Showing posts with label earthday. Show all posts
Showing posts with label earthday. Show all posts

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Earth Day at the Community Garden Saturday instead of Sunday!

Hello to our Gardeners, Supporters, and Friends!

This weekend is Earth Day and the Town of Franklin is encouraging everyone to pitch in around town on Sunday 4/22 from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. 

We hope that you will help us out at the Community Garden location at King Street Memorial Park!

The forecast is for Rain on Sunday, 70% probability in the morning.  Good for the planet, Bad for our workday.

So, we are moving our particular community garden Earth Day event up a day---It will be held on Saturday instead from 9-12 a.m. 

We have a big pile of fresh wood chips to spread, weeds to pull (yes, already!), rocks to pile, compost to turn, pollinator garden beds to dig (flowers!), and more.

Please come lend a hand!  Community Service Certificates will be available for those who need them.

While we have a few gloves, shovels and rakes here at the garden, there might not be enough to go around.  
Please bring your own labeled tools and heavy duty gloves if you can.

If you have extra garden tools or equipment that you would like to donate to the Garden, we'd LOVE to have them!

Thanks to our great new shed---built for us by the awesome Tri-County RVTHS students & paid for with a Franklin Rotary grant!---we now have a place to safely store them.

The water at the garden is not on yet, that will happen some time in mid-May. We will have ice water there to drink for our volunteers this Saturday morning.
How about packing a picnic? 

Thanks for your continued support & we hope to see you at the Garden on Saturday!

Need a map to find us?  The Google map link is below:

Thank you for helping out!

The Franklin Community Garden Green Team

"We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children." -Native American Proverb
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Friday, April 20, 2012

Franklin, MA: Earth Day

Prepare today for Earth Day Sunday. Very little is mentioned on the Franklin website other than the one notice about registration for Earth Day. When you follow the link you find:
Thank you for your interest in the Franklin Earth Day event on April 22nd, 2012! For over 10 years, the Town of Franklin has conducted this event in an effort to educate the public on recycling, beautification, and general clean up of the town. This year, we are taking online registration for those folks looking to lock in a location in Town that they are interested in cleaning. Please select the area in town you are interested in cleaning and let us know specifics about your planned clean up. Gloves and trash bags can be picked up ahead of time at the Recreation Dept (150 Emmons St).

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Franklin, MA: Earth Day registration open

Thank you for your interest in the Franklin Earth Day event on April 22nd, 2012! For over 10 years, the Town of Franklin has conducted this event in an effort to educate the public on recycling, beautification, and general clean up of the town. This year, we are taking online registration for those folks looking to lock in a location in Town that they are interested in cleaning. Please select the area in town you are interested in cleaning and let us know specifics about your planned clean up. Gloves and trash bags can be picked up ahead of time at the Recreation Dept (150 Emmons St).

Register online for Earth Day

Monday, April 18, 2011

Earth Day - 2011 - Pleasant St results

Flag over the Town CommonFranklin: Earth Day clean up - missed thisFranklin: Earth Day clean up - former DelCarte house lotFranklin: Earth Day clean up - DelCarte close upFranklin: Earth Day clean up - DelCarteFranklin: Earth Day clean up - Pleasant St
Franklin: Earth Day clean up - St Paul'sRecycle barrel option on Town Common

Earth Day 2011, a set on Flickr.
On my Sunday run, returning along Pleasant St, I found good piles of trash in the blue bags used on Earth Day.

Thanks for all the help! Earthy Day is every day, there are still areas around Franklin that haven't been touched and need to be cleaned.

Of course, we also need to stop treating the roadway as a dump zone. Please don't discard your trash along the road!

Franklin, MA

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Earth Day - left the area cleaner

Jim Esterbrook, Franklin DPW GIS Manager,  said there was a good turnout for Franklin's Earth Clean cleanup activities. He worked with some groups before hand to coordinate where they would clean so they would save some time traveling to Beaver Pond to check in and then go out to their area. The cool weather may have held the turnout down although the athletic fields are Beaver Pond were busy with teams practicing.

Dave Labonte (standing beside the booth in the photo below) of the Franklin Citizens Rail Trail Committee, co-sponsors of the clean up, split time securing the tent and table from being blown over by the wind, and answering questions about the groups activities.

Franklin Citizens Rail Trail Committee: Dave Labonte

The 5K road race on the former Putnam property on Saturday, April 23 will help to create awareness for the rail trail as well as serve as a fund raiser for the group. Information on the race can be found here.

Earth Day: The Grass Gypsys

Pictured in the photo (from left to right): Colleen Kleya, Kevin Silvia, Brian O'Connell and Justin Kleya.

At the Whole Foods Market parking lot in Bellingham, the Grass Gypsys bundled up to stay warm, entertained the crowd. David Dobrzynski coordinated the efforts for the 12th Annual Clean Up along the Charles River. He thought the weather played more of a part in the turnout than the schedule. It was the start of school vacation for Franklin and other communities but the cool wind and overcast skies did not help. Several of the canopies were blown over in the parking lot and were taken down due to the high winds. One scout troop had been scheduled to participate with 30 scouts and showed up with 16.

A good deal of trash was removed from the Charles River shores. One disturbing trend reported in three different spots was that gas or oil cans were found leaking along the shore. "This is our water, you'd think by now people would have gotten the message." The important point was that while participation was down from prior years, "We left the place cleaner than it was so that is a good thing."

For additional information on

Recall last year 125 tires were removed from Mine Brook

Franklin, MA

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Earth Day - April 16 - volunteers needed


Franklin will celebrate Earth Day on Saturday, April 16th with a roadside clean up, spring plantings, and new environmental activities for all ages with activities based at Beaver Pond. 
        Earth Day kicks off "rain or shine" at 9:00 a.m. when volunteers start a town-wide roadside clean up of litter and set out plants and flowers. After this winter's snowfall, many of the town's most scenic streets can be quickly restored to an attractive roadside with just a few hours of time. Please bring gloves for each person and rakes. 
All volunteers are asked to sign in at Beaver Pond between 9:00am-11:00am, so that the areas most in need of a spring clean up get attention. To nominate a town road which needs a cleanup, please call or email the DPW as soon as possible. 
This year, volunteers will be given a trash bags for collecting cans, glass bottles, trash and litter. Volunteers simply leave the bags along the roadside by 12:00 p.m., after which Franklin DPW trucks will pick up the bagged trash. 
Last year's clean up brought out about 200 volunteers and the trash picked up filled one 40 yard dumpster.  Over one ton of litter was collected. 
Community service certificates are issued to youths and adults who need them. Earth Day t-shirts are given to the first 300 volunteers and there will be free pizza and beverages starting at 12:00 p.m. for returning clean up crews. 
Volunteers are also needed to help pick up donated goods, help run events at Beaver Pond. 
Also on site will be Waste Management recycling demo, environmental booths, and demonstrations.  Dean Radio WGAO, will be on site to broadcast live from the event. 
Sponsoring groups and businesses this year so far include: Waste Management, Comprehensive Environmental, Inc., CDM, Malcolm-Pirnie, Garelick Farms, Aubuchon Hardware, State Forest Advisory Council, Metcalf Materials, Hillside Nurseries, Domino's Pizza, Bimbo Bakeries, Dunkin Donuts, Home Depot, Wal-Mart, Various boys and girls scouts, Hillside Nurseries, Franklin Garden Club, Franklin Citizen's Rail Trail Committee, Green at Dean College, Dean Community Outreach program, Coles Tavern, and Metacomet Land Trust.

For information on how you can get involved, visit the DPW webpage at:

This notice was also posted to the Franklin website

To subscribe and receive your own copy of this notice, go to the Franklin website and sign up for "Recycling News"

Franklin, MA

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

2011 Earth Day April 16th at Beaver Pond


Franklin will celebrate Earth Day on Saturday, April 16th with a roadside clean up, spring plantings, and new environmental activities for all ages with activities based at Beaver Pond. 
        Earth Day kicks off "rain or shine" at 9:00 a.m. when volunteers start a town-wide roadside clean up of litter and set out plants and flowers. After this winter's snowfall, many of the town's most scenic streets can be quickly restored to an attractive roadside with just a few hours of time. Please bring gloves for each person and rakes. 
All volunteers are asked to sign in at Beaver Pond between 9:00am-11:00am, so that the areas most in need of a spring clean up get attention. To nominate a town road which needs a cleanup, please call or email the DPW as soon as possible. 
This year, volunteers will be given a trash bags for collecting cans, glass bottles, trash and litter. Volunteers simply leave the bags along the roadside by 12:00 p.m., after which Franklin DPW trucks will pick up the bagged trash. 
Last year's clean up brought out about 200 volunteers and the trash picked up filled one 40 yard dumpster.  Over one ton of litter was collected. 
Community service certificates are issued to youths and adults who need them. Earth Day t-shirts are given to the first 300 volunteers and there will be free pizza and beverages starting at 12:00 p.m. for returning clean up crews. 
Volunteers are also needed to help pick up donated goods, help run events at Beaver Pond. 
Also on site will be Waste Management recycling demo, environmental booths, and demonstrations.  Dean Radio WGAO, will be on site to broadcast live from the event. 
Sponsoring groups and businesses this year so far include: Waste Management, Comprehensive Environmental, Inc., CDM, Malcolm-Pirnie, Garelick Farms, Aubuchon Hardware, State Forest Advisory Council, Metcalf Materials, Hillside Nurseries, Domino's Pizza, Bimbo Bakeries, Dunkin Donuts, Home Depot, Wal-Mart, Various boys and girls scouts, Hillside Nurseries, Franklin Garden Club, Franklin Citizen's Rail Trail Committee, Green at Dean College, Dean Community Outreach program, Coles Tavern, and Metacomet Land Trust.

For information on how you can get involved, visit the DPW webpage at:

This notice was also posted to the Franklin website

To subscribe and receive your own copy of this notice, go to the Franklin website and sign up for "Recycling News"

Sunday, April 25, 2010

FM #65 Week Ending 4/25/10

Let's spend less than ten minutes to find out what matters in Franklin, MA as the week ends April 25, 2010.

Time: 6 minutes, 4 seconds

MP3 File

Session Notes:

This internet radio show or podcast is number 65 in the series for Franklin Matters.

Let's take about 10 minutes to review what matters in Franklin, MA as this week comes to a close on Sunday April 25th.

In this session I'll cover Earth Day activities on Saturday April 17th , Saturday April 24th and look ahead to both the School Committee meeting on April 27th and the Town Council meeting on April 28th

Earth Day on April 17th was not good weather and also the first day of some folks school vacation week so both those factors may have contributed to only about 100 or so folks helping clean up around Franklin. I also was out of town for a wedding on that weekend and unable to participate myself.

The raised garden beds were set up. I did manage to get pictures of those at the Senior Center, ECDC and Charter School on Monday. A link to that posting will be in the show notes.

The Charles River Watershed Cleanup was held on Saturday the 24th. I stopped by Whole Foods Market in Bellingham to see how David Dobrzynski was doing as the local coordinator. He had over 300 folks scattered amongst his area and many good stories to tell. He suggested I head off to the VFW Post 3402 on Pond St where I could see the BSA Venture Crew 22 which had retrieved 125 tires from along Mine Brook.

The details and photos of their great work will be included in the show notes.

In preparation for the budget discussion at both the School Committee and Town Council meetings this week, I have a number of items to share:

You may recall that I recorded the budget workshop conducted back in January. The audio recordings and worksheets from each of the budget sections are available here:

The Financial Planning Committee is updating the Long term or 5 Year Plan for presentation at the Council meeting on the 28th. You can review their prior plan here:

I have worked with the Franklin Town Clerk, Debbie Pellegri, to compile a comprehensive listing of all the debt exclusion and operational override votes that Franklin has had the opportunity to vote on over the years. The listing is available for your review.

The School Committee agenda references a discussion on the budget but there are no documents to indicate what options to balance the budget are up for discussion. So if you recall from their meeting on the 13th that everything would be on the table, it still sounds like everything is on the table.

The Town Council agenda includes the update from the Financial Planning Committee and an action item for an override question. The amount itself is open and remains to be determined by the discussion.

These two meetings will be critical to understanding what choice we will have, if we are provided the choice to vote on an override. Word is already on the street that there may not be enough votes for that.

If you think you should have an opportunity to vote on an override, then I would suggest that you let the Town Council know or show up to the meeting in person on the 28th.

Whether you are in favor of an override passing or not, having the opportunity to vote on one I think is key!

As I close this session this week, let me remind you that
If you like what I am doing here, please tell your friends and neighbors
If you don’t like something, please tell me
Thank you for listening!

For additional information, please visit

If you have questions or comments you can reach me directly at shersteve @ gmail dot com

The music for the intro and exit was provided by Michael Clark and the group "East of Shirley". The piece is titled "Ernesto, manana"  c. Michael Clark & Tintype Tunes, 2008 and used with their permission

I hope you enjoy!

Note: email subscribers will need to click through to listen to the audio recording

Sunday, April 18, 2010

"We're helping the community"

Despite gray skies, a small army of local residents yesterday helped make Franklin and Medway green in honor of Earth Day.
In Franklin, about 100 students, residents, and even non-residents donned rain jackets and boots as they picked up trash and planted flowers at Beaver Pond.

Read more about the Earth Day activities in the Milford Daily News here

Franklin, MA

Tuesday, April 13, 2010




(FRANKLIN) – Franklin will celebrate Earth Day on Saturday, April 17th with a roadside clean up, spring plantings, and new environmental activities for all ages with activities based at Beaver Pond.
Earth Day kicks off “rain or shine” at 9:00 a.m. when volunteers start a town-wide roadside clean up of litter and set out plants and flowers. After this winter’s snowfall, many of the town’s most scenic streets can be quickly restored to an attractive roadside with just a few hours of time. Please bring gloves for each person and rakes.
All volunteers are asked to sign in at Beaver Pond between 9:00am-11:00am, so that the areas most in need of a spring clean up get attention. To nominate a town road which needs a cleanup, please call or email the DPW as soon as possible.
This year, volunteers will be given a trash bags for collecting cans, glass bottles, trash and litter. Volunteers simply leave the bags along the roadside by 1:00 p.m., after which Franklin DPW trucks will pick up the bagged trash.
Last year’s clean up brought out about 250 volunteers and the trash picked up filled one 40 yard dumpster. Over one ton of litter was collected.

Community service certificates are issued to youths and adults who sign in before and after. Earth Day t-shirts are given to the first 300 volunteers and there will be free pizza and beverages starting at 1:00 p.m. for returning clean up crews.
Volunteers are also needed to help pick up donated goods, help run events at Beaver Pond and assist with the registration table.
Also on site will be family recycling crafts, environmental booths, demonstrations, and entertainment. Dean Radio WGAO, will be on site to broadcast live from the event.
Sponsoring groups and businesses this year so far include: Signs by Cam, Rehrig Pacific Company, Waste Management, Comprehensive Environmental, Inc., CDM, Malcolm-Pirnie, Garelick Farms, Aubuchon Hardware, State Forest Advisory Council, Metcalf Materials, Hillside Nurseries, Domino’s Pizza, Bimbo Bakeries, Dunkin Donuts, Home Depot, Wal-Mart, Various boys and girls scouts, Hillside Nurseries, Franklin High School Green Team, Franklin Garden Club, Franklin Citizen’s Rail Trail Committee, Green at Dean College, Dean Community Outreach program, Coles Tavern, and Metacomet Land Trust.

Originally posted on the Franklin website here

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Saturday, April 18, 2009

the t-shirts are ready for those helping with Earth Day in Franklin

200 t-shirts were distributed in 45 minutes this morning to the early arrivals at Franklin's Earth Day. Needless to say a good crowd as many more came later to work and still did so without receiving a new t-shirt.

Let's hope the sight of so many people around town cleaning up will inspire our fellow citizens to be more mindful of where they put their trash and recycles.

Earth Day

I'll be at Beaver Pond shortly, come and join me help clean up Franklin!

Franklin's Earth Day Celebration
Saturday April 18th, 2009
Beaver Pond
Starts at 9:00 AM

Volunteer to clean up targeted areas and assist with planting flowers and shrubs around Franklin.

- Please bring your own water bottle.

- Please bring your own gloves and rakes.

- Community service certificates will be issued.

- T-shirts to the first 200 volunteers.

- Clean up goes to 1:00 PM

Get some Eco-Info at Beaver Pond:

- Water conservation kits and rain barrel display.

- Mercury thermometer exchange for digital thermometers.

- Recycling tips and composting information.

- Energy conservation tips.

- Much more ! ! !

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Franklin's Earth Day Celebration

Franklin's Earth Day Celebration
Saturday April 18th, 2009
Beaver Pond
Starts at 9:00 AM

Volunteer to clean up targeted areas and assist with planting flowers and shrubs around Franklin.

- Please bring your own water bottle.

- Please bring your own gloves and rakes.

- Community service certificates will be issued.

- T-shirts to the first 200 volunteers.

- Clean up goes to 1:00 PM

Get some Eco-Info at Beaver Pond:

- Water conservation kits and rain barrel display.

- Mercury thermometer exchange for digital thermometers.

- Recycling tips and composting information.

- Energy conservation tips.

- Much more ! ! !

You can register on the Town website here

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Franklin's Earth Day Celebration

Franklin's Earth Day Celebration
Saturday April 18th, 2009
Beaver Pond
Starts at 9:00 AM

Volunteer to clean up targeted areas and assist with planting flowers and shrubs around Franklin.

- Please bring your own water bottle.

- Please bring your own gloves and rakes.

- Community service certificates will be issued.

- T-shirts to the first 200 volunteers.

- Clean up goes to 1:00 PM

Get some Eco-Info at Beaver Pond:

- Water conservation kits and rain barrel display.

- Mercury thermometer exchange for digital thermometers.

- Recycling tips and composting information.

- Energy conservation tips.

- Much more ! ! !

You can register on the Town website here

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Franklin's Earth Day Celebration

Franklin's Earth Day Celebration
Saturday April 18th, 2009
Beaver Pond
Starts at 9:00 AM

Volunteer to clean up targeted areas and assist with planting flowers and shrubs around Franklin.

- Please bring your own water bottle.

- Please bring your own gloves and rakes.

- Community service certificates will be issued.

- T-shirts to the first 200 volunteers.

- Clean up goes to 1:00 PM

Get some Eco-Info at Beaver Pond:

- Water conservation kits and rain barrel display.

- Mercury thermometer exchange for digital thermometers.

- Recycling tips and composting information.

- Energy conservation tips.

- Much more ! ! !

You can register on the Town website here

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Franklin's Earth Day Celebration

Franklin's Earth Day Celebration
Saturday April 18th, 2009
Beaver Pond
Starts at 9:00 AM

Volunteer to clean up targeted areas and assist with planting flowers and shrubs around Franklin.

- Please bring your own water bottle.

- Please bring your own gloves and rakes.

- Community service certificates will be issued.

- T-shirts to the first 200 volunteers.

- Clean up goes to 1:00 PM

Get some Eco-Info at Beaver Pond:

- Water conservation kits and rain barrel display.

- Mercury thermometer exchange for digital thermometers.

- Recycling tips and composting information.

- Energy conservation tips.

- Much more ! ! !

You can register on the Town website here

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Franklin's Earth Day Celebration

Franklin's Earth Day Celebration
Saturday April 18th, 2009
Beaver Pond
Starts at 9:00 AM

Volunteer to clean up targeted areas and assist with planting flowers and shrubs around Franklin.

- Please bring your own water bottle.

- Please bring your own gloves and rakes.

- Community service certificates will be issued.

- T-shirts to the first 200 volunteers.

- Clean up goes to 1:00 PM

Get some Eco-Info at Beaver Pond:

- Water conservation kits and rain barrel display.

- Mercury thermometer exchange for digital thermometers.

- Recycling tips and composting information.

- Energy conservation tips.

- Much more ! ! !

You can register on the Town website here