Friday, November 21, 2008



A meeting of the Financial Planning Committee was held on October 16,2008 at the Franklin Municipal Building. Members present were James Roche, Deborah Bartlett, Roberta Trahan, Matt Kelly, Rebecca Cameron, Doug Hardesty and Gwynne Wilschek..
Absent were Steve Whelan and Shannon Zollo. Also present were Wayne Odgen, Jeffrey Nutting and Tina Powderly.

The meeting was called to order at 7:03 p.m.

Discussion Items:

1. A general discussion was held on how to proceed.
2. The schools will present their model on November 20th.
3. Since the revenue picture will be unclear until February, it is the hope of the Committee to make a report by March, 2009.
4. Discussion on how to reach out to the citizens for input.

Doug Hardesty agreed to begin work on formatting the model; Jeff Nutting agreed to obtain comparison information about past versus current expenses; and Deb Bartlett agreed to work on a timeline. It is hoped that the report could have a range of financial options ranging from low to high.

The meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Jeffrey D. Nutting

Financial Planning Committee 11/20/08

The collection of posts from the Financial Planning Committee meeting on 11/20/08

Thursday, November 20, 2008

live reporting - school budget continued

Discussion on step/level changes versus the across the board rate increase.

The union both teachers and others in town would really fight hard on changing the step/level changes.

The Franklin teachers were cooperative in the most recent deal in accepting the 6.5% over three year increase.

Police, fire do this step/level thing too, the teachers are not alone. After 13 years, when you are theoretically at the top of your game, you only get an annual cost of living increase (i.e. the 2/2/2.5%). In other industries, you get opportunities for bonuses, etc.

What percent of the SPED budget is transportation?
At least 25-35%.

For the total SPED population we are about 70 students. That fluctuates from year to year depending upon the overall student population.

School employment equals 471 professional teaching staff, plus administrators, secretarial, to total approx 620.

Supplies were frozen overall. We equalized the amount at each level elementary, middle and high school levels to work out to be $210, $225, $355 respectively.

There are a 159 at the masters level, 75 will be at the top of the guide next year.
Typically English, Social Studies, Music we could get at an entry level. For Science, most likely would need to get at something higher than the entry level.

Class size charts reviewed to depict where the district is today.

Science class sizes were kept at around 24 due to the physical space, the labs were set for 2 students per station and 12 stations per room. To do more than that runs risk of additional dangers in handling the scientific materials.

Elementary sizes suffer from a distribution problem unless we re-district every year to make the adjustments.

Can we compare how successful we were at higher class sizes versus lower class sizes?
Yes, and no, not easily. There is a lot of national research on class size. New England Association of Schools and Colleges has asked the high school what impact the increase in class size will have. The comparative is a trailing indicator. You find out when it is too late.

We have a one shot deal here.
The past committees have really tried to preserve class size as the one major educational item of significance.

Could you experiment with different models of the mix of younger vs. older teachers?
Tenure vs. professional teaching status. The first three years the school district has a whole lot of flexibility. For the fourth year, there is now a right for that position.

With the three year starting process and then the flatness over 13 years, you really don't have any flexibility with teachers salary.

Not sure that you can track AP classes from year to year like we can with MCAS scores.

What else can we look at, turn over some rocks to find?
Probably don't have time tonight to look at that.

Next meeting: Dec 4th, Dec 18th, Jan 15th, Feb 5th

Discussion on "free cash", get started on the financial model

Think about all that we have heard and start to synthesize.

FY 10 salary numbers will be available in January, the out years should be discussed. Collective bargaining will be coming, Jan 2010 on the town side. Teachers will start negotiation in Sep 2009. We did secure some energy contracts so we can update those numbers in January. The pension numbers fluctuate and we need a better number. We'll still have a hugh budget gap.

live reporting - School Budget continued

The summer program where the students took classes on line away from the facilities. These things need to be listed out.

Has anyone dropped athletics? No, others have higher fees.
Has anyone dropped co-curricular? No, others have higher fees.

Theoretically, our teachers could teach course on line and students from around the nation could be paying us for that. During the summer, this was piloted. It would dramatically change the nature of what a teacher would do and what a student would experience. We're looking at what kinds of revenue could be generated. This would also have union contract ramifications. There is a thing called Virtual High School but that is a non-profit. We are probably the only public high school looking at this.

