Attending: Jim Roche, Roberta Trahan, Doug Hardesty, Rebecca Cameron, Jeff Nutting, Wayne Ogden, Miriam Goodman, Matt Kelly, Steve Whalen, Deb Bartlett, Gwynne Wilschek, Joyce Kelly
Not Attending: Shannon Zollo
Minutes for meeting of 10/16/08 - approved
3.2 Million or 6.4% would be required to provide the "level service" equivalent to this years services (which is down from prior years).
154 8th graders more than graduating seniors. likely to keep some number of them. Some will be "lost" to Tri-County or to private high schools.
What we charge for pay to ride is not sufficient to fully fund the operation.
Governor looking to provide incentives to regionalize. Push is aimed at communities west of Worcester. Depending upon what kinds of carrots they dangle for regionalization, that may be something we would look at.
Q - If we found a community to join with, what timeframe would we look at?
A - If we found someone willing to dance, it could be done as early as 18 months, or it could go 3 years or longer (if politically a tough road).
Our size may be a consideration against doing it. Outside of New England, size is less an issue. Think of school districts in FL and CA.
You need to advance the discussion to provide an alternative to an override.
to be continued...
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