Friday, October 23, 2009

A call to action on climate control

Sent to you by Steve Sherlock via Google Reader:

via The Milford Daily News News RSS by Ashley Studley/Daily News staff on 10/21/09

In observance of the International Day of Climate Action, the Franklin Area Climate Team is doing its part to spread awareness and motivate residents to start acting before it's too late.
The team will host a Cut the Carbon event on Saturday at 3 p.m. in front of Foxborough Universalist Church at 6 Bird St., Foxborough.

Team member Ted McIntyre of Franklin said the idea is to "try and educate people on the 350 number, which is the level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere we need to get back to."
McIntyre explained that the planet's carbon levels are close to 390 parts per million. If this number is not reduced dramatically, the results could be detrimental, he said.

Things you can do from here:

Thursday, October 22, 2009

School Committee candidate - Jeff Roy

Preparing for the November 3rd election, much focus has been on the Town Council as they have final say over the full budget for the Town's services. However, fully half of the budget details are under the control of the School Committee. While there are seven candidates for seven positions, we still should know something about what their plans are.

I sat recently with the current Chairman, Jeff Roy, to review his campaign for re-election. You'll notice the first three questions are the same as that asked of the Town Council candidates. I felt those were equally applicable to both sets of candidates. The Open Space question is less applicable to the School Committee so we punted on the fourth.

According to the new FTC blogger disclosure rules, you should be aware that when Jeff and I got together at Cafe Dolce, he did pay for my sandwich and drink. Such action is very much appreciated but it does not change my approach to the interview. As I have done with all the other candidate postings, this is a collaborative effort. The sole purpose is to provide information to the Franklin voters so they can make an informed decision on November 3rd. You should also be aware that while the new FTC rules are scheduled to take effect on 12/1/2009, I have a disclosure statement that dates back to January 2005.

Franklin Matters

1. What is Franklin's big issue? What steps should we take to resolve it?

Jeff Roy

Attracting and retaining the best and brightest teachers to work in the Franklin School system is my top priority.  We have some great teachers in our district already and we continuously look for ways to improve the quality of our educational workforce, understanding that the human capital of our teachers will determine the quality of our schools.  In February, I posted a blog entry (click here to read it) including a presentation by Bill Gates on great teachers.  Gates first recognizes that the economy is only providing opportunities to people who have a better education, and having great teachers is the key thing to providing these opportunities.   As such, it should be our goal to get top teachers in front of our students.  Having strong and vital schools is important for every community.  More education is also linked to better physical and mental health, longer lives, fewer crimes, less incarceration, more voting, greater tolerance, and brighter prospects for the next generation.

Preserving sports programs, the arts, music and other extra-curriculars is another priority.  Education is important to the development of young citizens, and that education is important not only for the mind, but also the body.  Sports and other extracurricular activities certainly contribute to well-roundedness, and other attributes that are important for success. Music and the arts help people open their minds and create joyful harmonies that bring out the best in themselves and their colleagues.  If we all went about our business the way musicians do – where your actions complement your fellow musician – then the world would be a totally different place.

Franklin Matters

2. What is your position on the Financial Planning Committee report?

Jeff Roy
It was a good first step.  As the report points out, to maintain services, the district needs to increase revenues or continue to cut costs.  Our choices speak to the type of community we want.  Cutting costs moves us in the wrong direction and our community already spends far less than the state average in all 11 categories monitored by DESE.  I want a community that provides the best education for its children, a safe environment for all, and a welcome home for seniors who made the town what it is today.  That kind of commitment, however, requires us to collectively invest in our educational system and maintain the infrastructure for everyone.

Franklin has always been a community with high expectations for its schools – in academics, in athletics, in the arts and in community service. Our focus on the classroom delivers a consistently high-performing school district. Students and parents have enjoyed a high return with minimal investment.  We must continue to invest in their future.  

Franklin Matters
3. What is your position on the proposed Charter revisions?

Jeff Roy
The only aspect of the Charter revisions which directly affect the schools are the terms of office.  In that regard, I think they should be staggered.  I attended the Charter Commission meeting on April 3, 2007 and made it known that I favor staggered terms, with two or three members being elected at the same time.  This would lead to increased participation in government and would likely encourage more people to run for office.   The notion that we cannot change to staggered terms because of problems with the logistics of implementing the plan is not a solution.