Would this be for home schoolers or for those looking for a specific course?
There already are home school packages out there, it would more likely be the specific courses. There could be advanced classes to accelerate graduation. So if a student goes through in three years instead of four, that in itself would be a cost savings.

There is a certain kind of kid that would thrive in that kind of environment.
Part of our drive is to get our kids exposed to this before they go to college.

French 5 as an example would be a way to provide courses that we couldn't provide but could still offer as part of the curriculum.
Virtual High School works in two ways. You could pay a per student charge and therefore offer a class for less than providing a part teacher to provide. You could also provide a teacher to support a course and as compensation for that the district would gain some number of seats so students would take whatever courses would be available.

Review of PowerPoint charts depicting the forecasted drivers for the 6.4% increase noted before.

Health percentage that they employee pays and co-pays are negotiated. They employees have been working with us on this. The change in these numbers usually affects the premium so there are savings available. We have an older population so that drives so of our flexibility.

to be continued...

live reporting - Financial Planning Committee 11/20/08

Attending: Jim Roche, Roberta Trahan, Doug Hardesty, Rebecca Cameron, Jeff Nutting, Wayne Ogden, Miriam Goodman, Matt Kelly, Steve Whalen, Deb Bartlett, Gwynne Wilschek, Joyce Kelly

Not Attending: Shannon Zollo

Minutes for meeting of 10/16/08 - approved

3.2 Million or 6.4% would be required to provide the "level service" equivalent to this years services (which is down from prior years).

154 8th graders more than graduating seniors. likely to keep some number of them. Some will be "lost" to Tri-County or to private high schools.

What we charge for pay to ride is not sufficient to fully fund the operation.

Governor looking to provide incentives to regionalize. Push is aimed at communities west of Worcester. Depending upon what kinds of carrots they dangle for regionalization, that may be something we would look at.

Q - If we found a community to join with, what timeframe would we look at?
A - If we found someone willing to dance, it could be done as early as 18 months, or it could go 3 years or longer (if politically a tough road).

Our size may be a consideration against doing it. Outside of New England, size is less an issue. Think of school districts in FL and CA.

You need to advance the discussion to provide an alternative to an override.

to be continued...

Hat's Off to Franklin

The complete video of the ceremony unveiling the "Hat's off to Franklin" sculpture is now available here.


"This was truly a community project,"

Posted Nov 19, 2008 @ 11:45 PM


With reddening ears and freezing fingers, more than 100 local dignitaries, volunteers and the entire fifth-grade class at Davis Thayer Elementary School gathered yesterday morning in the frigid cold to see the unveiling of a town-commissioned statue of a 19th century Franklin boy.

The life-sized bronze sculpture, titled "Hats Off to Franklin," depicts a young Franklin boy, whose waving arm welcomes people to the new Franklin Historical Museum, located at the old senior center at 80 West Central St. The museum is slated to open in the spring.

The Downtown Partnership found a talented sculptor, Washington, D.C.-based artist Marcia Billig, whose daughter, son-in-law, and three grandchildren live in Franklin, through a fox sculpture she made that she donated to Oak Street Elementary School for its grand opening.

Read the full article in the Milford Daily News here

Review video from the complete ceremony here

"they would favor a single tax rate"

Posted Nov 19, 2008 @ 11:59 PM


Town Council last night unanimously voted to put $600,000 of the town's $2.3 million recently certified free cash into reserves.

Before approving the appropriation, Councilor Tom Doak observed that the move seemed to be "rushing to take the money off the table."

"I'm just trying to be conservative given what I see coming down the road," said Town Administrator Jeffrey D. Nutting, who proposed the move.

The council's policy is to keep at least $5 million in the town's stabilization account, which had $4.1 million in it prior to last night's appropriations, Nutting said.

The council also transferred $300,000 from hotel tax revenue into the stabilization, putting the total back at $5 million.

The $300,000 can be used in the case of a mid-year reduction in fiscal 2009 local aid, to pay for unemployment costs, or to pay off the library repairs, for instance, Nutting said.

