Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Live reporting - Action items

4. Action Items
a. I recommend adoption of Policy GBAB Acceptable Use motion to approve, passed 7-0
b. I recommend adoption of Policy GBAB-E1 Acceptable Use Agreement 6-12  motion to approve, passed 7-0
c. I recommend adoption of Policy GBAB-E2 Acceptable Use Agreement K-5  motion to approve, passed 7-0
d. I recommend adoption of Policy JT Electronic Device  motion to approve, passed 7-0
e. I recommend adoption of Policy JU Electronic Communication motion to approve, passed 7-0 (as amended)
f. I recommend acceptance of a check for $117.86 from Target’s Take Charge of Education Program for the Annie Sullivan Middle School for In-house enrichment and supplies.  motion to approve, passed 7-0
g. I recommend acceptance of a check for $1,000.00 from the Oak Street PCC for a 3rd grade field trip to Plimoth Plantation as detailed.  motion to approve, passed 7-0
h. I recommend Acceptance of a check for $112.31 from Target’s Take Charge of Education Program for the Horace Mann Middle School.  motion to approve, passed 7-0
i. I recommend adoption of Davis Thayer’s School Improvement Plan as detailed.  motion to approve, passed 7-0
j. I recommend adoption of Jefferson’s School Improvement Plan as detailed.  motion to approve, passed 7-0
k. I recommend adoption of Keller’s School Improvement Plan as detailed.  motion to approve, passed 7-0
l. I recommend adoption of Kennedy’s School Improvement Plan as detailed.  motion to approve, passed 7-0
m. I recommend adoption of Oak Street’s School Improvement Plan as detailed.  motion to approve, passed 7-0
n. I recommend adoption of Parmenter’s School Improvement Plan as detailed.  motion to approve, passed 7-0

Live reporting - Policies - 2nd readings

b. Policy - Second Readings
1st reading was in August, changes were implemented since then

1. GBAB Acceptable Use Policy

2. GBAB-E1 Acceptable Use Agreement 6-12

3. GBAB-E2 Acceptable Use Agreement K-5

4. JT Electronic Device Policy

5. JU Electronic Communication Policy

Discussion to clarify the layout of the policies and the placement in the student handbooks. Intent being that the handbooks should be containing the same rules that exist in this policy. The pieces going into the handbooks are what is in front of the committee this evening. (Documents to be added later)

Q - on whether there needs to be additional wording to address a potential teacher/parent harassment situation.
A - Those are already covered by other items in other policies, i.e. the employee sections.

Q - "school sanctioned" - does that need to be defined further?
A - The issue is how far down do you describe the details, especially with the rapid changes in technology. If we run into problems down the road, we can come back and revisit this if necessary.

Q - I like that interpretation, I was thinking 'school' would refer to 'district' but if school truly refers to each individual school then that works for me. Propose to use the language from the GBAB to add to further define the "good behavior".

Live reporting - Elementary School Improvement Plans

a. Elementary School’s School Improvement Plans

1. Davis Thayer – Shirley Babcock
Three goals, similar to last year, one added
Goal 1 - Literacy
Goal 2 - Communications
Goal 3 - Collaborative Learning
Goal 4 - Math Achievement

2. Jefferson – Jane Hyman
Goal 1 - Literacy
Goal 2 - Mathematics
Goal 3 - Home School Comunications
Goal 4 - Professional Learning Communities
Goal 5 - School Safety
Goal 6 - Supportive Learning Environment
Goal 7 - Technology Integration

3. Keller – Mary Jane Wiles
Goal 1 - Literacy
Goal 2 - Math
Goal 3 - Collaborative Leadership
Goal 4 - NAEYC Accreditation (1st year of 2 year process)

Q - What is this collaborative leadership goal?
A - The faculty have come forward with a suggestion to become more involved in addressing the problems that arise. The major issue we have is actually finding time to meet and implement this. We are attempting to meet quickly at the end of the day. We are looking for the problem to be brought forward with some strategies that have been already attempted.

4. Kennedy – Joan Toye
Goal 1 - Literacy
Goal 2 - Math
Goal 3 - Communications

5. Parmenter – Judi Bassignani
Goal 1 - Literacy
Goal 2 - Communications
Goal 3 - NAEYC Accreditation (2nd year of 2 year process)

6. Oak Street – Corine Minkle
Goal 1 - Literacy
Goal 2 - Math
Goal 3 -Response to Intervention (RTI)

Live reporting - School Committee

Attending: Armenio, Cafasso, Kelly, Mullen, Roy, Rohrbach, Trahan
Missing: none

1. Routine Business

Citizen’s Comments - none
Review of Agenda - move presentation from P Carlucci (sick) to a future meeting
Minutes: I recommend approval of the minutes from the September 8, 2009 School Committee Meeting.  motion to approve - passed 7-0
Payment of Bills - Mr. Kelly  motion to approve - passed 7-0
Payroll - Ms. Armenio
FHS Student Representatives
Correspondence  none

America on the Move - Wed 9/23 - 12:00

As part of the YMCA America on the Move, member of the Franklin Downtown Partnership

will be walking downtown for 30 minutes on

Wednesday, September 23rd at 12:00 noon.

They will be meeting in front of Cafe Dolce.

Please come and join them for a walk downtown.

For more information you can go to www.hockymca.org

Town Council Candidate - Glenn Jones

At the Harvest Festival this weekend, I picked up a copy of this letter to the "Concerned voters of Franklin". For those who did not make it to the Festival, here is your chance to review it.
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Glenn is one of 13 candidates for the Town Council election coming on November 3rd. I met with Glenn recently and our discussion has been drafted. The discussion will be published here during October as part of a series of posts planned to provide information on the candidates for this years election.

If you haven't already subscribed to Franklin Matters, I would recommend that you do. It is free and easy. You can subscribe via email, RSS Feed, or iTunes. The email subscription and the RSS Feed subscription are probably your best bet to get all the information published in a timely manner. The iTunes subscription will cover the podcast which while it is targeted for weekly doesn't always make that schedule.

The subscription options are available in the center column on the front page of Franklin Matters.

Note: email subscribers should click through to view the document on the website.

5th Annual Run for Bob

The Bob Biagiotti Memorial 5K Run/Walk will be held on Saturday, October 3rd at the Putnam Investments facility here in Franklin.

Registration can be accomplished in advance online here

The flyer will additional details can be viewed here:
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