Franklin Matters

4. What have been some of the accomplishments in the Franklin school system over last eight years?

Jeff Roy

There have been many highlights over the last eight years.  We are particularly pleased that we are able to maintain Franklin as a high performing school district despite budget challenges.  This is a tribute to the talent and dedication of the employees in this system.   I have had the opportunity to work with many dedicated and hard-working individuals who are committed to public education and the Franklin community.  It is particularly meaningful to do this work in the birthplace of Horace Mann, the father of public education.  Some of the most notable items that come to mind are the following:

  • The opening of five new schools including Sullivan Middle, Keller Elementary, Horace Mann Middle, Oak Street Elementary & the O'Regan Early Childhood Development Center
  • Increased communications between the School Committee and community
  • Web access to School Committee and schools (click here)
  • Having Franklin recognized as one of the top 10 communities to raise a family according to Family Circle magazine
  • Having many of our staff members recognized for their accomplishments including Massachusetts teacher of the year, Presidential Awards for Excellence in Science and Math, a Milkin Award winner, and so many others
  • Increased use of technology in the school system
  • Advancement of leaders from within district (Superintendent & Principals)
  • Numerous commendations to our schools including the 2007-08 report from the Office of Educational Quality Assurance (EQA) that directly affect and speak to student performance:  High MCAS scores, curricular alignment with state frameworks, the district professional development program, and the mentoring program.

I am looking forward to continuing to serve on the School Committee in Franklin and committed to keeping us on the path of greatness.

Jeff, on behalf of the Franklin voters, thank you for taking the time to share these thoughts with us. Good luck on November 3rd.

Town Council Mtg Smry 10/21/09

The collection of posts that were "live reported" from the Council meeting of Wednesday October 21 are here:

Congressman McGovern on Healthcare Reform

On Monday October 26th, the United Regional Chamber of Commerce will be sponsoring a Legislative Breakfast at Highland Country Club in Attleboro and we would like to invite you to join us. The keynote speaker will be Congressman James McGovern and the topic will be Healthcare Reform.

Registration begins at 7:30am and the program will begin at 8:15am.

The cost to attend is $20. 

Please RSVP by e-mail or call the North Attleboro office at 508-695-6011 

Downtown Partnership Networking Luncheon

Come join the Franklin Downtown Partnership Networking Luncheon

meet new members, learn new ideas and share your business or organization with others.


Downtown Partnership Networking Luncheon


Friday, November 6th
12:00 noon 


Dean College Campus Center
Golder Room-2nd Floor
(Parking is near the campus tennis courts due to construction)

How much:
$5.00 for a delicious lunch and great conversation!

Please RSVP Joel Carrara at

Any questions please call the FDP office at (774)571-3109

In the News - Vietnam War Heroes

Rose Turco formally invited the Town of Franklin and members of the Council to the dedication ceremony to e held on Nov 8th. Additional info from the Town Council meeting can be found here.

Vietnam vets to be honored in Franklin

from The Milford Daily News Homepage RSS

 If you click through to read the story on the Milford Daily News page, you'll perhaps recognize the photo. I did provide the photo and permission for it to be used by the paper.

In the News - and then there were 12

From the Town Council meeting Wednesday evening, one of the key items was the withdrawal of Bryce Kuchs from the race for council. Due to increased work responsibilities, he would be unable to fulfill the time requirements for serving on the Town Council. He let it be known that if elected, he would not be able to serve.

He is not actively campaigning for the election. His name remains on the ballot. The deadline to withdrawn from the election and ballot was earlier this month. The ballots are printed and ready to go. Absentee ballots are already available.

The second key item is the two individual who choose to abstain on the vote to endorse the Financial Planning Committee report. Pfeffer and Vallee are part of the current council who chartered the committee to prepare the report. They know (or should know) more about the contents of the report than those who may be new to the Council after the election Nov 3rd. If they can't make a decision to say that these numbers are correct, then there is something wrong with their logic. The incoming council members would have less a chance to know as much as they currently do. At worse, it would take precious time to get up to speed. Time that could be better spent taking action to avoid the financial problems facing Franklin.

