family and special programming

How Are We Doing?
We asked you to rate the changes and new services on a scale of 1 to 10. You responded with very high marks. (9s and 10s) Thank you!! Here are samplings of your impressions of the Library

  • “I like the openness of the Main Circulation Desk” 
  • “Nice people, very helpful”
  • “The library is wonderful and well organized. Keep the good work”
  • “Impressed – everything is so easy and staff very nice and helpful”
  • “Super happy you made computers instantly accessible without having to stop at the desk and get ID code…!! That’s the way it should be. Thanks”
  • “Great services”
  • “Love the environment”
  • “Pretty clean”
  • “Excellent – so happy Library is open on Fridays and certification is back”
  • “Shelf check is so convenient”

Your suggestions for improvement
“More programs for older children (8-12)
“The children’s room could use more child friendly décor & demarcation”
“Better Lighting on the fourth floor; better air-conditioning”
“More confined space for toddler story time ….for tighter community feel”
“Having staff available on the second floor”

A million thanks!
The above accomplishments are a result of a group effort. Library staff admirably performed their new roles
during a period of anxiety and disruption. The community’s support and encouragement during the  decertification crisis kept us strong and focused. We thank the Massachusetts Board of Library  Commissioners for granting the Library’s appeal for a waiver of the FY 2012 Municipal Appropriation Requirement. We are especially grateful to the Franklin Town Council for providing additional funding critical in securing recertification.

The Library continually relies on the generosity of the Friends of the Library. Their support and monetary gifts have allowed the Library to fund museum passes, programs and collections. We appreciate their time and financial assistance.

The Student’s Assistance Center was a tremendous success in its first year. Twenty-five students in grades 2-8 received free homework assistance every week. The success of this program is due to dedicated, dependable and caring volunteers. Both the students and their parents were very grateful for this service.
Sincerest thanks to Nancy Rappa, Suzanne Stilgoe, and Monique Doyle for co-coordinating this effort.

The Beautification Committee, chaired by Susan Rittenhouse, has been working all summer to make the Library more welcoming and inviting.  Some of the improvements are evident on the first floor. We commend their efforts.

Andrea Burke and her committee worked hard over the summer to create an exciting array of adult programs and new outreach initiatives for the coming year. Check the library web site and
blog for more information. We thank them.

Moving Forward: Assessing the Future

A New Vision
The Library Board is undertaking a new vision to ensure sustainability, fiscal responsibility and community responsiveness. Your participation is critical as the process moves forward. We invite you to stay involved and welcome your suggestions.

Respectfully submitted,

Felicia Oti, Library Director


You can participate in their Strategic Direction Survey here

Visit the Library webpage for updates throughout the year

Published by the Town Clerk, this comes from the 2012 Annual Report

Monday, January 14, 2013

Annual Report 2012: Planning Board

The Planning Board, as established by MGL. Ch. 41 sec.70, is responsible for “…making plans for the development of the municipality, with special reference to proper housing of its inhabitants.” The Board is charged with administering the State’s Subdivision Control Law (MGL. 41 Ch.81K) and the local subdivision rules and regulations (Chapter 300). The Board makes recommendations to the Town Council on Zoning By-Law amendments and may at its own discretion adopt new subdivision regulations. The Board is also designated as the permitting authority for various site plan and special permit submittals under the local Zoning Bylaws (Ch. 185).

The Board works together with the Department of Planning and Community Development, the Department of Public Works, and Town Administration. In addition, the Board receives recommendations from the Design Review Committee on building design, elevation, and signage for commercial site plan permits and from the Conservation Commission on wetland related issues.

In the first quarter of FY2012, the Planning Board reviewed and issued decisions for several pending projects from FY2011 and began review of several Special Permit applications. One such Special Permit application was to allow a change in hours of operation at the BJ’s Wholesale Club and Gas Station location at 100 Corporate Drive, allowing the business to remain open later in the evening and open earlier on the weekend; a significant economic development opportunity for the BJ’s Wholesale Club.

One of the more significant site plans approved at the start of FY2012 was Hamilton Storage Technologies at 3 Forge Parkway; the company is constructing a 51,000 square feet facility to house its U.S. headquarters, light manufacturing operations, and accessory conference and training room uses.

Other notable Site Plans that occurred in FY2012 include the approval of a 37,800 square feet residence hall for Dean College at 100 West Central Street, and Emeritus Senior Living Center, a 2-story, 81-unit, Senior Assisted Living Facility at 656 King Street. Southern Acres, a 6- lot definitive subdivision on South Street was approved. An application to modify the Uncas Ave Subdivision was first heard by the Planning Board in April 2012, however, the applicant requested a continuance until the first quarter of FY2013 after a request for a Water and Sewer map extension from the Town Council.

The Planning Board also voted to endorse several 81-P plans and approved one Scenic Road Work Permit for work that coincided with the approval of Southern Acres Subdivision. In addition, like last year, there were numerous requests for extensions to complete previously approved site plans and subdivisions due to hard economic times inhibiting completion of site work by developers. However, the Planning Board did see seven (7) requests for Certificates for Site Completion and a significant increase in the last quarter of the fiscal year in application fees for site plans, special permits and limited site plans with pending discussions in FY13.

The Planning Board has, and will continue to focus on updating the existing zoning by-laws to more accurately define the needs and goals of the town. During FY2012 the Board referred several Zoning Bylaw amendments to the Town Council for approval; these included adding 36 parcels to the Biotechnology Uses Overlay Zoning District, rewrite of Chapter 185-20 Signs, and rewrite of portions of Chapter 185-45 D and E Special Permit Criteria. The three Zoning Bylaw amendments were subsequently approved by the Town Council.

The Planning Board also reviewed and made recommendations for amending the Town’s Subdivision Rules and Regulations to reduce the pavement radius of Dead-end Streets from 50 feet to 45 feet.

The Board continues to help property owners make the desired changes and improvements to their properties while fostering responsible growth and development in the Town of Franklin.

The Planning Board typically meets twice a month on Mondays at 7:00 PM in the Municipal Building. All Board meetings are open to the public, and are televised via Community Cable Access.

Planning Board Activity (July 2011 through June 2012):
Definitive Subdivisions 1
and Modifications 81-P Plans (ANR): 4
Site Plan 6
Limited Site Plans 15
Special Permits 7
Scenic Road Work Permits 1

Planning Board Membership
The Planning Board consists of five members and one associate member. The associate member participates in all hearings but only votes on Special Permits if one of the members is unable to act.

The Board members are elected and serve 4-year terms. In November of 2011, longtime Member Ronald Calabrese stepped down as a member but was re-appointed as an associate member after the November 2011 Town Election. Acting Associate Member William David was elected a full-member and Gregory Ballarino and John Carroll were re-elected as members until 2015.

In the second quarter FY2012, Mr. Calabrese resigned his position as Associate member and in a joint meeting of the Town Council and Planning Board, Gregory Rondeau was appointed as the Associate Member of the Planning Board until 2015.

Current Planning Board Members:
Anthony Padula, Chairman
Joseph Halligan, Secretary
Gregory Ballarino
John Carroll
William David
Gregory Rondeau, Associate Member
Ronald Calabrese- Resigned

Respectfully submitted,

Anthony Padula, Chairman

Please visit our website for additional information including application forms, and regularly posted agendas and meeting minutes at:

Published by the Town Clerk, this comes from the 2012 Annual Report

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Annual Report 2012: Council on Aging

The mission of the Franklin Senior Center is to enhance the independence and quality of life for Franklin’s older adults by:

  • Identifying the needs of this population and creating programs that meet those needs.
  • Offering the knowledge, tools and opportunities to promote mental, social and physical well-being.
  • Advocating for relevant programs and services in our community.
  • Serving as a community focal point for aging issues and as liaison to local, state and Federal resources for older adults and their families.

The Center is located at 10 Daniel McCahill Street and is open Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. The Center provides programs, services and activities along with outreach, information and referral to serve the needs of older adults and disabled individuals.

Senior Center: Back patio
On a warmer day, the patio in the back of the Senior Center

The Senior Center offers health screening and wellness, nutrition, social service coordination, socialization, recreation, educational programs, a supportive day program, recreational transportation and volunteer opportunities.

Our staff includes 2 full-time employees and 8 part-time employees. Four of these positions (2 full-time and 2 part-time) are funded by the town of Franklin. Our Health & Wellness Nurse and Supportive Day Program Aide are funded through grants, and our Grill Cook is funded through a generous donation from the Friends of Franklin Elders. Our two Supportive Day Program Coordinators and Bus Driver are funded with
program fees.

The Council on Aging’s Strategic Planning subcommittee completed a strategic plan to address the needs of Franklin’s elderly community over the next 10 years. The Council’s by-laws were also reviewed and

We launched a new Fall Prevention Initiative which included individualized Gait Assessments and Fall Risk Assessments to determine if elders are at risk for falling, along with a new evidence-based program entitled Strong for Life, using resistance band exercises, and the Matter of Balance evidence-based program. We also distributed Fall Prevention packets in an effort to educate elders about fall risks. This program
was funded by the Metrowest Health Care Foundation and the Executive Office of Elder Affairs.

The Center hosted two Franklin High students in a new internship program which placed each student with us for 70 hours. The program was so successful that the students donated twice that amount of time. With their assistance, we offered several new programs including: a Digital Photography Class, Video Oral History
interviews, and presentations on Social Media for Seniors and Cell Phone Savvy. All of these programs were extremely well received.

We also offered several new programs and activities this year including: Meditation Classes, Chair Yoga, Chair Volleyball, Senior Striders Walking Club, Depression Screening, the Silvertones Chorale Group, and the Yellow Dot Program. A second painting class was added to our schedule due to popular demand.

Our Wellness Nurse is supported through grants from the Metrowest Health Care Foundation and the Executive Office of Elder Affairs. She provides weekly health screening of blood pressure, bi-weekly blood sugar testing, ongoing health education, home visits, and a monthly

As noted above, we offered several new innovations to prevent dangerous falls which can lead to serious injury or fatality for older adults. We enhanced our Safe & Secure at Home program by offering Gait Assessments, new evidence-based trainings and in-home evaluations of senior’s home environments to
determine if the risk for dangerous falls can be addressed. Based on this evaluation, installation of grab bars and adaptive devices are provided.

Our nurse provided 103 Fall Risk Assessments and 60 Gait Assessments this year which resulted in 31 referrals to Health Care Practitioners. She also offered 262 units of evidence-based training through the Matter of Balance and Strong for Life programs. Grab bars were installed in 28 households this year,
and we distributed 151 Fall Prevention Packets.

Wellness activities at the Senior Center include:  Low Vision support group, TOPS weight loss support group, a Caregivers Support Group, Podiatry Clinics and Chair Massage. The Center hosted a flu vaccine clinic and offered ten health education presentations over the course of the year.

Fitness activities offered at the Senior Center include: Chair Exercises, Zumba, Tai Chi, Yoga, Drums Alive, Meditation, Line Dancing, two walking clubs, Bocce, and Cardio,Tone & Stretch. We logged 8,391 units of fitness activities this past year.

The 2011 Senior Expo was held at the Senior Center with over 30 exhibitors, a senior fashion show, entertainment and a free luncheon. The winner of the Silver Spirit Award was Anthony Molinaro.

Outreach/Social Service Coordination
The Social Service Coordinator at the Franklin Senior Center provides assistance with housing, employment, home care services, tax abatements, long-term care placement, prescription drug programs, and many other
programs and services for elderly and disabled residents. The Coordinator can make home visits to homebound residents to assess needs and make referrals.

Several social benefit programs can be accessed to help senior and disabled residents, including Food Stamps, Fuel Assistance, Mass Health, Supplemental Security Insurance, Veteran’s benefits, and many other public benefits. Further assistance is provided such as monthly legal clinics, and the SHINE (Serving
the Health Insurance Needs of Elders) program, which provided assistance with health insurance questions and problems for 175 elders last year. Several tax preparation programs were also offered, including preparation of 120 tax returns by the AARP Tax Preparation Program and 68 returns prepared by a private volunteer who also prepared Circuit Breaker Tax Credit forms for 84 elderly residents, resulting in a total of
$73,920.00 in senior tax relief. A session providing information and assistance to seniors in obtaining real estate tax abatements was also offered.

The Council on Aging also offers a cable television show, The Senior Circle, which provides useful information on senior topics and issues of interest. COA member, Stella Jeon, hosts the show which is shown on Franklin Public Access, Channel 8.

Educational Programs
Some of this year’s educational presentations included: CPR & First Aid Training; AARP Driver Safety Program; Know the Ten Warning Signs: Early Detection Matters; Real Estate Tax Abatements; What You Need to Know About Shingles; Dealing with Dizziness, Vertigo, and Balance Problems; Circuit Breaker Tax Credit Workshop; Veterans Aid & Attendance Benefits; Are Your Medications Doing More Harm than Good?; Planning for Medicare: Countdown to 65; Taking Control of Your Future: A Legal Checkup; Adventures in Peru Travelogue; The U.S. Constitution; Learning to Use Social Media, Cell Phone Savvy; The Roads Scholar Class; The Five Wishes Advance Directive, and The Health Benefits of Walking.

