Saturday, July 16, 2011

In the News: there was a market for this

Franklin detectives saw the men exchange something with someone in a second car, police said, and then followed the second car and stopped a man who, by that time, had a baggie of what was later identified as cocaine in his mouth. 
The detectives then returned to the parking lot and saw a second exchange within an hour and a half involving the same green car, the police report said. 
Detectives interrupted that deal, which this time was heroin, and arrested Dejesus-Escbales and Delossantos, according to court documents. 
The two people who bought the drugs were not arrested and instead were summoned to court on possession charges, police said. 
Police found 13 small bags of heroin, one large bag of heroin, and a bag of cocaine in the Honda, along with $2,158 in cash. Officers also found five cellphones, which rang repeatedly during the arrests, according to court reports.

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Friday, July 15, 2011

Farmers Market Open Today !

Franklin Farmers Market,  Friday,  12:00pm to 6:00pm

Franklin: Farmers Market

United Regional Young Professionals Organization announces website and membership opportunities

The United Regional Young Professionals Organization (YPO) announced the launch of their website at and is accepting new members. The YPO consists of a diverse group of young professionals who have an interest in social and business networking, community involvement and professional development.
The YPO was organized in 2010 by the United Regional Chamber of Commerce in direct response to the challenges in attracting and retaining diverse young professionals and to develop the next generation of leadership. The annual membership fee of $50 is waived for the first year for United Regional Chamber of Commerce members. 
The YPO is co-hosting a “Christmas in July” networking event with the Hampton Inn in Franklin on July 28. “The hotel will be decorated inside and out for Christmas – Trees, lights, holiday music, movies, the works!” says Amanda Gentile, Director of Sales at the Hampton Inn Franklin/Milford and Board Member of the YPO. The festivities will include pictures with Santa, Christmas ornaments, cookies, hot apple cider and coco buffet, and a hotel hunt for fabulous gifts. You may register for this event on the YPO’s website or by contacting 508-488-YPO1 (9761).

1-08-06 christmas tree 011

"The end product is very much their own"

In another movie, a dozen characters fight for the title of Greatest Warrior. 
But the class is more than goofing off with gruesome fight scenes. Kids learn how to use a plethora of gadgets, from cameras to tripods, to USB cables, to memory cards. They learn how to make a better picture with or without the flash, edit audio and video clips, and download data to the computer program they used. 
Bisbee said she also incorporates some creative writing in having the kids plan out their characters, plot and settings on paper and storyboards before acting the script out. More than the technical and academic skills, though, the kids learn teamwork. 
"They definitely get a feel for what it's like to work cooperatively and be creative. They play off each other's strengths," said Bisbee, noting that the teams have to plan together and come to a consensus throughout the week. "It's a cooperative project from beginning to end."

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Thousands needed for tornado cleanup July 30-31

Sent to you by Steve Sherlock via Google Reader:

via The Milford Daily News News RSS by GateHouse Media, Inc. on 7/14/11

Severe Weather_3851301.jpg
Thousands of volunteers are needed for a cleanup drive on Saturday and Sunday, July 30-31, in the communities affected by the June 1 tornadoes that struck western and central Massachusetts.

Things you can do from here:

Drop off unused drugs at Franklin PD

Sent to you by Steve Sherlock via Google Reader:

via The Milford Daily News News RSS by GateHouse Media, Inc. on 7/14/11

A drug take-back container is now in the Franklin police station lobby at 911 Panther Way.

Things you can do from here:

Thursday, July 14, 2011

"amendments were approved unanimously and without discussion"

The downtown district will now be labeled a mixed-use, transit-oriented area, with specific emphasis on restaurants and retail. 
The amendments are stricter on residential use than commercial. 
Apartments are restricted to upper floors, with no more than 1 dwelling per 2,000 square feet of a lot area downtown. 
While there was previously no parking restriction, each residential unit must now provide 1.5 parking spaces. There is still no parking restriction for businesses.
The 20-foot setback from the street or sidewalk originally required for buildings now starts at a minimum of 5 feet, with 15 feet for four-story buildings. Upper floors are allowed to overhang that minimum requirement.
The new rules only apply to buildings that are three stories or lower, and proposals for taller structures would still have to get special permit.

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