Franklin council endorses long-range fiscal plan

from The Milford Daily News News RSS

If you click through to read the article online, you'll notice a familiar picture. I did provide and authorize the use of the photos I took at the Council meeting last night.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Live reporting - Administrator, Councilor comments, closing

Fire Dept Halloween Fest coming

old business
new business

Councilor Comments
Zollo - commends the three of the departing members for their service
The election coming up could be one of the most important one for Franklin. Encourages everyone to study the issues, the candidates and their positions, and cast your ballot for those who would best represent your views on the council.

McGann - commends the three departing along with Zollo
I have been asked "Joe why I have you missed so many meetings." I have some personal issues. I have had some financial issues. I have lost family members recently and am about to lose two more within a few days."

Doak - thanks for the nice and personal thanks for what he had been able to contribute. It is hard to believe it has been six years on the Council. It has been a pleasure to serve. I want to acknowledge Carlo Geromini for his help. The Council has been relatively boring. We have had some humor from Councilor McGann from time to time. We have had quite a few improvements and established some credibility, including the first ever override that was passed. Jeff thanks for your help.
  • Have to be patient, can't solve them all at once.
  • Listen to the people around you.
  • Keep things going, if you can leave things a little better than when you arrived you did a good thing.
Pfeffer -
1 - Two trees at corner of Cottage were taken down
2 - The plants taken in front of the new Walgreens, were those saved, are they coming back?

Whalen - Encourage community service, it is a learning experience and rewarding. It feels like the turnout might be extremely light. I would encourage a turnout.

Mason - I share the sentiments that have already been spoken. Chris and I have been friends since we were six. Thanks to Deb and Tom for working together and being friends.

Vallee - I echo the others sentiments.

Bartlett - Your community is what you make of it. It can be at whatever level you can do, there are a million different ways. There are going to be tough times where people will need to come together. It has been an honor to work for this Town. It has been a privilege.

Feeley - I would like to thank you.  While I am not running for re-election this year, this is not to say that I won't run again.

The three leaving the Town Council posed for a photo: (left to right) Deb Bartlett, Chris Feeley, and Tom Doak.


My thanks to them their service to Franklin. I hope they thoroughly enjoy their new "free" time.

live reporting - legislation

1.  Resolution 09-67: Acceptance of Covenant-Lakeview Terrace
motion to approve - passed 9-0

2.  Resolution 09-68: Acceptance of Gift – Franklin Senior Center
motion to approve - passed 9-0 

If I heard this correctly, in a time of uncertain revenues, a self-imposed hiring freeze at the Municipal Bldg for Town employees, and facing some undefined reduction in State revenue fort this current year which depending upon the amount could result in further cuts in service or personnel, the Town Council just authorized a part-time hiring based upon a donation (which may or may not be sustaining).

It may be for a good cause (i.e supposedly a cook at the Senior Center) but this is indeed puzzling.

This would be a good question to ask of the candidates on Monday evening at the Town Council Debate.

Live reporting - Financial Planning Committee

Jim Roche, Chairman
Doug Hardesty, Vice-Chair

The report as presented during April has been updated with the latest numbers on this years budget and an updated forecast for the next few years.
The deficit is structural and continuing. The biggest impact will be felt next year.
Prior deficits were resolved with a variety of one time fixes. These are not available.

Teacher salaries will increase in the first ten years, due to market dynamics. This is one example. The structural deficit will continue year in and year out.

The limitation on property taxes is a factor, the other factor is we are dependent more than surrounding towns on State Aid.

Motion to add resolution 09-69 to the agenda. Motion to approve, 9-0

Vallee arrives

Endorsement - text to be provided later
Motion to approve, passed 9-0

Amendment proposed to add "declining" to the sentence.

Judy speaking against adoption as the new Council will have to live with it. She will abstain.
Vallee will join Pfeffer in abstaining.
Whalen speaks for this Council endorsing
Doak speaks for this Council endorsing
Zollo agrees that the next Council will have to live with it, This is an unbiased report, they allowed the facts to come to a unanimous conclusion. There was a wide variance on the objectives and outcomes at the beginning but the outcome is clear.