Other educational opportunities included: a Digital Photography Class and painting classes. Peer led groups include: woodcarving, knitting and quilting classes, computer instruction, Italian Conversation classes, cribbage classes, a Brain Gamers group, and book and current events discussion groups.

Social and recreational opportunities are also offered at the Center, including cards, games, movies, parties, crafts, bingo, trips, and fitness activities.

The Common Grounds Café offers senior citizens a delicious, healthy, and affordable breakfast and luncheon in a welcoming environment. The Café provides a great social venue for Franklin’s seniors. In FY’12, we
served 17,894 meals at the Common Grounds Café. In addition, our monthly theme parties offer an opportunity to meet old friends and make new ones while enjoying a delicious meal and great entertainment.

Supportive Day Program
The Supportive Day Program at the Senior Center, The Sunshine Club, offers a safe, structured and stimulating environment for frail elders, or those with mild to moderate dementia. This program has an overwhelmingly positive effect on the quality of life for participants who enjoy fun activities, socialization and gentle exercise.

Through this day program caregivers, many of them elderly, obtain respite from the strain of caregiving. Caring for a loved one is a stressful job that takes an enormous toll on caregivers; therefore, we also offer a Caregiver Support Group to help provide support and education for those in this critical role.

Handicapped accessible transportation is available to Franklin’s elderly and disabled residents through GATRA, the Greater Attleboro Taunton Regional Transit Authority. Dial-A-Ride service is available to Franklin senior residents within Franklin or out-of-town within a 15 mile radius. GATRA also offers a fixed
route bus through town and transportation for medical appointments to Boston and other destinations. GATRA transportation can be scheduled by calling 800-698-7676.

The Council on Aging works closely with GATRA to assure optimal access to, and quality of, both
Dial-A-Ride and the fixed route bus services for senior and disabled riders.

TRIAD is a partnership of the Council on Aging, the Franklin Police Department and the Norfolk County Sheriff’s Office. Its goal is to enhance senior safety and improve awareness of scams and fraudulent schemes to reduce the instances of elderly victimization.

This year TRIAD launched the Yellow Dot Program, a free program that provides a sticker for an elder’s vehicle’s rear windshield, directing first responders at a crash site to the driver’s medical information in the glove compartment. TRIAD also offers the Project Lifesaver program to aid individuals who may wander off
due to dementia. The program provides subscribers with a wrist bracelet with a radio transmitter. Should the subscriber wander, the caregiver notifies the police and a search and rescue team is deployed with a mobile radio receiver to track the signal.

TRIAD manages the “Are You Okay?” telephone reassurance program for Franklin’s senior and disabled residents. This program provides a daily telephone call to assure subscribers’ safety. The Norfolk County Sheriff’s Office makes daily calls, and if the subscriber doesn’t answer the call, a well-being check is
carried out to assure that the subscriber is safe.

Friends of Franklin Elders
The Friends of Franklin Elders, Inc. (FOFE), is a private, non-profit organization, which was founded to assist the Franklin Senior Center with funding. The Friends supplement town funding for the Senior Center by providing funds for programs, services, and equipment for the Franklin Senior Center. The Friends of Franklin Elders’ annual membership drive supports programs, services and activities at the Senior Center.

This year, the Friends offered crucial support by funding our Café’s Grill Cook, providing $9,800.00 to fund this position. This position is an essential component in offering healthy, affordable meals at the Center’s Common Grounds Café.

In addition, the Friends fund events such as our annual Veterans Breakfast and our Volunteer Recognition Luncheon, and they fund the entertainment at each of our monthly social events. They also funded the purchase of grab bars for our Safe & Secure at Home program and tee shirts for our volleyball team. This year, the Friends of Franklin Elders also took over publishing our newsletter, The Franklin Connection.

Busy Bees
The Busy Bees Crafts Group meets twice weekly to create crafts and hand-made items to sell at their annual Holiday Bazaar and other local events. The Busy Bees then donate funds to support the Senior Center by purchasing equipment and contributions to various events.

The group also donates hand-made gift items to our gift shop and makes gifts for the guests at our Nonagenarian Tea Party.

Newsletter & Website
The Franklin Connection, the Senior Center’s monthly newsletter, contains news about upcoming activities and events, along with relevant information on social benefit programs. The Franklin Connection is mailed free of charge to Franklin’s elderly residents. To obtain a subscription, senior residents can call the
Senior Center and provide an address. The newsletter is also available on-line at:

Postage for this is provided with a grant from the Executive Office of Elder Affairs and a donation from the Friends of Franklin Elders. The Center’s website also contains useful and topical information of interest to senior citizens and disabled residents.

Tax Work-Off Program
Franklin offers a Tax Work-Off Program for senior homeowners aged 60 and over. By working in various town departments at minimum wage, seniors can take a credit of up to $800.00 off their real estate taxes. This program provides important tax relief to senior citizens, while supplying the town with dependable, skilled workers. Last year, 86 participants worked for a total of 7,517 hours at a total cost of $60,134.00. Senior workers were placed in the Library, Treasurer/Collector’s office, the Recreation Department, the DPW, the Assessors’ office, the Building/Inspection office, the Senior Center and several schools.

Grants and Community Support
For FY’12, the Executive Office of Elder Affairs provided a grant of $27,494.00. We also received $13,373.00 from the MetroWest Community Health Care Foundation to fund our Health & Wellness Nurse whom we shared with the Medway Council on Aging. Funding was also provided by organizations such as the Franklin Cultural Council, the Friends of Franklin Elders, and the Busy Bees, to support Senior Center programs, services and activities.

The Random Smiles Project was presented with a Community Service Award by the Franklin Council on Aging at our Volunteer Recognition Luncheon in April. The Random Smiles Project provides substantial support to elderly and disabled households.

The Franklin Council on Aging works closely with the Franklin Police Department to enhance the safety and well-being of Franklin’s older adults. The Franklin Police Patrolmen’s Association officers offer a holiday luncheon at the Senior Center every year, along with educational presentations and Bingo parties.
The Franklin Patrolman’s Association sponsors a holiday luncheon at the Senior Center.

The Hockomock YMCA furnishes instructors for several of our fitness classes including: Yoga, Tai Chi, Zumba, an Aerobics class, and the new Drums Alive class. The “Y” also provides training on our fitness equipment by sending an instructor to the Center to offer classes on the proper use of this equipment.

The Council on Aging is deeply grateful to the community organizations and local businesses which have supported the Senior Center over the past year. This generosity enhances our ability to meet the growing needs of senior and disabled residents.

Our volunteers are acknowledged for their dedication and generosity at our annual Volunteer Recognition Luncheon. This year, the luncheon and entertainment were generously funded by the Friends of Franklin Elders. This year, 130 volunteers at the Senior Center donated 11,234 hours of service to the Town.
This contribution by volunteers would be worth a total of $89,872.00 in paid wages if workers received the minimum wage.

Our volunteers are essential to the operation of the Senior Center. Without their selfless dedication, we could not offer the many programs, services and activities we currently enjoy. The Council on Aging is profoundly
grateful to our volunteers for their gift of time.

Intergenerational Activities
Intergenerational activities are always embraced at the Senior Center. This year we had numerous activities with students from several different schools. Eighth grade students from the Horace Mann middle school came to the Center to demonstrate their inventions to help older folks hold a pencil. National Honor Society students at Franklin High School hosted their annual Spring Fling for seniors with a free luncheon,
entertainment by talented students, and generous raffle prizes which the students solicit from local merchants.

Contestants from the state-wide Junior-Miss beauty pageant volunteered at the Center and then performed for our members. We hosted two students from Franklin High and Xaverian Brothers High School and two students from Franklin High School for extended internships. Tri-County Regional Technical Vocational
School Health Services students visited the Center bi-weekly to interact with seniors and assist with activities. Tri-County’s Honor Society offered free gift wrapping for seniors during the holidays.

As their capstone project, two students from the Benjamin Franklin Classical Charter School raised $700 by holding a talent show and donated it to the Senior Center. Students from the Benjamin Franklin Charter School contributed to the Friends of Franklin Elders’ annual basket drive and were thanked with an
Ice Cream Social at the Senior Center. In addition, many students volunteer at the Senior Center throughout the year. All of these intergenerational activities and events create an enduring bond that bridges the years between students and seniors.

The Social Imperative
A survey by the National Council on Aging recently found that, compared with their peers, senior center participants have higher levels of health, social interaction and life satisfaction. This research demonstrated that older adults who participate in senior center programs can learn to manage and delay the onset of chronic diseases and experience measurable improvements in their physical, social, spiritual, emotional, mental and economic well-being. These findings confirm what senior center participants already know; that staying active, engaged and socially connected promotes a positive outlook and better quality of life.

Respectfully Submitted,

Karen Alves,
Senior Center Director

Published by the Town Clerk, this comes from the 2012 Annual Report