Read the full article in the Milford Daily News here

Town Council Mtg Summary 11/19/08

The collection of posts covering the Town Council meeting on 11/19/08

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

live reporting - Town Administrator

NationalGrid will be sending a notice to abutters of the power lines as an alternative route, not one they want. There will be a public hearing to review the details

Winter parking ban now in effect.

Museum, I could go on and on, good work by all involved.

Old business:

New business:

Doak: question on gas contract?
Nutting - was for one year

Councilor comments:
Bartlett - thanks for the help running a well organized election, unveiling of the statue was a wonderful event, FEF Casino night this Friday

Zollo - thanks for all those involved in the Museum effort, a key piece to the puzzle that we are putting together downtown. Thanks to the Downtown Partnership for their work.

McGann - thanks to the DPW workers and all the others who worked on it.

Pfeffer - wonderful veterans breakfast, 11 vets over the age of 90. Over 150 attended the breakfast, paid for by the Franklin elders.

Clara Lodi honored for long years of service to the library.

Historical museum did a great job.

live reporting - Action items

1. Resolution 08-72: Acceptance of Deed of Open Space in Old Grove Street Open Space
Residential Subdivision - approved, unanimous
2. Resolution 08-73: Authorizing Establishment of Pond Street Priority Development Site -
By doing this, the state will help us market the property. By picking Pond St, our property we can set the process into motion and then get to the owners of the industrial parks to get the owners permission to use their industrial parks for similar marketing efforts. It does streamline the process of the applications which doesn't mean that the individual boards and the approval processes change, it just means there is a single point of contact to verify that everything is in order once things get started. Franklin already generally approves permits within the 180 days unless the project is major. - approved, unanimous

3. Resolution 08-74: Amendments to FY 2009 Budget - approved, unanimous
The revenue to fund these are using new sources of revenue that were not in the budget that are confirmed as coming in

4. Resolution 08-75: Appropriation – School Department Budget (Information Technology)
actually a transfer from Town budget to School Dept budget, approved by Finance Committee 10-0 (with one abstain) - approved, unanimous

5. Resolution 08-76: Appropriation – Stabilization Fund (Hotel/Motel Tax Revenues)
Finance committee voted 11-0 for - approved, unanimous

6. Resolution 08-77: Appropriation - General Stabilization Fund (Free Cash) - approved, unanimous

Free cash totaled 2.3 Million from the FY 2008 year. This would put us up to $5 million in the Stabilization Fund which is the Councils goal.

Feeley - Why don't we use "free cash" for operating expenses?
Nutting - averaged over the last five years is just about 2 million, about 2.1% variation, so we are hitting the target at 98%. You don't want to hit the budget at 102%. Some of the turn backs are personnel related. New position is authorized but may not be filled for the full year due to the hiring process. Even though it is a regular revenue but because it a variable revenue it really doesn't make sense to depend on it for operating budget. If you were to do so, you would expand the budget beyond the ability to maintain that level.

Doak - "free cash" is really a function on how much we are conservative in forecasting revenues?
Nutting - When EdReform came in, they tightened up the ability to underestimate receipts. There is a municpal growth factor that you need to meet.

7. Resolution 08-78: Appropriation – FY 2009 School Supplemental Budget - approved, unanimous

Finance committee voted 11-0; there has been discussion at the Federal level to do away with this. It is currently dead until the new Congress comes in. At the state level, there is talk of having this go direct without appropriation to the schools.

8. Resolution 08-79: Appropriation – Water Capital Projects - approved, unanimous

This continues the program started 8 years ago. Some of these projects have already started, others would get started.

9. Resolution 08-80: Appropriation – Sewer Capital Projects - approved, unanimous

10. Bylaw Amendment 08-629: Amendment to Chapter 25: Personnel Regulations, Appendix A – Classification Plan- 1st Reading; moved to second reading, related to the re-organization of the DPW, this puts jobs into categories - approved, unanimous

live reporting - tax rate

Part one of the two part hearing process to set the rate

Franklin around an 80/20 split between residential/commercial

Need to get the valuation to combine with the rate to determine the tax bill

Likely that the assessed valuations will decline, so a rate increase may not equate to an increased tax bill.

Q - would like to highlight that with a rate increase the valuations may be going down so there really wouldn't be an increase in the actual bill.
A - over 10 years the average bill has increased $134/135 dollars and that includes the debt exclusions for the three schools that are rolled into that amount.

Q - how much we can spend is capped by the commonwealth
A - yes, that is correct

Board of Assessors: Kevin Doyle, Vincent Debaggis, Bob Avakian, Ken Norman

Decided to offer a workshop to the board to help provide information on the process as to how the numbers are calculated. Offer still out there.

Evaluation done in accordance with MA Dept of Revenue

Market data generally available for residential properties (single family and condominiums). Commercial and industrial properties are also based upon market value but with less volume other considerations come into the calculations.

Values as of January 2007.

Discussion over the next several weeks will be on a single versus split tax rate
50% of the commercial/industrial base is comprised of the mall and the two industrial parks.
Doesn't necessarily mean that mom/pop shops account for the other 50% as East Central, Grove St and other sections of town do contain other commercial/industrial properties.

Estimate on Commercial/Industrial assessed value change has already changed from the printed copy. Updated numbers will be available for the next meeting.

Doak - So the amount of new revenue which is the only way we can increase revenue without going over the 2 1/2 % is going down.
Nutting - yes, that is correct.

Bartlett - do you have a sense for the vacancies?
Doyle - The survey data is collected early in the year and available by the summer. We do receive foreclosure deeds when they are recorded.

Doyle - getting about 66% return on the survey, up over the last 5 years from about 50%. The owners have an incentive to provide the data otherwise they loose standing if they attempt a challenge. The form is easier to read.

Doyle - about 500 commercial/industrial entities, about 11,000 single family residences

Whalen - how strong is the correlation between delinquencies and vacancies?
Norman - that is really a tax collector question
Nutting - I think they are sending out less delinquency notices. We are making 12-14% interest and at the end of the day, we collect 100% of our taxes. Eventually we get it all as we are first in line.
Cerel - Even if you have vacancies, you need to be paid full and current in taxes to challenge, you also have to have provided the input required in order to have standing to challenge it.

Feeley - Why are you not providing a position as a board on the split vs. single tax rate?
Norman - we as a Board decided not to make a formal recommendation starting this year

McGann - why the change this year?
Avakian - A prior concilor challenged the board recommendation, since there no clear direction on whether the Tax Assessors should really make a recommendation. It is clear that the Town Council has the final decision. If you ask us, we will provide our personal recommendations but we will not make a recomendation as a Board.

McGann - what is your recommendation?
Avakian - I would go single
Debaggis - I would go single
Norman - If I were in your shoes, I would go single
Doyle - I would go single

Live reporting - Town Council Mtg 11/19/08

Attending - Whalen, Mason, Vallee, Bartlett, Feeley, Pfeffer, Doak, McGann, Zollo


G. LICENSE TRANSACTIONS – Uptowne Pub – Change of Manager, Officers & Directors

approved, unanimous

Town Council Agenda 11/19/08







G. LICENSE TRANSACTIONS – Uptowne Pub – Change of Manager, Officers & Directors

H. PRESENTATIONS/DISCUSSIONS - Board of Assessors – Tax Classification


1. Resolution 08-72: Acceptance of Deed of Open Space in Old Grove Street Open Space
Residential Subdivision
2. Resolution 08-73: Authorizing Establishment of Pond Street Priority Development Site
3. Resolution 08-74: Amendments to FY 2009 Budget
4. Resolution 08-75: Appropriation – School Department Budget (Information Technology)
5. Resolution 08-76: Appropriation – Stabilization Fund (Hotel/Motel Tax Revenues)
6. Resolution 08-77: Appropriation - General Stabilization Fund (Free Cash)
7. Resolution 08-78: Appropriation – FY 2009 School Supplemental Budget
8. Resolution 08-79: Appropriation – Water Capital Projects
9. Resolution 08-80: Appropriation – Sewer Capital Projects
10. Bylaw Amendment 08-629: Amendment to Chapter 25: Personnel Regulations, Appendix A – Classification Plan- 1st Reading





O. EXECUTIVE SESSION – Negotiations, Litigation, Real Property, as May Be Required


Hat's Off to Franklin - video

The unveiling ceremony was held Wednesday morning in front of the refurbished town hall building soon to be the new museum.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3