Motion to approve, 7-0, 2 abstain (Pfeffer, Vallee)


Live reporting - Appointments, Recognitions

Brian Henderson
Disability Commission,   motion to appoint, passed 8-0

Phyllis Messere

Public Land Use Committee  motion to appoint, passed 8-0

Tom Doak and Deb Bartlett we also recognized for their long years of service in a variety of roles, including their most recent role on the Town Council.

Chris Feeley was also recognized with the presentation of a plaque for his service on the Council.

Live reporting - Town Council

Attending: Whalen, Mason, Bartlett, Feeley, Pfeffer, Doak, McGann, Zollo
Missing: Vallee (arrived at 7:20 PM)


– October 7, 2009, Regular & Executive Session
Motion to approve - passed 8-0

Bryce Kuchs will not be able to fulfill the responsibilities of the Town Council  position due to a change in his work. He will not be campaigning for election.

Rose Turco read the Vietnam War Fallen Heroes Signs Dedication invitation to the Town Council and to the Franklin public.


A close up of the six Franklin Vietnam War Heroes to be recognized.


Sunday November 8th, 2009  2:00 PM
Town Common War Memorial Plaza

If raining, this will be held at the same time in the Senior Center.

The full invitation can be seen here:

Discover Simple, Private Sharing at



Candidate Forum at Senior Center in jeopardy

There is a Candidate Forum at the Senior Center on Wednesday, October 28th at 9:00 AM.

If you would like to attend please call the Senior Center to register (508-520-4945).

If there are not enough people attending, they may cancel the Forum. Decision for the cancellation would be made on Friday, October 23.

Note: The Town Council Candidates Debate is still scheduled for Monday, October 26th at 7:00 PM in the Council Chambers on the 2nd floor of the Municipal Bldg. This will also be broadcast via the cable channels as well as the Internet webcast.

Police to hold Halloween Festival

Franklin Police will hold its annual Halloween Festival Sunday, October 25h from 11:00 AM to 3:00 PM at the Franklin High School fieldhouse.

Additional details in the flyer originally posted on the Franklin Police website:

Discover Simple, Private Sharing at

This event is targeted for kids in Grade 5 and younger!

Traffic Alert: MassPike Overnight Tunnel Closures

Sent to you by Steve Sherlock via Google Reader:

via Commonwealth Conversations: Transportation by Klark Jessen on 10/20/09

MassPike E-Traveler To allow for tunnel construction and inspection work in the Prudential Tunnel, I-90 (MassPike) East between Exit #22 (Prudential Center/Copley Square) and South Boston will be closed at night intermittently throughout October and November beginning tonight Tuesday, October 20, 2009 and tomorrow night Wednesday, October 21, 2009 from 11:30 PM to 5:00 AM the following morning. Direct access to the Ted Williams Tunnel from Frontage Road, and South Boston will remain open.

All traffic will be directed off the Turnpike at Copley Square onto Stuart Street.  Drivers should follow the posted detour route on Stuart Street, Arlington Street, and Herald Street and continue following the posted detour signs to their destinations, as indicated below:

To South Station, Downtown and I-93 North: From Herald Street, turn right onto Albany Street.  From Albany Street, take left onto Broadway Connector and follow the existing signs. Alternate route would be to exit Masspike at Allston/Brighton Tolls and travel east on Storrow Drive.

To Massachusetts Avenue: Turn right onto Albany Street.  Continue south on Albany Street to Massachusetts Avenue.

To I-93 South: From Herald Street, at the Albany Street intersection, take first left onto the I-93 South on-ramp.

To I-90 East/South Boston/Airport: Turn right onto Albany Street.  Continue south on Albany Street and use the Ramp to I-90 East from the Albany Street Connector.
In addition, drivers should be aware that the Massachusetts Highway Department will continue to have lane closures on I-93 bridge deck repairs south of the city near Neponset Circle for its interstate maintenance project.  Bridge deck repairs and conduit work for highway lighting replacement will continue on I-93 north of the city near the Mystic River crossing.
Check all MassPike traffic advisories here.

Things you can do from here: